Allah commanded us to forbid evil and enjoin what is good, along with giving to charity. He didn't say the top things to make you good was do what you want in this world, whatever makes you "happy". If that was the case, the Quran would be different, our tests would be different, probably Allah would have commanded us to make sure that we all reach the highest education level possible, make sure that we have the ideal homes that make us "happy". It is a chlldish level of having things to make you happy, when you get older-you cannot cling onto that, as in the Big Mankind world, you have to be kind to others-and not ask for them to waste their time to keep you entertained in this world etc.

He didn’t command us to think about our own personal lives and that is it. This is the issue that Atheists and other people have, as the setup of the world has allowed to have extension of childhood -more freetime, they have become immature.

Mankind is to forbid evil and enjoin what is good. This is not based on whether people like you, this is for the good of your own soul.

If you have just spent time thinking about having fun, education to have a career for the life of this world-too many times people are just advised to do whatever makes them happy-how are they going to be able to stand up for what is right??

A Man doesn’t need a wife, if he is just going to care about himself. He doesn’t need a wife just to hand him some beer to help him be more comfortable to watch a football game,or play computer games.

They have taken away justice, for example, they ask for people to go to Court in trial against a Murderer -and they may not give the death sentence straightaway or not at all. So it’s a waste of time, they are asking people to stop at a point of airing their “feelings” of how the crime has impacted on their lives. In the past, if you were found guilty, you would just need to kill them. Even those have been found guilty of some crimes, sufficient for the death penalty they are asking people who work in law enforcement to spend more time to add charges on them (even though at times, they were the likely culprit). Ultimately, if you have been raped,, you are being taxed to house your rapist in jail, to feed them, heating etc, while you struggle and countless of others-including the old.

Atheists have a problem when they speak to Muslims and we are asking them why they don’t have a problem with so and os, how you can you say you don’t’ understand Islam and good and morals -when you can’t stand up for what is right in your own countries. Here the Atheist isn’t on average doing enough to support their own Mama-allowing people to get a pittance for the life of this world.

They actually find Muslims formal then them-good, but they tell each other that they are having more fun-so why the increase in secually transmitted diseases and mental health?? Why being asked to do more work -especially women at home and at work?? If they start young -like teenagers, thinking that people can just get along with them for having fun, sit and go out to places, holidays etc-there is nothing about getting along with standing up for what is right.

The Atheist is not used to that-they have proven, what they say to Muslims that we only accept Islam as we were raised-but it is actually them if they were alive at the time of the Prophet Noah peace be upon him they would have drowned in the flood.

You cannot say your position in life has nothing to do with forbidding evil and enjoining what is good. They are used to saying it has nothing to do with them—so it’s OK for transgender people to be put in women’s prisons and places and potentially get raped (which has happened)?

What bad needs to happen to these people for them to take it seriously-only when bad things happen to them.

It is the norm as it has been in the history of this world an other parts of the world, if you have something to say that you don’t understand, then people will say you don’t make any sense, how can you say that when you don’t question such and such. Nobody wants war etc, but they are leaving it to a few to complain.

The Atheists especially are then acting like children -were they are entitled to be treated solely for what they want to do in this world-they can play learn and have fun etc. No one will be critical of them, if they don’t stand up for something. In the big wide world, if you choose to question something, then you need to justify yourself -if you have no convictions then you are a failure. Here people are led by media, thinking that if they don’t stand for anything -they will just be treated as being nice to everyone-no one is looking at your kindness-what does your kindness matter-when you can’t even be more appalled at the low levels of people’s lives and spend more time questioning Muslims??

People are even led astray by having dogs-here Allah is All-Wise. They think the issue is just a hygienic one, but actually you cannot justify (unless it is used to do a job for you), to keep a dog-that is because you are using the resources in this world to cater for your dog. This is selfish-asking people to accept your dog. They are not actually in control of their animal-at least guide dogs are trained. They have conditioned a dog to think it is OK for it to get attention from anyone, you see it pulling from its owner and going up to anyone-here they are not in control of their animal. At the same time they are lying and wishing to teach others-they are liars and it is stated somewhere that they get treatment from health services, if they were bitten, but lie and say it was someone else’s dog. They allow dogs to make a mess-even if children are playing there-so it will be as if you pooped there on your record. I can understand if it was an animal that was put to work and travelling but as a pet, you purposely allowed it to be in areas to do that. No what they are doing is running their lives by it, having to walk behind it to pick up its poop if they do, take it for a walk, keep it entertained, look at its likes or dislikes-the issue here is it doesn’t justify spending that amount of time looking after a dog. So people are creating barriers with other people, they even prevent themselves from moving more freely as they have to take a dog-even stating that it is so important that their potential partner would have to like it. Th is is not kindness-they make excuses saying that animals are better than humans, when they are relying on other humans to help them have food, clothing etc.

This is why it is a minus on people’s records for the next world. People like to use the story of that prostitute who repented as she gave water to a dog-but that is not similar to spending a lot of time pandering on (also this ex-prostitute would have accepted Allah. There was a story of pensioners, the husband gave an ultimatum to the wife, its either him or the cats-she chose the cats-but people said she was kind-th is is not kind. Her husband worked hard, looking forward for retirement, being settled -she shouldn’t have led someone on. There is an increase in people saying their dog is a brother to their new born baby etc-this is really showing how they far Shaytaan has led them astray. Man owned animals (this is were I can see a lot of female influence), no Man would have ever said this is brother to his son. Their love is not the same as a believer. I agree where people have said that Men have been marginalised.

Some females live on the reaction of others-this is across the world -and they judge their success on whether others are jealous-now more males are listening to this (as they don’t listen to the Prophets), and they are just joining in -posing like a female in front of the camera.

Rise in shows showing people live family TV moments, and what they are using is an immature level. For example if you were young and looked at a parent giving someone a present, then you would think that was nice-this is actually disturbing, they are recreating situations, and showing to people “I am being kind”, look I am doing this and this. When some professional said that you can grown out of some autism a lot of parents were upset and they said the professionals didn’t know what they were talkinga bout.But there was a study and they were teaching a parent to sit with a child and do things with them, enjoy activities with them -this is different then creating aparty and fixated with the reaction -are you happy, how does this make you feel, -if you keep on asking this to children they are going to get irriaitated. They even were asking autistic children -I think they are making it worse-if you keep on asking children how they feel,when it was the norm for kids to play and they enjoined it-no one needs to ask them so many times. It is the norm for parents to make their children happy -but it wasn’t the norm to live off other people thinking you are kind to your children-when you are focused, you wouldn’t care what other people think.
A Man, woman is pleased and just happy that their child is happy, not that they ned other people to see that and say they should have this and this and people need to come to a birthday party etc.

There is too much messed up and this is what happens when people don’t forbid evil and enjoin good, they end up doing stupid things and even die in the process or affect others-like baby reveal parties which has caused some accidents. It actually demonstrates their level of thinking that people are going to be in so much suspense-heightened tension, that they are keeping them waiting.

Even there are some who went around the world to recreate their engagement again and again, or wedding etc-so they are fixated in asking for others reaction. Here a Mother’s love is important-she wouldn’t be happy that her child is going around the world, potentially putting themselves in harms way just to take a photograph recreating something—as in Islam we use a Mother’s love as a reference point.

People who don’t oppose evil, just ask anyone to fit in their vain desires -asking people to get matching tattoos, take stupid photos, tell other people including their own Mother to get pregnant (so they ask their Mother to have her boyfrineds sperm inside her etc. They are fixated on people’s reaction -thinking they have something more valuable and that is enough, this person likes me-well they won’t when they are dead. They will actually be against you.

Respecting parents doesn’t mean respecting your own parents, it is about respecting others, your friends as well. So you don’t tell them to waste their life, doing stupid things. If all your saying you are here to have fund, then you are wasting everybody’s time.

In Islam, nothing is wrong with getting on, being happy, but when you don’t forbid evil and enjoin what is good-you end up as above, asking people to work at your vain desires—this is in grave error as Allah has created people to worship him, not to entertain you. If people wish to allow themselves to be led by vain desires-then they may spend the rest of their lives in the next world paying for it. Allah doesn’t have to prove to these people by keeping them alive for a thousand years, they would do anything differently.

At least unlike Atheists we are not making fun as Muslims of whatever things people do-fact is if the Muslims did them, they would be making fun out of us. It is serious, I don’t find it funny, it is rather people have plenty of examples of what happens when people don’t forbid evil and enjoin what is good-people get led astray thinking they are OK as they are not committing the big sins-like murder-but they have the similar behaviour to Murders etc-disrespecting other people.

Allah will be throwing them to Hell forever – that doesn’t change that he is Merciful- but rather who on earth do you think you are that Allah should undo what he has created, just because you were evil?? Your actions are not that important to ask Allah to change what he has done, he is not led by your deeds. Rather you have led yourself to Hell (where Hell worships Allah and all the devils and the wrong doers will enter there). Those people who are dead and on the way to Hell -they wish they can come back and oppose evil (they are not just wishing to have a nice life, job-they are not thinking of that when they are have torment in the grave)- they are wishing just to walk down the streets shouting at people to repent. When you die you get taken to Heaven and if you are evil you will not be allowed in-I imagine the angels may then say bad things of you-like turning his back on the poor – then they will be sent back to their bodies. Here they can see and hear the people who are alive, some people think that they are just thinking of personal relationships like family and missing them-actually it isn’t as when you are going to Hell that is the only thing you will be thinking of-how can you have any freedom of thought from this?? There is no freedom of thought or action. Hell isn’t a learning place as you will be on fire (how can learn something when you are on fire?). Nothing will stop an evil person thinking of hell fire-there are stories flying around that the evil people in the next world will hear of stories of what is happening and feel sad-I think people underestimate hwo they will be feeling-they don’t care to feel sad, but rather they are made aware at times if their sins have increased-like if they helped start problems and people have continued-this is where it is said that the first Man who murdered will have a portion of his sins of all the murders If you teach black magic then your sins will increase after you are dead from those that are doing it. There is nothing that can escape the horror of their being in going to hell-crying is an emotion of comfort-you are beyond that but in torment. All the time -that is all you’re going to hell, going to Hell, going to Hell -this is where they wish they the Day of Judgement would never happen (but the dead believers wish for this to happen).