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Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    Just about a week ago, I made the worst sin a human being could make. I disbelieved with my heart because the wishpers became too much to me. After that, I became even worse by not caring what my fate would be, in this case in hell for eternity. I dind't tell anyone and pretended to be a muslim, making me a pure hypocrite. Now I realize what mistake I have mmade, because my life has not become that of a human being. I don't feel human anymore, the entire world seem to live a normal life except me. Today, something happended that made me aks for advice, desperattly
    I don't know what happened but it was af I my heart was taken from me. I don't have any feeling in my heart, as if it is ripped of me. I don't think its sealed either, I want to beleive again but there is an obstacle in my heart, I feel like I can't believe
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    Anyone, plz.
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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  4. #3
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Arrow Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post

    Just about a week ago, I made the worst sin a human being could make. I disbelieved with my heart because the wishpers became too much to me. After that, I became even worse by not caring what my fate would be, in this case in hell for eternity. I dind't tell anyone and pretended to be a muslim, making me a pure hypocrite. Now I realize what mistake I have mmade, because my life has not become that of a human being. I don't feel human anymore, the entire world seem to live a normal life except me. Today, something happended that made me aks for advice, desperattly
    I don't know what happened but it was af I my heart was taken from me. I don't have any feeling in my heart, as if it is ripped of me. I don't think its sealed either, I want to beleive again but there is an obstacle in my heart, I feel like I can't believe
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, Your heart was inclined to come in here because Allah is wanting to help you. You should not worry about having mere doubts in your heart as this is a sign of imaan itself. Here is a scholarly perspective of your issue:

    In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

    Having doubts in Allah Almighty is perfectly natural and one should avoid being too concerned about them. In fact, doubts and evil thoughts are a sign of one’s faith.

    Sayyiduna Abu Haraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that once a group of people came to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and asked: “We experience such evil thoughts that it is impossible to bring them on our lips”. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Do you really experience these thoughts? Yes, they replied. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “They are clear signs of faith”. (Sahih Muslim).

    Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (Allah have mercy on him) narrates that a Companion came to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and asked: “Sometimes I experience such thoughts that I would rather be reduced to charcoal than get them on my lips” (meaning that to speak of these thoughts was worse than burning in fire, m).The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “All praise is to Allah who restricted the devil’s designs to mere evil promptings”. (Sunan Abu Dawud,)

    The above two narrations Cleary show that it is not unusual to have these evil thoughts neither is one more sinful or evil due to them. Even some Companions of the blessed Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) received these thoughts, as we have seen in the above narrations.

    Therefore, one should not be worried on their account or feel sad and deterred, for these thoughts are signs of faith.

    Some scholars have explained this by saying that a robber or thief only strikes at a place where he knows that there is wealth or money. He would not break into a place where there is no wealth. Similarly, when the devil (shaytan) whispers and puts these evil thoughts into anyone’s heart, then this shows that this person has the wealth of faith (iman) in his heart. If there was no wealth in that heart, Shaytan would have never entered it, thus one should not worry about these evil thoughts.

    No sin on mere thoughts

    It should also remember that one is not accountable for the evil thoughts that occur in the mind and heart as long as they remain thoughts.

    Sayyiduna Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:

    “Verily Allah forgives my Ummah for the evil thoughts that occur in their hearts until they don’t say it verbally or act upon it”. (Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim).

    Therefore, one does not come out of the fold of Islam due to experiencing these evil thoughts, neither is there any sin., as long as one remains a believer with his heart, mouth and action.

    What to do

    When experiencing evil thoughts one should do the following:

    1) Do not be worried about them, rather one should be happy, for the occurring of evil thoughts is a sign of faith. A saint said: “Shaytan can not tolerate a believer being happy, thus when he sees him being happy for receiving these thoughts, he stops from whispering them.

    2) When these thoughts come, one should occupy oneself with something else. These thoughts will not disappear by simply desiring them to go, rather, one should get busy in some work or task.

    3) One should seek Allah’s protection and refuge from the devil. Sayyiduna Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:

    “The devil (shaytan) comes to one of you and says: “Who created this? Who created that? Until he says: “Who created your Lord?” When one experiences this, one should seek Allah’s refuge and stop the matter there”. (Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim).

    The following verse of Surah al-mu’minun may be beneficial:

    “Rabbi inni a’uzu bika min hamazat ashayatin wa a’uzu bika rabbi an yahdurun”

    Translation: O my Lord! I seek your protection from the instigations of devils and I also seek your protection from that they (ever) come to me.

    And Allah knows best

    Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

    Now that you know that having doubts is natural you should take steps to go closer to Allah and to establish your prayers. Do you pray Salah?
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 12-29-2009 at 12:10 AM.
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    one remains a believer with his heart But I stopped doing that, I disbelieved with my heart, now I feel like I have no heart at all. My heart is very empty and, I have no feelingi n it. It is like I have no consience anymore
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    Ummu Sufyaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    It is like I have no consience anymore
    even though you come here, worried about your iman? it may seem trivial, but have you seen your/an imam about these feelings you have becuase to me, they seem like wiswaas and that if you have disbelieved it is becuase you were forced to.

    here is something similar

    Some people experience waswaas with regard to purification; every time they do wudoo’, they repeat it, thinking that they did not wash one part of the body, or that their wudoo’ is lacking, or that if they do not repeat wudoo’ they will remain uncertain for the rest of the day. Thus he is overwhelmed with a strong urge to repeat his wudoo’, and he will not feel at ease until he does so. We have mentioned in a number of answers that the way to treat waswaas is to strengthen one’s faith by doing righteous deeds and reciting beneficial dhikrs, and also not paying attention to the waswaas or responding to it.

    i find it odd how you worry you have disbelieved, but yet feel anxious and yearn to have the heart you once had. do you think this is the sign of one who has disbelieved.

    but as i said, please go see an imam and put your mind at rest.
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    Rafeeq's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    In addition to above all written, I would like to suggest you to consult a good psychatrict also. Every one among us now a days is in depression. As I recall my memory, I understand, you are running through some serious issues in your life. Hence, as our body needs to consult a doctor some times, our mind also needs the same treatment & care.

    Don't worry, your iman is with you that is why you are checking with your friends and borthers and sisters here. May Allah help you and everybody here. (Amen)
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    When there is nothing left but Allah that is when you find out that Allah is all you need.
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    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    Everyone has given you good advice
    Another really good thing would be to get an Imam or Sheikh to do rukya on you - let surah baqarah be recited in your room and home (as in put it on loudspeaker) - let the whole surah be recited

    and read ayat al kursi all the time

    best thing as umm-ul-shaheed mentioned is to go see a sheikh or imam. and don't feel ashamed to go see them at all.

    Hope this helps insha'Allah
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    zakirs's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    in times of weak iman things like that may happen bro/sis.. Stay strong and repent. Ask to the merciful Allah for forgiveness
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    Ali_008's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    I disbelieved with my heart because the wishpers became too much to me.
    When you acknowledge the fact that it was the whispers that made you do wrong then why are you not treating these new feelings as whispers as well? Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala) breathed His spirit unto us and because of that no human being can disbelieve in Him with total conviction. Its just the waswaas thats causing the problem for you. Keep reciting Surah Nas, it helps against waswaas and also keep saying "Aoozubillahi Minashshaitaanirrajeem".
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.
    Surah Ale Imran : 160

    It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
    The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) climbed up Uhud, accompanied by Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan, and the mountain shook with them. He struck it with his foot and said: “Stand firm, O Uhud, for there is no one on you but a Prophet or a Siddeeq or two martyrs.”
    Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3483)

    Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) does not inspire seeking forgiveness in a slave whom he wishes to punish.
    Ali (RadhiAllahu Anhu)
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    'Abdul Rahmaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    Your heart is not sealed. You seem to have been thinking too much. Are you in a state of social isolation?
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    agreed with the above

    it seems the devil is playing with you every time you post in this forum.

    this feeling WILL GO AWAY.

    mean while, worship Allah,make zikr and remember him a lot.
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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  15. #12
    tango92's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    you need to go back to your roots.
    what made you turn to islam in the first place? what made you start practicing islam if you were born muslim?

    here are some links, just make time, sit down and watch through them all in one sitting - bro hamza usually has good links also.

    Muslim who turned to be atheist and back to Islam.

    description of jannah - watch all parts


    scientific miracles in quran

    brother nouman ali khans lectures are especially good for us living in the west
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    time for operation ninja Islam
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  16. #13
    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Rahmaan View Post
    Your heart is not sealed. You seem to have been thinking too much. Are you in a state of social isolation?
    I think it now beyond social isolation, sometimes it becomes worse. I sometimes feel like the entire humanity is normal, while I am the unnormal one. I think too much, actually too much, I have gotten to a point where I don't feel like iIm in reality. It is a very dangerous disease with no cure. Sometimes I read threads about muslims doing this and that, making me think if they are really bad then I am hopeless. I've been my entire life this way, even now when I am asking your help, and typing this I don't feel im exist in reality. It is a very dangerous disease in my soul. If this my attitude towards life. The
    moment when I am going to realize reality is the moment I die. I always have been a really bad person from the inside, i don't think even I deserve a place in the paradise. I am really stupid, but I can be intelligent but i act stupid, because i 've been worriyng about this for several months now, to a point where i have now a poor memory. If you would see me in reality, you would describe me as imbecil. I am never thankful foranything, I am a really hopeless person
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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  17. #14
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    I think it now beyond social isolation, sometimes it becomes worse. I sometimes feel like the entire humanity is normal, while I am the unnormal one. I think too much, actually too much, I have gotten to a point where I don't feel like iIm in reality. It is a very dangerous disease with no cure. Sometimes I read threads about muslims doing this and that, making me think if they are really bad then I am hopeless. I've been my entire life this way, even now when I am asking your help, and typing this I don't feel im exist in reality. It is a very dangerous disease in my soul. If this my attitude towards life. The
    moment when I am going to realize reality is the moment I die. I always have been a really bad person from the inside, i don't think even I deserve a place in the paradise. I am really stupid, but I can be intelligent but i act stupid, because i 've been worriyng about this for several months now, to a point where i have now a poor memory. If you would see me in reality, you would describe me as imbecil. I am never thankful foranything, I am a really hopeless person

    If your heart was hardened 1/10th of what you now think it is. You would not be here looking for ways to soften it. You would not give a toot about us or Islam. You would not be asking for advice. You would be laughing at us behind our backs and calling us fools for believing.

    But, you know you have a problem and you want it fixed. You are not looking for advice, you are looking for comfort and assurance that you can be forgiven for your doubts. Make Du'a and pray for Allaah(swt) to give you strength to over come any desires to stop believing.
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    Herman 1 - Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

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    'Abdul Rahmaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    Divert your attention by being involved in a physical activity. Spend most of your time out of your house to find people to be friend with. Stop thinking about religion for a few weeks. You'll be normal insha'Allah.
    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ
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  20. #16
    Italianguy's Avatar
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    I think it now beyond social isolation, sometimes it becomes worse. I sometimes feel like the entire humanity is normal, while I am the unnormal one. I think too much, actually too much, I have gotten to a point where I don't feel like iIm in reality. It is a very dangerous disease with no cure. Sometimes I read threads about muslims doing this and that, making me think if they are really bad then I am hopeless. I've been my entire life this way, even now when I am asking your help, and typing this I don't feel im exist in reality. It is a very dangerous disease in my soul. If this my attitude towards life. The
    moment when I am going to realize reality is the moment I die. I always have been a really bad person from the inside, i don't think even I deserve a place in the paradise. I am really stupid, but I can be intelligent but i act stupid, because i 've been worriyng about this for several months now, to a point where i have now a poor memory. If you would see me in reality, you would describe me as imbecil. I am never thankful foranything, I am a really hopeless person
    My friend, please be not so down on yourself, what has happened recently to make you feel this way?

    God has made everything perfectly...especially YOU!

    You have so much to be thankfull for your breathing, your able to be a part of this fine forum with all of these people who genuinly care about you

    Your not hopeless, You are a smart, loved, example of God'ds finest works.

    Please my friend if you need someone to talk to, message me or any other here

    God be with you!
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  21. #17
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Arrow Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    I think it now beyond social isolation, sometimes it becomes worse. I sometimes feel like the entire humanity is normal, while I am the unnormal one. I think too much, actually too much, I have gotten to a point where I don't feel like iIm in reality. It is a very dangerous disease with no cure. Sometimes I read threads about muslims doing this and that, making me think if they are really bad then I am hopeless. I've been my entire life this way, even now when I am asking your help, and typing this I don't feel im exist in reality. It is a very dangerous disease in my soul. If this my attitude towards life. The
    moment when I am going to realize reality is the moment I die. I always have been a really bad person from the inside, i don't think even I deserve a place in the paradise. I am really stupid, but I can be intelligent but i act stupid, because i 've been worriyng about this for several months now, to a point where i have now a poor memory. If you would see me in reality, you would describe me as imbecil. I am never thankful foranything, I am a really hopeless person

    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, you are clearly thinking too much all of the time. An idle mind is the devils playground. You should try not to sit around thinking too much because then all kinds of thoughts will go across your mind. Shaythan is clearly playing around with your mind and trying to confuse you and make you think you are that which you are not.

    Belief in Allah Ta'ala is something we all have to strive for. For some people, it comes easily. For others, it is their particular jihad, or struggle, to remain steadfast in belief.

    One of the duas you should make is,

    “Allahumma, ya muqallib al-qulub wa’l absar, thabbit qalbi ala deenik.” “O Allah, O Controller of the hearts and eyes, let my heart hold fast onto your religion.”

    Bad thoughts can be a test from Allah Ta'ala to see how we handle them. Our response should be one of gratitude to Allah Ta'ala that He has chosen us for belief. We should also respond to this test by seeking refuge in Allah from shaytan the accursed. We should seek refuge in Allah from the whisperings of our nafs. Finally, we should repent to Allah from these bad thoughts and try to replace each bad thought with a good one.

    Whenever a bad thought occurs to you:

    a) seek Allah’s forgiveness [saying, Astaghfirullah (‘I seek Allah’s forgiveness’)];

    b) seek protection from the Shaytan [saying, A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ar-rajeem (‘I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed shaytan’)]

    c) cut out the things that result in that bad thought immediately [e.g. shut the window with such images]

    d) then thank Allah, wholeheartedly, for enabling you to overcome your desires and shaytan [saying, Alhamdulillah (‘All praise is due to Allah’)]; this makes Shaytan despair, and strengthens one’s resolve.

    If you keep erring, keep repeating these 4 quick and simple steps, and making dua with your prayers that Allah protect you. If you keep turning to Allah sincerely, He’ll accept your entreating, and free you of these problems.

    Allah Most High has promised,

    “As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.” [Qur’an, 29.69]

    Finally, try to eliminate bad influences in your life, whether they are from the television, movies, or even questionable companions. Or in your case do not sit or lie around not doing anything because this is the time when shaythan plays with your head and confuses you with all kinds of thoughts. Then replace these bad influences with good ones, such as joining a study circle,halaqas or reciting a portion of the Qur'an everyday, doing Dhikrullah to cleanse your heart and soul and perform voluntary worship in addition to your obligatory devotions.

    Occupy your time and whenever these thoughts come into your head just think of Allah and glorify Allah and imagine him watching you pray Salah and glorify him whilst doing Dhikrullah. Imagine him watching you recite Qur'an and whatever your doing throughout the day.

    Never sit around idle and do nothing because that is when these wierd thoughts will come into your head. Know that these are just thoughts it does'nt mean they are true. Recognise these thoughts are from shaythan and block them out with the remembrance and glorification of Almighty Allah!

    Try all of this and if your problem still persists then it may be something else and i would urge you to then see a reliable and experienced scholar as soon as possible.

    Here are some very beneficial threads and articles:

    25 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety


    The Cure for Depression


    Overcoming tests from Allah


    Overcoming laziness and Procrastination


    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...man-faith.html (10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith))

    Signs of Weak Iman and How to Increase It


    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!

    http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!)

    Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!

    http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!)

    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!

    http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!)

    My Daily Ibadah(worship) check

    http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...hip-check.html (My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!)

    If you have a low imaan at times then these threads will be very useful and helpful to you:

    Also you will find these threads and articles very useful and beneficial:

    Everything about Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)


    The Life of this World and the Hereafter


    Beautiful Description of Paradise in Islam


    A party in Paradise, A party in Hellfire


    Practising az-Zuhd in the Dunya


    Major Signs before the Day of Judgement


    Signs before the Day of Judgement

    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    I think it now beyond social isolation, sometimes it becomes worse. I sometimes feel like the entire humanity is normal, while I am the unnormal one. I think too much, actually too much, I have gotten to a point where I don't feel like iIm in reality. It is a very dangerous disease with no cure. Sometimes I read threads about muslims doing this and that, making me think if they are really bad then I am hopeless. I've been my entire life this way, even now when I am asking your help, and typing this I don't feel im exist in reality. It is a very dangerous disease in my soul. If this my attitude towards life. The
    moment when I am going to realize reality is the moment I die. I always have been a really bad person from the inside, i don't think even I deserve a place in the paradise. I am really stupid, but I can be intelligent but i act stupid, because i 've been worriyng about this for several months now, to a point where i have now a poor memory. If you would see me in reality, you would describe me as imbecil. I am never thankful foranything, I am a really hopeless person
    i was like that once. the wiswaas had just overwhelmed me to the point where i am just as you describe. living but not living at the same time. i felt sort of insane like i was aware of what was happening ot me, but i couldn't control it. i cant even describe the feeling accurately but the closet thing i can think is that something was controlling me.

    anyway, alhamdulillah i got over it (it affects still remain through) and the best way i found was just to ignore it
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    Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    Jazakaalhughair, everyone. thank you very much for caring, this forum means a lot to me.Al this wiswaas has affected me mentally, now I have a very poor memory, how can I overcome this?
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    Arrow Re: Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    Jazakaalhughair, everyone. thank you very much for caring, this forum means a lot to me.Al this wiswaas has affected me mentally, now I have a very poor memory, how can I overcome this?
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, we are all here for each other as Muslims should be. We are part of one body and if one part of the cody feels pain then we should all feel the pain. Put your FULL hopes, faith, trust and reliance in Allah and remember and glorify him as much as you can and you will NEVER feel down but in peace, tranquility and ONLY with Allah will we find true happiness and contentment!

    Hope these tips help in increasing memory:

    Ways To Strengthen One’s Memory

    It is human nature to be forgetful, as the Arab poet said:

    “He is only called man (insân) because of his forgetfulness (nasiyân), and it is only called the heart (al-qalb) because it changes so rapidly (yataqallib).”

    In the past they said that the first one to forget (awwal nâsin) was the first man (awwal al-nâs), meaning Adam, peace be upon him. Forgetfulness is something that varies from person to person according to each individual’s nature; some may be more forgetful than others. Some of the things that may help to combat forgetfulness are the following:

    1. Keeping away from sin, because the bad effects of sin result in a bad memory and the inability to retain knowledge. The darkness of sin cannot co-exist with the light of knowledge. The following words were attributed to al-Shâfi‘î, may Allâh have mercy on him:

    “I complained to [my shaykh] Wakî’ about my bad memory, and he taught me that I should keep away from sin. He said that knowledge of Allâh is light, and the light of Allâh is not given to the sinner.”

    Al-Khatîb reported in al-Jâmi‘ (2/387) that Yahya ibn Yahya said:

    “A man asked Mâlik ibn Anas, ‘O Abu ‘Abd-Allâh! Is there anything that will improve my memory?’ He said, ‘If anything will improve it, it is giving up sin.’”

    When a person commits a sin, it overwhelms him and this leads to anxiety and sorrow which keeps him busy thinking about what he has done. This dulls his senses and distracts him from many beneficial things, including seeking knowledge.

    2. Frequently remembering Allâh, may He be glorified, by reciting dhikr, tasbîh (saying‘Subhan Allâh’), tahmîd (‘Al-hamdu Lillâh’ ), tahlîl (‘Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh’) and takbîr (‘Allâhu akbar’), etc. Allâh says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “…And remember your Lord when you forget…” [al-Kahf 18:24]

    3. Not eating too much, because eating too much makes one sleep too much and become lazy, and it dulls the senses, besides exposing one to the risk of physical diseases. Most of the diseases which we see result from food and drink.

    4. Some of the scholars have mentioned certain foods which increase the memory, such as drinking honey and eating raisins and chewing certain kinds of gum resin.

    Imâm al-Zuhrî said:

    “You should eat honey because it is good for the memory.”

    He also said:

    “Whoever wants to memorize hadîth should eat raisins.” (From al-Jâmi‘ by al-Khatîb, 2/394)

    Ibrâhîm ibn [sth. omitted] said,

    “You should chew resin gum, because it is Ways To Strengthen One’s Memory"

    As they mentioned, too much acidic food is one of the causes of laziness and weak memory.

    5. Another thing that can help the memory and reduce forgetfulness is cupping (hijâmah) of the head, as is well known from experience. (For more information see Al-Tibb al-Nabawi by Ibn al-Qayyim).

    And Allâh knows best.

    Sealed Heart.Plz Help!

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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