This is a message from our Muslim brothers and sisters in Belgium:


Dear Muslim brothers and sisters

Salaam alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatahu

As you all know the disbelievers have shown their true faces once again. They have started with the hijab ban in schools and they have taken it further to also banning the niqab in public. This makes us wonder… what’s the next step? Don’t you realize that we are constantly being attacked without any or weak reaction of the Muslims? Hitler didn’t immediately send the Jews to the gas chambers, he started making laws regarding clothes etc. Well, why are we too blind to see that the companions of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin are making their come-back at this time we are currently living in? Stand up oh ummah of Muhammad! Defend yourself!

We have organized a protest on 22nd May 2010 in Brussels. The location is ‘La Bourse/De Beurs’, Boulevard Lemmonnier. We are planning to express our displeasure on a peaceful manner and make sure they (the kuffar) understand that we had enough of this oppression they are spreading! We are not the Indigenous peoples of the Americas or the Aboriginals to allow such crimes to be committed against us. We are the descendants of great men like Khalid ibn Waleed, Salahedine Al Ayoubi, Mehmet Fatih and Omar Al Mokhtar!

We humbly request you to be present and to take your responsibility as a Muslim! We assume you have affection for your mother, sister, daughter and wife.

So stand up for the rights of these women! The right to dress modestly and honorably! The right to wear her Hijab/Niqab freely instead of nudeness and disobeying the command of Allah! The Muslim women are jewels who are supposed to be protected! They are not supposed to serve as sexual objects for the kuffar!

Salaam alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatahu

If any brothers interested coming to belgium on the 22nd of may this Saturday then pm me. limited spaces available, £60 per head.