looks like the wombosi's yacht scene out of the Bourne Identity.
Allah saved the man.

Maldives president escapes explosion on speedboat

Boat carrying Yameen Abdul Gayoom involved in unexplained explosion, which is reported to have injured his wife and a bodyguard

The president of the*Maldives*appeared to have escaped unscathed from an explosion on his speedboat as he returned to the luxury tourist destination from the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

The blast occurred as the boat carrying Yameen Abdul Gayoom, who took power after a contested election in the island nation in 2013, approached the main jetty of the capital Malé.Officials said Gayoom’s wife, Fathimath Ibrahim, and a bodyguard suffered minor injuries.
The 56-year-old president, his wife and a number of members of his entourage were taken directly to hospital following the incident.

complete article here: