Aboo Uways Abdullaah Ahmad Alee (1425H)

One of the pioneers of ad-da'watus-salafiyyah in the West. Aboo Uways (rahimahullaah) was the Imaam of the salafee masjid, Masjid Rahmah in Newark, New Jersey, USA. After studying in Saudi Arabia, Aboo Uways migrated to England where he called to the usool of salafiyyah at a time when many were afraid to use the praiseworthy term 'salafee'. He later returned to America in the mid-nineties and was influential towards spreading salafiyyah in N. America and repelling the callers to innovation. (Taken from

  1. Iman
    1. The decrease after the increase
    2. You Will Not be a Believer Until...
      A khutbah addressing the issue of true eemaan.

  2. Tawheed
    1. The Two Testimonies & the Purpose of Life
      An explanation of the shahadatayn and a directive towards fulfilling the purpose of creation.

  3. Innovation
    1. This Day I Have Completed Your Deen
    2. Its Haraam to be a Hizbee
      Hizbiyyah (partisanship) whether it be to a nation, tribe, organisation or group is prohibited. The only partisanship one should have is to Allaah and his Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), partisanship for the truth.
    3. Unity is Sunnah and Division is Bidah

  4. Character - Akhlaq - Tazkiya
    1. The Diseases of the Heart
      A large focus of the lecture is on being just, having 'justice' in one's affairs. Not being deceitful and treacherous with the people. Review: A large focus of the lecture is on being just, having 'justice' in one's affairs. Not being deceitful and treacherous with the people.
      - Aboo Uways reminds us, "What we do matters, what we say matters, how we deal with people matters, and Allaah is going to judge us and we will stand accountable for this. The issue is a matter of justice. We have been unjust with our tongues, we have been unjust with our hands, we have been unjust with our hearts, we have been unjust with our business dealings, we have been unjust with our transactions and our dealings with one another. We have to clean this up!
      - We are talking about diseases of the hearts, and from the diseases of the heart is the dhulm (oppression), the injustice that we do to one another, the injustice that we do to our wives, the injustice that they do to us, the injustice that attaches itself to our children, the injustice with those whom we come in contact with in the masjid, and with those we meet on the street.
      - To be just is what is required! It is a judge in any given situation with what is true, what is real, what is right!"
    2. Gentleness and Ease
      The Messenger - ’alayhis-salaatu was-salaam – said, “Indeed gentleness does not enter into anything except that it beautifies it, is it removed from anything except that it disfigures it.”
    3. Firmness in times of fitnah part 01
    4. Firmness in times of fitnah part 02
      A look at how the Messenger (peace be upon him) and his Companions suffered at the hands of the disbelievers but remained steadfast upon the worship of Allaah alone, and some important lessons to be learned from this.
    5. Being patient during times of fitan
    6. Protection from the Evil Eye- Part 01 - Part-02
      A good overview of the evil-eye, its causes and remedies from the book, 'The medicine of the prophet' by Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.
    7. Its time to repent to Allah
    8. The greater the hardship the greater the reward
    9. What is your connection with Allah

  5. Knowledge
    1. Knowledge is a matter of deen
    2. The importance of sticking to the Ulemaa
    3. There are NO scholars in the West
      A hearty blow to one of the scandalous misconceptions disseminated by the ahlul-bid'ah. The false claim that someone from the West is a scholar was spread vigorously in the past decade with the intention of disconnecting the general Muslim from the Scholar. Therefore, breaking the link between the Muslim and the 'Inheritor of the Prophet', a deadly misguidance which kept many away from the clarity of the scholars, in effect, disconnecting them from the Sunnah and the sources of the Sunnah (the scholars). - Several years on, this brave speech is indicative of the bravery and love our brother (rahimahullaah) had for the Sunnah and its people. The affairs of Aboo Muslimah became clear due to the efforts of Aboo Uways and others, however, this talk was a catalyst in clarfying the affair and drumming in to the minds of the listener the status of the 'Ulamaa and the hizbiyyah of this once famous and popular speaker (Aboo Muslimah). Many others followed Aboo Uways' lead but it was this talk which paved the way and this type of courage has been rarely seen against hizbiyyah in the years which have followed in our lands.
    4. Fataawaa Of The Scholars Unseen

  6. Salah
    1. Some Etiquettes of Jumuah Having a Proper Wudoo and Being Silent

  7. Final Journey
    1. The Bridge Over the Hell-Fire !!
      A test which every person will face. Learn about its horrors that you may be compelled towards worshipping Allaah upon the correct 'Aqeedah, lest one falls into the hell-fire!!
    2. What are we here for

  8. Ummah
    1. Brotherhood is mandatory
    2. Unity is Sunnah and Division is Bidah
    3. Muslims have been commanded to be united

  9. Dawah
    1. The Message of the Prophets
      An overview of the da'watul-anbiyaa, the call to pure tawheed.
    2. 50 Points Defining The Salafi Dawah 1
    3. 50 Points Defining The Salafi Dawah 2
    4. A Reply To Abu Usaamah If Speech Is From Silver
    5. A Reply To Abu Usaamah If Speech Is From Silver-part2
    6. The Deception Of Abu Usaamah Khalifah

  10. Family
    1. Manners Of Husband Wife

  11. Sunnah
    1. Happiness is in As-Salafiyyah - Vol 2 - Jumuah Khutba
    2. Why We Chose The Sunnah As A Way Of Life
    3. This Day I Have Completed Your Deen

  12. Aqeeda & Fiqh
    1. Be steadfast upon the way of the Salaf and beware the misguidance of the Khalaf
    2. Belief Of Ahlus-Sunnah Regarding The Companions
    3. Hold on to what the companions were on
    4. Sharh Aqeedatal Waasitiyyah - Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 - Part 05 - Part 06 - Part 07 - Part 08

  13. Jihad
    1. Levels of Jihad
    2. Jihaad: The Misconceptions Cleared
      An excellent admonition repelling the shubuhaat (doubts) that are widespread amongst the average Muslim in relation to 'Jihaad'. Review: Our noble brother, Aboo Uways explains the varying types of Jihaad; that which is obligatory on every Muslim and that which is obligatory upon the people of a given land. Also, the criterion for Jihaad, it's conditions and understanding the position of the rulers and the ruled. The lecture contains an inspiring reminder of the widespread ignorance that is commonplace amongst the Muslim ummah, that Muslims from the West to the East are eager to pick up arms and defend the shee'ah but yet there is no concern for 'tasfiyah wat-tarbiyah' (purification and education) in the most basic of affairs.

  14. Sins
    1. Harming the Muslims with your tongue and hands

  15. Seerah
    1. The Biography of al-'Allaamah Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee [d. 1416H]
      Upon the death of the Shaykh, Shaykh Ibn Baaz wrote of him: "He was known to me for his sound knowledge and correct 'aqeedah and his activeness in the field of da'wah to Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) and warning against the innovations and deviation. May Allaah forgive him and grant him an abode in Paradise and make noble his offspring and join us all in His Noble House (Paradise). Indeed, He is the All-Hearing and Near (with His Knowledge)." (9/1/1418 A.H.)

  16. Ramadhan
    1. Benefits of Ramadhaan we need Ramadhaan