Re the Alleged Bombers

These guys were once happy to accept their fate handed down by a highly respected Indonesian Court officials as they were happy with the result and happy to accept the accolades for being martyrs to the revolution for an act that caused a great deal of distress to other human beings and with the full support of their spiritual leader .

Now they are not sure whether or not that they actually committed these acts and are trying to get out from underneath by using weasel words and their spiritual leader is trying to sheet home the responsibility of the Bali Bombings to the Americans viz. the CIA.

So is it proud and honourable to commit these acts in the name of the revolution and accept all that martyrdom endows or is it a disgraceful act of pro - American aggression to be involved in such skulduggery that caused the demise of innocents of all persuasions and nationalities.

It cannot be both .

quote from ..smh ...

Indonesian cleric blames CIA for Bali bombing
October 17, 2008

Other related coverage
• Bali bombers will be shot within a fortnight

An Indonesian Islamic cleric linked to the three extremists awaiting execution for the Bali bombings said today the 2002 attack which killed more than 200 people, including 88 Australians, was the work of the CIA.
Abu Bakar Bashir told AFP the US intelligence agency had fired a nuclear missile at the Bali tourist strip from a ship off the coast.
"It has been mentioned as being a micro-nuclear bomb, not a regular bomb... The bomb was made by the CIA, it could be no one else," he said in his house at the Al-Mukmin Islamic boarding school on Indonesia's Java island.
He said the attack was a conspiracy between "America, Australia and the Jews" and the three convicted bombers -- Amrozi, Imam Samudra and Ali Ghufron -- had been framed.
"The bomb Amrozi set off, the first one, at most it shattered glass and didn't wound people, or at most wounded them a little," he said, sitting on the floor and wearing the white clothes and skullcap of a religious man.