Actions are a Part of Eman

The Daar of Islamic Heritage
Volume 12 Issue 3 Muharram 1425 (March 2004)

Some important questions concerning Eman are often raised, such as, Can we confirm Eman for whoever accepts and affirms faith with his heart only but does not implement Allah's Commandments?

Is attesting to 'La Ilaha Illa Allah' only with the heart and without implementing the Commandments enough for one to be called a 'saved believer?' What about indulging in what is prohibited? The answer to these questions is as follows:

Referring to believing in the heart and adhering to the Commandments as different subjects is only meant to clarify and explain both.

In reality, there is no separation between faith and adherence. The mind cannot imagine a person hearing Allah's Words, as if saying, O My slave! There is indeed a Day of Reckoning. On that Day, I am going to hold you accountable for your deeds. If you do good, I will enter you into Paradise. If you do evil, I will throw you in Hell. Can anyone imagine that the slave would say in response, O Lord! I believe in and accept Your Words. But I apologize for not adhering to them, for I am lazy!!

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim further explained this matter, saying, It is not foreseeable that a believing man knows that the prayer is obligatory, hearing Allah's call to the prayer, day and night throughout his life, yet, he does not answer this call not even once!

Suppose that someone told you that the place you are sitting in now is surrounded by fire, and that if you do not escape, then the fire will definitely kill you. Do you think that anyone would remain in this place after hearing such a warning? Can you imagine someone arguing with whoever giving the warning, saying, 'O brother! I hear your warning, but excuse me. I am not leaving, for I am lazy!' If such a man exists, then he is either disbelieving in the warning, or is simply insane. There is not a sane person who would believe such a warning yet treats it in this manner.

Believing in the heart and adhering to what this belief calls for is one whole subject that cannot be divided into separate and unrelated parts. If faith exists in the heart, then this faith will lead to adhering to and obeying the Commandments. This is an irrefutable fact. Only those who are blinded by following their traditions or those who are ignorant will reject this fact.

Nonadherence to Allah's Commandments is punishable by the Fire of Hell, unless Allah forgives such a person. Eternal punishment is, in reality, another subject of different proportions compared to being punished in Hell at all. Many Muslims do not understand this matter, and later find themselves turned away from the correct creed and, unknowingly, embracing Kafir beliefs and heretic ideologies.

Therefore, every Muslim must ask himself if he is a true believer in Allah. If he does not implement Allah's Commandments, then he must reexamine his faith. One must ask himself if he truly believes in Paradise, and if he does, why does he not pay its price then?! One must also ask himself if he truly believes in Hell, and if he does, why, then, does he lead himself to it?! If one truly believes in Allah, the One and only God, why then does he not hurry to gain His Love and Acceptance? If one loves Allah, why does he not obey Him?

Had the Messenger of Allah sought that people affirm his Message with the tongue only, then the majority of people would have accepted it. Instead, he sought what comes after this affirmation. This is why he took pledges form Al-Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) to help and aid him. Also, he took pledges from Al-Muhajireen (Muslims who migrated to Madinah from Makkah) to spend from their money, migrate to Madinah and then fight in the cause of Allah. He promised them Paradise, but only after all this effort and struggle. Do some people, who have weak hearts, think that affirming Eman will not necessitate praying, giving charity or saying the truth for the sake of Allah? Do they think that Paradise will be theirs without paying its price? Eman is a belief that is implemented and an acceptance that leads to action; there is no real Eman without this.