Life Is Seasonal
Our life is like the four seasons, one succeeding another; cold, hot, colorful and dark. Everything is in constant motion; day and night, health and sickness, youth and old age, tranquility and tension, wealth and poverty, life and death. Nothing is to last forever and at different levels we all experience these successive stages of life. All of these are part of destiny-what has already been ordained. The challenge is how we behave once faced with our destiny!

The Key Of Success Is Faith;
If We Have Faith It Will Lead Us To Always Be Content, Thankful,
And Show Gratitude To The Creator, The Owner Of Destiny...

The happy time will never be forever, the sad time will never be forever. We will always be fluctuating between give and take; the state of receiving a blessing and the state of losing it. Regardless of what state you are in, the life will continue. And just the like that, the journey of Iman must continue.
Just Like In Any Other Journey...
We Will Have Obstacles In Our Journey Of Iman Too
But If The Eyes Are On The Prize, There Is Nothing You Cannot Overcome!
What about family, spouse, job demands, social and educational obligations becoming a hindrance? This life will continue with the things we desire or do not desire; with the things we like and dislike.

A Believer Knows That...
Allah Does Not Take From Him, Except To Give Him...
This Giving Might Be In The Form Of A Blessing In This Life,
Or In The Form Of Good Deeds In The Next!

The real point of concern is how to leave this life with a legacy and a sign that will benefit you and benefit others. The focus should be on how to please your Lord so that your Lord will please you and allow you to attain your purpose in life and leave a mark in this world. These thoughts can take a lifetime to internalize!

Life Is Temporary
Regardless of us all experiencing these seasonal changes in our lives, we behave with an attitude of permanency towards this world. We have all heard this numerous times that so and so is dead; irrespective of the educational level, the distinguished titles of doctor or engineer, and the amount of wealth one has successfully accumulated, death is an inevitable reality. It will be you and me tomorrow, it is a just a matter of time. And at this point, what will matter most is how we spent our lives and what we did with the blessings that Allah SWT had given us.
How Many Of Us, When Making Decisions About Our Lives
Question Ourselves As To Whether
This Decision Will Lead Me To Heaven Or Hell?
How Many Of Us Plan Our Actions
According To The Kind Of Legacy
We Want To Leave Behind In This World?
How Many Of Us Are Vigilant About Our Behavior,
Well Aware Of The Fact That Everything In This World
Will Either Bear Witness To Us Or Against Us?
How many of us are ‘men’ (or women) as Allah describes in the following Ayah:
Quran Chapter 33
Surah Al Ahzab

Among The Believers Are Men
Who Have Been True To Their Covenant With Allah.
Of Them Some Have Completed Their Vow (To The Extreme),
And Some (Still) Wait: But They Have Never Changed
(Their Determination) In The Least.
[Verse: 23]

Daee Ahmed Moait

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