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**~~My story~~**

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    Na7lah's Avatar Full Member
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    **~~My story~~**

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    “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar…” I could here my brother’s voice ring out from downstairs. I just groaned and pulled the blankets over my head to muffle the sound.
    “Haya Ala As-Salah...” he kept on going. A wave of guilt swept over me and I tried to ignore it but a voice from inside me started nagging, “Get up! How could you sleep when someone is calling you to Salat?” I couldn’t get back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. Angrily I jumped of my bed and went to the bathroom to make Wudu’. I collided with Khawla on my way.
    “Well. Look who got up for Fajr!” she exclaimed the surprise clearly visible on her face.
    “Just leave me alone ok?” I grumbled.
    “Why are you so grumpy, I’m just complimenting you?!”
    I pushed past her and went to the bathroom and made Wudu’. At first I just wanted to get over with it and I started performing it improperly. But the same voice started nagging again.
    “What’s the use of getting up if you’re not going to do it right?”
    So I started all over again making sure the water reached everyplace. When I finished I went downstairs into the living room where my family were just getting ready to pray. My father called the Iqamah then started.
    “Allahu Akbar!” he said raising his hands. I stood behind my father next to Khalid, my brother. My mom and two sisters stood behind us.
    “Alhamdulillahi Rabil Alamin…” My father recited from the Quran, his voice pleasant and melodious.
    “…Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.” My dad turned his face to his right then his left. We followed suite. Then they all turned to face me a smile on their faces.
    “MashaAllah Khalil. I’m so happy to see you praying again.” My mom started hugging me and making everything into a big deal.
    My dad slapped me on the back. “I hope Allah will guide you my son.”
    “Big deal! Why do you guys care so much about what I do? I’m not a kid anymore you know!”
    “Khalil I just…” my mom began.
    I just rolled my eyes and got up to go back to my room. Suddenly I saw a look of hurt on my mom’s face and I felt filled with regret. I hurried away and heard the voice again.
    “You hurt your mother by rolling your eyes in front of her. Especially after she praised you! You better go back and make it up to her!”
    What I couldn’t do that! I would just look like some sort of fool and besides Mom will just get over it. Soon Khalid comes back into the room.
    “Hey man what’s wrong?” he asked.
    Khalid and I are twins, identical twins to be exact. The only thing that people use to distinguish between us was that he has a scar near his eye. I remember he got it when we were younger when he fell off his bike. But even though we looked alike, we were as different as night and day. He was all religious and stuff while I was more of a ‘’bad boy’’. And he took it upon himself to make sure I didn’t get myself into the really “bad” things. But to Khalid almost everything was bad.

    But even with all these differences, Khalid and I somehow got along together really well. And right now I could tell he was angry.
    “Why? What did I do?” I asked innocently.
    “What do you mean ‘why’? You just shout at mom then you say ‘what did I do?’.”
    “I just don’t see why they make such a big deal over everything I do. I’m totally sick and tired of this man!”
    “Come on, that does not give you any right to shout at her and hurt her feelings. I seriously think they were just trying to boost up your confidence and be nice so you can pray a bit more like you should be.”
    “Khalid, you know I’ve always prayed my Salah.”
    “Yeah except, you didn’t use to pray the Fajr Salah which is like the most important.”
    “Use to. I pray now thanks to your screeching voice waking me up every morning. Man, you sound like a witch. Actually I think witches have nicer voices.” I joked.
    “What!!! That’s it! You asked for it you…”
    “Watch it you’re not supposed to say bad words. Do I have to remind you ‘bout that, Sheikh Khalid?”

    We started wrestling and laughing our heads off ‘till mom yelled to stop goofing ‘round.
    “Come on boys. Breakfast is almost ready! Get dressed and come down. And stop acting like clowns!”
    We were soon all sitting around the dining room table eating what would fill up an army. Mom always liked to cook a lot even though we were only six people.
    “Your Aunt and Uncle are coming over today sometime after Dhuhr. So I want all of you to be on your best behavior.” My dad announced. He was always about behavior and manners.
    “Are Aisha and Ahmed coming with them?” Khawla asked.
    “Yes.” Came the answer.
    Aisha and Ahmed were our cousins. Ahmed was our age. We always had a great time together. We would usually play jokes and pranks on the girls who would always have something for a pay back. Aisha was his sister and was eight years old. She was a natural comedian and got away with everything probably because she was “Mommy’s Baby”. Also our Uncle was like the best guy my brother and I know. He always has some sort of gift for us. And they weren’t those lame ones that people usually give hoping that you’ll like them when they probably don’t cost more than a dollar. But then again that’s probably why they get them those kinds of lousy gifts.

    So at Dhuhr time my brother and I go with my dad to the Masjid. After we prayed, we goofed around on the parking lot with some other boys from school while we all waited for our fathers to stop chit chatting with each other. Which Khalid thinks is weird. He thinks that only girls should do that. It’s not “cool for a guy to spend all his time talking” he says. I disagree with him but I don’t argue with him. (I learned not to argue with him. You’ll never win. And even when you do win he won’t admit to what ever it was that we were arguing about.)
    “Khalid, Khalil, lets go.” My dad called.
    As we were about to leave another guy comes up to my dad and they get into another long conversation. Khalil rolled his eyes.
    “You seem to have mastered the art of rolling you eyes Khalil.” I joked with him. “Just last week you were saying only girls roll their eyes. So either you were wrong back then or you turned into a girl.”
    That was all it took to get him running after me threatening to “get back” at me. We laughed as we chased each other around the parking lot which was filled with men.
    After a while I turned around and saw that Khalil wasn’t chasing me anymore. So I went to go see where he went. Knowing Khalil he was never too far away from trouble. I saw his head poke out from behind a car so I ran up to him. As I got close I saw he had a branch he probably chopped down from a tree. It was as tall as him and had a diameter of about seven inches. I didn’t care how big it was, I knew I wasn’t gona stick around to see how much damage it could cause to the human being. With a hideous battle cry he charged toward me and I dashed away wondering if he’d really use it. I ran and hid behind dad knowing he wouldn’t dare use it on me in front of dad. I was right as he came closer he threw it down far away. I smirked as he came closer. He just ignored me.
    “Dad can we leave now? You know we’re gona have guests coming over.” He asked impatiently.
    “Ok, ok we’ll leave soon Inshallah. Bear with me for a couple of minutes son.”
    Khalid came over to me.
    “Baby.” He smirked. I poked him in the ribs and he retuned the favor. Dad saw and scolded us with his eyes as he spoke to yet another man.
    “Don’t worry Khalid. I’ll get you back for calling me a girl. And next time you won’t be able to run behind dad so he can protect you. You’ll be long gone before that.” He made a big show about how “strong” he was by flexing his muscles.
    “Oohh I’m so scared.” I mocked. “Anyways that was payback for calling me a witch this morning.”
    “I thought that you’re supposed to be forgiving everyone Sheikh Khalid. Besides I didn’t call you a witch. I said “Even a witch sounds better then you.” I think you need some hearing aids. I’ll remember to remind Dad about that. You’ll probably thank me later when you can hear well. Wait did you just hear everything I just said or did I just waste my time talking to the ‘witch’.”
    “I don’t know all I heard was a couple of mumbles.
    “What Ever! You’re just jealous that I can hear better than you. ”
    “I can hear perfectly well Khalid.” And our argument ended at that.
    He sighed. “By the time we leave here it will be Asr.”
    “Don’t worry Khalil we’re leaving now.” My dad said.
    **~~My story~~**

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    We finally left the Masjid after what seemed like a thousand make that, a million years. I never knew my dad could talk for that long. When we got home our guests were already there. Ahmed was shooting hoops on the driveway. Khalid and I joined while my dad went inside.
    “Hey guys!” Ahmed said. “What took you guys so long? Do you know how long I was here waiting for you?”
    “My dad was chatting with some guys and we ended up waiting for about an hour.” Khalid replied.
    “I know what you mean. I always have to wait for my dad to finish talking. And I use to think women talked a lot.” Ahmed said.
    “Hey, men talk. Women just gossip and talk ‘bout how they look, what they’re gona wear, what they’re gona cook, and whole lot of other stuff.” I explained.
    They laughed.
    “What? It’s true!” I said innocently.
    “Come on you guys lets play. You two against me.” Ahmed bragged.
    “You sure? With me on the team you wont last a second.” I replied back.
    “We’ll see about that.”
    I knew Ahmed was good cause we played on the same team in basketball at school and he was the bomb. But we still teased each other and argued like little kids.
    “Can we watch?” Khawla asked. She had Aisha and Khadeejah behind her. Khawla and Khadeejah were twins like us. They were two years younger than us. But unlike us they were the best of friends and they almost never fought. Khawla seemed to be the “leader” while Aisha and Khadeejah just followed everything she did.

    “Don’t you have anything else to do?” I asked.
    “No. We’re bored. The grownups are having some sort of meeting and they said to not come into the house.”
    “Leave them Khalil.” Ahmed said. “They can watch if they want. I want them to see that I can beat you to a game any day.”
    We played 6 games. Khalid and I won three and Ahmed won three.
    “Good game guys! But you only got tied with me because you have two players.” Ahmed said.
    “Yah right Ahmed! I can beat you with my eyes closed! I boasted jokingly.
    “Well its gona have to be another day then cause I don’t think I can play for another second.”
    We laughed and ran upstairs.
    We played games and goofed around until Mom called us to lunch.
    Like usual Mom cooked more than enough. The rice was a mountain on our plates. But for once in my life I was happy she cooked a lot. After our game I was starved. We practically devoured our food. My dad kicked me from under the table to stop eating so fast.
    “So kids how about going out somewhere for dessert after this?” Amu Ali asked.
    “Amu we’re…” I started.
    “Sorry I know you’re not kids. So what do you want me to call you guys?” Amu interrupted.
    We exchanged glances.
    “How bout Shabbab or just boys?” Khalid answered.
    “Great! So how bout it?”
    “Okay,” we said simultaneously. So we were waiting outside waiting for Amu to come out.

    Soon the girls came out side and joined us in the driveway.
    “Amu said to wait for a little bit while he speaks on the phone.” Khawla announced.
    “A little bit? If I know him we’re going to be staying here a lot more than a little bit.” Ahmed declared.
    “Not again!” Khalil groaned.
    “I’m gona read while we wait. Call me when he comes out.” Khadeejah said. She took her book and sat under a tree. At fourteen Khadeejah already acted like a young lady. Unlike Khawla she was serious and always hungry for knowledge. We usually found her reading or listening to lectures or speeches. Between her and Khawla I was closer to her.

    “You read too much Deej.” Khalil teased her. “By the time you grow up you won’t be able to see anymore because of your frequent reading.”
    “Hey at least I’ll be more knowledgeable than you.” She retorted back angrily.
    “Who said you’re smarter?”
    “No one. But I will be if you just waste all your time playing and goofing around.”
    “You know Deej, sometimes I feel so concerned about you.”
    “Why?” she asked
    “I worry about you learning about so many things and stuffing them into your brain. I really hope it doesn’t blow up eventually.” He said sarcastically as she flushed with anger.
    “Leave her alone Khalil!” I found myself saying.
    “What?” he said taken aback. “Since when did you become the boss?” “Just leave her what’s so bad about reading? You’re always reading comic books and comedy stuff.” I replied
    . “So! What’s so bad about that? You know what Khalid? I’m sick and tired of you telling me what to do all the time. When are you ever gona learn how to stay out of other people’s businesses? Why do you care if I tease someone if the person isn’t you?” He said angrily taking a step towards me with his fists clenched. Khawla ran back to the house with Aisha behind her. Khalil took another step this time with his fists up challenging me to fight him. His anger showed on his face clearly.
    “Cool it Khalil. It’s not a big deal.” Ahmed said pushing him back.
    “Leave me alone.” Khalil grumbled between clenched teeth.
    “Come on fighting is not gona help you in anyway Khalil.”
    “I said leave me alone!” He shouted pushing him down.
    “Stop it Khalil! If you ask me you’re really acting pretty immature.” Ahmed retorted as he got up. That was enough to get Khalil into a fit of rage. He aimed a punch at Ahmed but it got blocked.
    “Stop Khalil!” I shouted.
    “Go away Khalid.” He said. Soon he turned to me and began punching.
    Ahmed pulled him away from me.
    “Stop it now!” He hissed into his ear. Khalil just pushed him away.
    “Hey calm down guys what’s going on here?” A voice said behind us.
    We turned around and saw Dad standing behind us with his hands crossed on his chest. Amu was right behind him.
    “What are you guys fighting about?”
    Khalil just glared at me and turned away. Dad turned towards me waiting for an explanation. I sensed my face turn hot and stared at the ground. I felt tongue tied and I didn’t know what to say. I could just tell him what happened but that would get Khalil even madder.
    “Nothing Amu. They were just arguing.” Ahmed replied calmly.
    Dad didn’t look convinced but he didn’t say anything.
    Amu looked at us. “I’m sorry guys but I’m afraid we won’t be going anywhere today. I have a meeting in a couple of minutes. Ahmed and Aisha can stay but I have to leave. I promise I will take you guys out some other time ok?”
    “Ok,” Ahmed said and we nodded. After that Amu left with dad following. Khalil turned towards me and glared. He was about to say something but I didn’t want to hear anymore of his nonsense. I turned away from him and walked toward the house angrily.
    “What’s wrong Khalid?” Mom asked with worry in her voice. I sighed.
    “Nothing.” I replied trying to cool down.
    “Did you get into a fight with your brother? From what we saw from the window it sure seems like it.” She remarked. I shrugged and slumped into a chair thinking about what happened. This was the first time I ever defended Khadeejah from Khalil. I usually teased her with him. Right now as I remembered all those times we taunted her I suddenly felt a wave of guilt sweep over me. But that left as I remembered what Khalil said, “I’m sick and tired of you telling me what to do all the time. When are you ever gona learn how to stay out of other people’s businesses?” Did I really get into other people’s business? No, at least I don’t think so. I try to stop him from doing anything bad and he gets mad. Fine I thought if he wants to be that way let him. I wont correct him anymore. He’ll see what’ll happen to him. But then my mind flew back to one of the Prophet’s sayings. “If one of you sees something wrong let him change it with your hands. If he cant then let him change it with his tongue. If he cant then let him feel in his heart that it is wrong. This is the weakest point of faith.” I felt trapped. I didn’t want to correct him anymore but I didn’t want to have a weak faith either. My mind suddenly became full of questions.
    Why is he so ungrateful? I always try to get him out of trouble, why does he feel that I’m trying to boss him around? Why does he always choose to fight people instead of making peace with them? Why does he like to pick on other people? Does he expect everyone to be like him? Why, why, why? I felt suddenly dizzy. I didn’t even notice my Mom sitting next to me watching me. I looked at her and she smiled.
    “Why were you guys fighting Khalid?”
    I shrugged. I didn’t feel like talking. But from the look on her face I was sure she was not gona let me go until I told her what happened.
    I took a deep breath and told her everything that happened. I was surprised at how mad she looked and I started to doubt weather I should have told her or not.
    “I wish Khalil learned how to control his anger. His anger the only thing that makes him lose control and react like that.”
    I stared at the floor. She sighed.
    “You know the prophet warned us about that?”
    “Yah, he said “The strong one is not the one who is physically strong but the strong one is the one who controls his anger.” I replied.
    She smiled at me. I got up and went to my room. I had an idea.
    **~~My story~~**

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    I'll add more if u guys like it
    I'm too embaracced to put it up in the general forum

    **~~My story~~**

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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  5. #4
    Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    omg sis! i jus got hooked to the story. MashaAllah its awesome you wrote it??
    **~~My story~~**

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    reallly you like it? i started doing it for my sis then i kina got hooked
    but i'm soo happy u like it thanks!
    **~~My story~~**

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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  8. #6
    Ayesha Rana's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    WOW! Masha'Allah-u wrote that!?! I couldn't get my eyes off the screen lol! Please do post up some more-it's very inspiring and all the time funny and entertaining-u've got real talent Masha'Allah
    **~~My story~~**

    Oh Mankind! What keeps you from your Lord most Generous?

    1stprize 1 - **~~My story~~**

    There is no Hand but the Hand of Allah is over it, and
    There is no Opressor but he is tried with a Greater Opression.
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    MASHALLAH CAN U PLZ POST IT UP PLZ like c'mmon why u keepin us hangin sis?:@:@...I wanna read more..>EVRY1 chant MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE ok i think u get the point
    **~~My story~~**

    “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs is afflicted, the whole body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever”.

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  10. #8
    Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    LOL! seriously, more more more!
    **~~My story~~**

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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  11. #9
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    YE thts the spirit..where this sister at..i think we need more peopole sayin MORE MORE MORE MORE lol
    **~~My story~~**

    “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs is afflicted, the whole body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever”.

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    Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    MORE MORE MORE! Lol. Im sure the sister is eagerly writing her stories Well they are addicting!
    **~~My story~~**

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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  14. #11
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    Its a great story sis....i loved it......

    you guys are in for a treat......kay:
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  15. #12
    Na7lah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    dont give it away thnks u guys i'll post more a little later
    **~~My story~~**

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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  16. #13
    Na7lah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    I went inside. I could feel the blood rushing through my head. I saw Mom sitting on the sofa watching me with a slight frown on her face. I knew she knew something about what happened. I met her gaze and turned away in embarrassment. After the fight Khalid went inside and Ahmed went to shoot more hoops to get his mind off what happened. I went upstairs to our room.

    Khalid was there working on something on the desk. He turned around and saw me. He looked at me for a second then went back to what ever he was working on. I went to our bookshelf and got my sketch pad. When I was bored I usually drew something to express my feelings. I was wrapped up in my drawing that I didn’t even feel the time go by. Suddenly Khalid got up. I looked up but he ignored me. He placed something on my bed and left.
    I waited until I was sure he was gone and then I jumped up and picked it up. It was a medium sized poster that he decorated nicely. One other thing Khalid and I had in common was that we both drew pretty well. One thing that captured my attention was the powerfully built man that he drew on the side. He was flexing his muscles. The thing that got my attention was the small writing on the guy’s chest. I squinted and read it. It said: “The strong one is not the one with big muscles. But the strong one is the one that controls his anger.” – Prophet Muhammad.

    I sat down and reflected on this. Never in my life have I heard or read anything like this before. I suddenly felt guilty about punching Khalid, pushing Ahmed, making fun of Khadeejah, and for acting so stupid.
    The only person I felt like apologizing to was Khalid but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I guess I didn’t want to ruin my ego. I got my sketch pad and scribbled some things down and placed the paper on his bed. Then I made two more. I went downstairs into the kitchen where Khadeejah, Khawla, and Aisha were baking cakes and cookies. They glared at me as I came inside. I ignored them and opened the cookie jar and got a cookie. I also placed one of the letters into it.
    Next I went outside where Ahmed and Khalid were playing. They ignored me and turned away concentrating on their game. I went to Ahmed’s jacket and placed the last letter in one of his pockets. I hesitated trying to decide weather to play or to go upstairs. I chose the later. I went to my room and fell asleep.
    **~~My story~~**

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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  17. #14
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    After placing the poster on Khalil’s bed I went downstairs. I saw Ahmed playing outside so I joined him. We soon forgot all about Khalil and what happened. After a while Khalil came outside. I expected him to come towards us and say something about the poster or the fight. But he didn’t.
    “Ignore him Khalid. He’ll forget about it Inshallah.” Ahmed whispered. So we proceeded with our game. From the corner of my eye I could see him go to the grass where we placed our jackets. He stuffed something in one of them and then left. Ahmed looked at me with raised eyebrows. After he left we raced to the jackets and checked the pockets.
    “What do you think he placed in here?” Ahmed asked me.
    “I don’t know. It looked like a paper probably a note.” I answered.
    “I found it!” He exclaimed. “You’re right it is a note.” He began reading it.
    “What does it say. It’s probably for you since it was in your jacket.”
    “He said: “Hey man I wana apologize about what happened today. I got angry and went out of control. I’m really sorry. You’re probably wondering why I didn’t come up to you and apologize but I didn’t think you’d want to speak to me after treating you that way. Especially since you were only trying to calm me down. If you refuse to forgive me then I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to forgive someone like me. Sorry. – Your cuz Khalil.
    “Wow! Khalil actually apologized. His ego never actually lets him apologize to anyone. Ever.”
    Ahmed laughed. “He’s probably changing. Who knew fighting could change you that way!” We both chuckled.
    “It’s almost Asr let’s go inside and get ready.” I said.
    “Are you gona forgive him?”
    “Sure. Khalil’s cool he just gets mad too easily.”
    I just nodded. “I’m gona go change ok?”
    “Sure I’ll wait here. I think I smell cookies.” Ahmed replied while heading off to the kitchen. I went upstairs and found Khalil asleep.
    I hesitated. Should I wake him up for Salah? Or should I just leave him alone?
    He groaned and turned on his bed.
    “Khalil it’s time for Asr.”
    This time he got up. He sat up and stared at me but he didn’t say anything. He stood up and went to the bathroom. That’s when I realized the letter on my bed. I picked it up and read it. “Hey Khalid. I’m sorry for what I did this morning. I know I was wrong. I got mad for no reason. Thanks for the poster. I hanged it up on the wall above the dresser.”
    I looked up and like he said it was up there. I kept on reading. “I hope I didn’t hurt you with my words when I said “I’m tired of you telling me what to do.” I swear I don’t think I would be here if it weren’t for Allah and then you. I like it when you remind me with your sayings and wisdom. I like it when you get me out of all the messes I get in. Even though we’re brothers I think you’re my best buddy. And I’m proud of that. I remember the Prophet saying that a good friend is like a perfume seller. You benefit form him in may ways. He either gives you a bottle of perfume or you buy it from him or you just get a sniff of the sweet smell. Thnks. ~ your bro Khalil.

    I had tears in eyes when I finished reading. I placed the letter in my top drawer. Then I got dressed and went downstairs where I found Ahmed and Khalil waiting outside.
    “What took you so long bro?” Khalil joked.
    I shrugged. “Let’s go.”
    We walked to the Masjid. It wasn’t far from our house. It was about a ten minute walk.
    “I don’t like walking. I wish I could drive.” Ahmed complained.
    “You know there’s this Hadith about how to increase your good deeds. The Prophet said, “With every step you take while walking to the Masjid Allah erases a bad deed and replaces it with a good one.” Khalil said.
    Ahmed and I looked at him shocked. Khalil was usually the one that complained about the walking.
    He looked at us with a curious look on his face. “What? What are you guys so surprised about?”
    “You changed a lot in one or two hours Khalil.” Ahmed said. Khalil looked at me then stared at the floor and didn’t say anything after that.

    We got to the Masjid and prayed the Asr prayer. After that the Imam announced that there will be a short talk in five minutes.
    “You wana call mom and tell her that we’ll be late?” Khalil asked me. I shrugged and gave him my cell phone. Dad had taken his away last week since he downloaded so many games and stuff which all added up in the bill.
    He shook his head. “You call her.” He said looking away.
    “Why don’t you?” I asked.
    “I don’t think she would want to talk to me.” He said softly. He looked up with a pleading look in his eyes.
    I looked at him for a moment then I went outside and called her.
    “Assalamu Alaykum?” She said.
    “Wa Alaykum Assalam Mom.”
    “Is something wrong?” She asked with a hint of worry in her voice.
    “No. I called to let you know that the Imam’s making a Khutbah in a couple of minutes and we decided to stay.”

    After I hanged up I went back inside. The Khutbah was already starting.
    I sat between Khalid and Ahmed and we listened to the lecture. The Imam was talking about Today’s Youth. He talked about the some of the stuff the youth of today do. He told them that all this stuff they do for “fun” would lead them to hell fire. I looked at Khalil and saw him shiver. He saw me looking at him and he frowned and turned away.
    **~~My story~~**

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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    dats it 4 tonight
    i'll put up more tommorow maybe if i hav time
    I'm glad u guys all liked it
    but i want some critisism to k?

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  20. #16
    Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    LoL sis what criticism. Mashallah its too good for criticism. Well i got one, he shouldve left a note for Khadeeja too since he did make fun of her k thats all i got Lol.
    Inshallah imma wait for the others

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    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    ooooooh! Masha'Allah! That is so enrapturing sis! Do some moooore pleease_Insha'Allah-Yikes i gotta go see to the kitchen...Wasalam
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    Oh Mankind! What keeps you from your Lord most Generous?

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  22. #18
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    Mashallah i was gnna cry when i read that part about Khalil leavin the note ...MANN WHT CRITICISM...dere is none...mashallahh...MORE MORE MORE MORE
    **~~My story~~**

    “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs is afflicted, the whole body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever”.

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  23. #19
    Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    ^^ MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol
    **~~My story~~**

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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  25. #20
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    Re: **~~My story~~**

    no not critisism but mayb a few pionters?
    sis Jazzy: great minds think alike i was gona do dat
    i'll post some up after i finish my homework
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    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
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