Stand up, it’s dawn!

And I am commanded to be the first of those who surrender (unto Him). – Quran, 39:12

Written by: Avni Tafili

Be the first one who to see the light of the new day, along with the dawn of the rising sun; being totally convinced in your Lord, fully devoted to His Words, steadfast in the assurance that God is with you. Dawn has come around! Submit all your being to its Lord, be a devoted Muslim! Oh convinced man in his Lord! Stand up, overcome your lust and overcome your enemy! Your Lord is the All-Hearer, All-Seer, the Sustainer, and the All-Careful. He is the One Who promised to you and only you to be a triumphant over everything! The first shines of the sun are appearing, the beams of awakening. The sky is clearing up. The mind is getting bright.

There is nothing to be waiting for! The end of dusk is going off, whereas the dawn of rising, awakening is already appearing. You are among those who understand, those who reason, and among those who feel their own power. Now, then, get up and say: “I am awake, I am powerful, I believe in a God Who helps me and protects me! I am a Muslim and I am proud to be so, and I am unshakable!” That the newest sunny day, which is starting, has a message for you! Accept it, don’t deny it! Do not wait anymore, because your Lord loves you, puts mercy upon you! He gives you pleasant promises! You would never be chapfallen while Allah is your Lord, from Whom has begun everything!

Furthermore, you are not alone! You are not piteous! You are not incapacitating! You are distinguishable! You are the best among mankind! You could save the justice! You could change the world! You could, indeed, reunite the people! You could spread the goodly word! You could change men’s mind and their hearts not to worship else, but Allah – the Most Powerful!

This message is for you and for no one else! And for who else is it, except for the one to whom was promised a triumph and victory. You are the one, for the reason that your Lord will bring the justice back on Earth. His Light will never be off! You shall get up under that Light. There’s no more powerful light than His, which comprises everything and everyone. Live with it. Live under it and take it, because Allah has chosen you! You are an obedient man who didn’t accept to worship no one, except Allah – the Creator of life, earth and heavens. Everything comes under Him, with or without its will. Yes, indeed, lordship is due to Him! So, be under His lordship with your feelings, mind, heart and soul!

Move in the name of Allah! Help in the name of Him! Think in the name of Him! Love in the name of Him! Again, you are due to His lordship which is unlimited and endless. You are not a stranger! You have your Lord and this earth is due to you! Stand up, agony is vanishing; irresponsibility is brushing off; unconsciousness is exterminating! And you have your own roots, your own identity and you are the inheritor of earth! Who else could be, oh believer, if not you?! Oh the convinced man of the Creator of life!

The darkness is sinking, whereas the light of Islam is illuminating. You are the one who will hold that light in your hand! Yes, you are, and who else, except you! God appointed you to put the justice out in earth, to hank the darkness and to water the plant of the light. God’s Word is the best word ever. He is Life-giving to all creatures. Stand up, the time is up! Allah’s Word, indeed, was never overcome, in itself. Islam was never restraint the brightness of its light. It’s a light which can never be vanished! It can never perish! It can capture hearts, minds and souls! It is Islam from which no one ever gets independent! A man cannot live without light; he cannot live in darkness. He cannot confront abyss. He loves the width, the pure, and the beautiful and loves the spiritual peace.

Do not care what others say! They lie, indeed! They don’t know what Islam means! Do not listen to their whisper! Be self-opinionated, be proud, be generous, and be elevated! You are great, powerful! There isn’t bigger power which could conquer the power of a man who is tightly bound with the Most Powerful! Your Lord is the Listener, the Seer, the Sustainer; the One Who doesn’t sleep and doesn’t nap! He is Alive, amongst all! Nothing and no one can escape from Him! You and we are always in His care! He is Allah – a name beloved to each and every spirit, but injustice and darkness of mankind’s will changed this love of man for his Lord. In addition, you have a soul which loves its Lord; you possess a heart which beats for His cause; you have a mind which is derogated to its Lord and you have a body which you have submitted in worshipping Him and only Him!

You are a great man! Overcome your lust! Overcome your enemy! You didn’t give God’s Pleasure for no price! You replied with “NO!” to others and you obeyed Allah! You made it with a bright reason and with pure heart. Oh great brilliant man! You possess an inheritance which cannot be ended; you have a source that does not exhaust! You have the Quran in your hands – a Book which cannot be conquered by anyone! Never and ever! It’s an unconquered Book and if you apply and respect it, you won’t neither be conquered, nor overcome! There shouldn’t be agony of waiting! Agony is for ready-to-die people, for those who have no other opportunity to live and for those who don’t know their Lord!

In consequence, you don’t have to wait anymore! You simply say: “Oh my Allah! I reckon on You! I seek Your Help for all of my issues! I live my life only for You! I sacrifice myself for You! I spend for Your cause! I live for You and I die for Your Sake! My life has no conception without You! I am nothing without You, indeed! Therewithal, strengthen me in Your Way, so that I shall see Your Face in Jannah, ja Allah!

You, oh beloved Muslim! By Him Who created my life, Who created your life, Who created the whole living and everything! By obeying Him you will be unstoppable, unconquered, full of decisiveness, full of hope, full of power, full of joy!

Allah loves you and He puts mercy upon you! Allah has chosen you, so be a true Muslim! Be a code of awakening, triumph and the code of the livelihood!

Source: Voice of Reason of Islam
*Translation from Albanian by: Arsim Jonuzi