The dreadful calamity that is befallen upon a servant of God
is not in the form of natural disaster such as flood, tornado,
volcano, earthquake and etc,
Also not if he is afflicted with a severe cancer, or being slandered and defamed by others,
Or living in suffer such as no food and drink,
Even though he is detained, jailed and imprisoned, or to be executed,
These are not reckoned as dreadful calamity or misfortune,
But what is actually meant by terrible catastrophe includes:
The loss of faith; one who used to adhere the 'syariat' laws of God becomes delinquent, his strong conviction on religion becomes shakable,
Saying the congregational prayer that has been his routine of life turns to be neglected,
The act of devotion that has been performed constantly is abandoned,
He feels lazy to carry it out, even he feels suffer to execute it,
The laws of God that have been stick to well is not observed anymore,
He no longer cares about (particularly their religion) his wife and children,
He violates the prohibition of religion,
The fear of God is dissolving from his soul,
He does not heed in regard to lawful or forbidden things in Islam (in his business) as much as he gets profit (that is not ascertained yet),
His heart is closed for any advice,
The truth that is given unacceptable,
He enrages if he is told off,
Some people from this group are proud to commit evils in front of their friends,
His mind is preoccupied with the worldly pleasure,
The evil traits grow up in his heart,
This is the most dreadful and horrible catastrophe,
To leave the truth,
To lose the faith,
We seek Allah's protection from the loss of faith…