There are those that turn away from Allah, and when their loved one dies, go on to say all sorts of things, that they are in Heaven, they are looking down on them etc. They say this as they are elevating their love -but it isn't worth that much.

You do not own Paradise and neither did you create it and neither can you set the rules of who goes there.
If they went there just because they loved you - it wouldn't be a high thing -this is huge arrogance.
What would you say that everything in eternity should be given to your deceased loved one, because they loved you, or that you loved them??

Your love is not greater than Allah's.

It wouldn't be acceptable to run Paradise and Heavens by your emotions.

You did not create Paradise-have you been given guidance from Allah to allow you to say such a thing??
Being good doesn't mean being happy and getting what you want and having a nice life-you don't get to choose what being good is. Being good is worshipping Allah (he has showed us how to approach him, as it wouldn't be unacceptable to speak to him like you are speaking to a human, just as it wouldn't be acceptable to call the Prophets as you would do to one another).

This is how much they lead each other astray, they offer nothing, they can give nothing and there is no help in the hereafter.

Remember Allah and they Day of Judgement, the coming of the time of the Mahdi and the time of the Dajjal and the return of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him.