Assalamu alaykum brothers and sisters.

Many of us claim that we follow the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam and the Sahaba radiallahu anhum.

But lets go over that a little. How much of what we know about them do we actually implement in our lives?

I don't mean this to be a thread of boasting and showing off, I just want to know how much we actually follow the recommended role model of Allah subhanehu wa ta'ala himself, Prophet Muhammed salallahu alayhi wa salam, and the recommended role models of the Prophet, his companions the Sahaba radiallahu anhum.

Do we really take them to be our role models which we follow or do we just claim to have them as role models but not actually follow them?

Here are some things to help you:

If the Prophet was to be sent to us tomorrow, would you face him knowing that you do not have much in common with him other than following Islam and a few other things?

If some from among the Sahaba were sent to us tomorrow like Khalid bin Waleed, would you face him knowing that Muslims are being oppressed and killed for no reason, while you are enjoying this temporary life? (this also applies to meeting the Prophet)

What about if the 4 rightly guided Khalifs were sent to us, would you have the courage to face them?

To be honest, I would have no courage to face them. I would most probably die from severe crying before I could gather any courage to face them.

I have a follow up question which I will post another time after I get some responses insha Allah.