Are exams stressing you out?

Do you have a big day ahead of you?

Do you feel that others are always one step ahead?

Do you feel that there simply aren't enough hours in the day?

= Revisit your relationship with the Qur’an.

Ibrahim Al-Maqdisi advised his student, ‘Abbas Ibn ‘Abd-AdDaayim:

أكثر من قراءة القرآن ولا تتركه ، فإنه يتيسر لك الذي تطلبه على قدر ما تقرأ
“Increase the amount of Qur’an which you recite and do not abandon it! For the assistance which you'll receive with regards to the matter which you strive towards depends on how much you recite.”

His student said,

فرأيت ذَلِكَ وجربته كثيرا، فكنت إِذَا قرأت كثيرا تيسر لي من سماع الْحَدِيث وكتابته الكثير، وإذا لَمْ أقرأ لَمْ يتيسر لي.
“I experienced just that and tried it many times! If I recited abundantly, I would excel in my studies of Hadith, but if I didn’t, it would become difficult.”

(From the book, ‘Dhayl Tabaqaat Al-Hanaabila’)

Dedicate a daily portion for the Qur’an that you do not omit and simply watch its effects as they unfold.