We Asked 12 People What They Considered The Greatest Sign Of Maturity, The Answers Are Insightful
Why aren’t you mature enough?

Is this maturity?

Do you call yourself mature?

Don't we hear stuff like that way too much? We do.

As we grow up, we are expected to act a certain way. While as kids, we are given a free pass in a lot of situations, as adults we're expected to behave differently. So, it looks like adulting and maturity, go hand in hand. However, is there really a fixed definition of maturity? Is there a code of conduct for mature people, enshrined anywhere in the world? If not, isn't the term subjective? In all likelihood, it means different things to different people.

So, we asked a few people what they consider the greatest sign of maturity, just to see how much their answers vary.

1. "Not reacting on every damn thing and keeping yourself calm instead of getting into an unnecessary argument, is maturity for me."

2. "Maturity is simply realising how much you don't know and working towards it, rather than hiding it."


3. "When you know that you don't really want alcohol or other drugs to have fun. When it is the conversation that makes you happy."


4. "People get mature when they start taking the advice they keep giving to other people. If you don't get the statement, you're probably not mature enough."


5. "You grow as a person when the stressful situations do not impact your behavior with other people around. Throwing tantrums at others take you far away from maturity."


6. "Accepting flaws and judging other people by the same metrics you judge yourself. If you can excuse yourself for being rude sometimes when you lose your temper, because you had a bad day, or got terrible news, why can't you give others the benefit of the doubt as well?"


7. "Doing good deeds even when there is nothing in it for you other than knowing you helped - being selfless."


8. "When you genuinely feel happy for others when they succeed and do not feel the need to criticise their achievements in order to satisfy yourself."


9. "When you understand the fact that life is not fair and might never be. It is how you make it. "


10. "Maturity is when you can differentiate between 'need and want', and you can let go of your wants or save a little more for your wants."


11. "Maturity is when you are able to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, value, morals or self-worth, because it is your peace of mind that is of utmost importance."


12. "Simply when you realize that you alone can make yourself happy and external factors are less important."