The Zionist occupation forces launched last night and today at dawn, a widespread campaign of arrests in the cities and villages of the West Bank. The result was the arresting about 56 of the Palestinian citizens under claiming of security reasons. The Zionist army claimed that he had discovered ammunition during the arrests.

The Zionist army announced that the Zionist forces arrested twenty-eight Palestinian in the village of Beit Ummar in Al Khalil city. The Zionist army claimed that it found, in the one of the houses in the village of Umm Rashrash in Ramallah city, an AK47 rifle, a quantity of ammunition and a night vision means. The Palestinian sources assured that the arrested men are not known and they were kidnapped to unknown destination.

The Palestinian sources have said that the Zionist occupation forces arrested citizens after more than twenty military vehicles invaded the village of Kafr and Balata refugee camp east of Nablus. The sources confirmed that the detainees are: Mohammad Rashid Nassar Mansur, 18 years, and Muayad Hashash, 24 years, from Balata camp.

According to the Palestinian sources in Al Khalil city, more than 30 Zionist military vehicles raided the town of Beit Ummar north of Al Khalil city, and raided several houses in the village since the dawn today. The forces launched a campaign to break into homes. The Zionist forces imposed curfews on the town, and arrested until the moment 43 Palestinians.

The Palestinian sources in Jenin said that a military force consisting of 10 military vehicles stormed the city of Jenin at dawn today, Wednesday, and detained the citizen Anas Sami Ka'aqur, 20 years. In Bethlehem, the Zionist occupation forces arrested five citizens from the town of Al Khader southern of Bethlehem. Those detained were identified as: Mahmoud Saud Sobeih (22 years), Mahmoud Mohamed Saleh (22 years old), Youssef Mahmoud Moussa (21 years old), Ahmed Sobeih (22 years), Ahmed Ali Musa (21 years).