I'd like some advice on a topic that is concerning me a lot currently. I've met a man, he is pakistani (shia) and I am Iranian (shia). When we first met I brought up the differences in our culture/ethnicity and he let me know that his family would be fine with it as long as I'm a good muslim. Now he has told his parents and his mother has made a full 180 and is refusing to meet with me because I'm not Pakistani. This has given me a lot of grief as I can't do anything about it, I feel like I've not been given a chance.

His father and sister are talking to the mother trying to convince her to at least see me in person, and he is going to do so also, but I am getting a feeling that it might be a challenge. Is there any way to get support in this? Islamically there is nothing wrong with us getting married, it's just cultural divides, and it would be great to hear from someone with similar problems....

He and his father had a discussion with the mother last night, and this ended up in a screaming fight. She is not budging while he and his dad are questioning on why as it's not fair and islamically not correct either. They came out unsuccessful and the father ended up arguing with the mother. The plan is to try again but let it be some time in between. If the 2nd try doesn't work then we will most likely have to split This is why I'm trying to gather some advice on how to get some help in this as it's crucial for this 2nd time. I want to get someone in that is educated within Islam that can speak to her, but he isn't keen on doing that.

Any support would be valuable!

Thank you!

Thank you.