To whom it may concern,

My name is Faysal, I am young man of nearly 21 years. I am seeking assistance in order to better understand the world around me, so that I may make the best decisions that I can. I have written an open letter because you may be qualified to help me.

I born in a family of Muslims in Pakistan, and have spent a great amount of time following traditions and learning about my background. Shortly after my birth, my family moved to Saudi Arabia and a few years later to the United States of America where I spent most of my childhood. Despite living in a secular society, I was raised as a traditional Muslim boy and even began fasting and praying at an early age. I learned how to read Arabic in order to recite the Qur’an and intermittently studied Islamic teachings after school and on the weekends if such services were available locally.

Over the past 10 years I have spent a vast amount of time studying the human society and the subsequent interactions, as well as the effects of personal beliefs on those relationships in a secular society. My struggles began when I was nearly 13 years of age and began to ask questions that were relevant to my way of life. The answers to these questions did not come easily; I've spent many nights awake, many trips to libraries, and a great deal of time in quiet contemplation that was afforded to me by a lack of siblings and hardworking parents. I began to join debates and public lectures as well as observe the people around me. Through all of my findings I can tell you that life itself became quite a depressing state of affairs. Despite all of this, I tried to prolong my judgments until I felt that my conclusion was entirely inescapable. After 6 years, and many grey hairs I have come to the conclusion that I am not Muslim, that I never was, and despite my efforts as a child I did not understand myself and religion the way it was meant to be understood.

I have no qualms about my past. I feel no animosity towards my parents, or family, or towards the efforts of good Muslims who are trying to make this world a better place by following the teachings of the Prophet and applying themselves.

I find that I can only define myself as an atheist. I have realized that the only logical position, the only thing that can be determined with everything that can be learned is that a God does not exist. I seek your assistance for one of two reasons. First, I have reason to believe that my parents will be quite upset to learn this fact and therefore I need to let them know in a manner in which I can continue my relationship with them as much as possible. Secondly, what am I to do if in the extreme case that this news results in my exile from the family or that this is of no issue and that I lose nothing other than parents who may have been happier if I lived my life in deceit? My interests lie in supporting my parents as they grow older as they supported me as a child both emotionally as well as financially.

Please be advised that I may share your response with friends, family, and others who may wish to help me, or otherwise learn what I have learned, in the future.

