
I have recently set up a new site on shahada.info that is dedicated to spreading the beauty of Islam on the internet.

There are many ways to do this.
Shahada.Info chooses two ways:
  1. Publishing Shahada art (calligraphy)
  2. Publishing touching personal stories on how people found the beauty of Islam and came to say their first Shahada.

There is a special page where people can post Shahada drawings or handicraft made by their children.
There are also a few articles on Shahada and Islam in general.
The site is new and therefore still small, but Insh'Allah with the help of Muslim brothers and sisters all over the web, it will grow to be a large and thriving site, helping to fight Islamophobia.
If you like the idea and want to help me grow Shahada.Info, please spread the news, send the link of my site to your friends and suggest to others to send in stories or scans and photos of Shahada art.
