Brothers and Sisters

I am a Muslim. When I read the Quran I feel 100% comfortable with every word written in it. I don't have even 0.000000001% doubts about the Quran.

But when it comes to some Hadeeth I find it hard to understand/believe.

I will give you an example. Can you please tell me if these are true?

For Example:

According to a Hadith I read it is possible for humans to marry Jinn?

Also some Hadith I found a bit hard to believe:

The jinni may appear in a form of dog or black cat as confirmed in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: "A black dog is devil". Ibn Taimiya (May Allah's Mercy be upon him) said: 'The black dog is a devil, and the jinn often appear in its form, since the black color can bring the devilish powers more than other colors.
The jinni can appear in the shape of snakes. Thus, the Messenger (p.b.u.h.) banned killing home snakes lest may any of them be a Muslim jinni. Abu Said al-Khudri (R.a) said that Allah's Messenger (p.b.u.h) said: "There are Muslim Jinn in al-Madina: If one appears to you, in any form, you are to admonish it to depart for three days. If it appears after that, you must kill it, for it is truly a devil". [Reported by Imam Muslim]
The jinni may appear in the form of a human being as recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari when a devil came to Abu Hurairah (R.a) in the shape of a poor man and Abu Hurairah found the devil taking much food of charity.

Animals (all living creatures with souls) with the exception of humans will not enter paradise nor hell. They do not encompass the mentality that we do when distinguishing between right and wrong. We simply believe they 'disappear' or turn to dust 'decompose' when they die. They will not be judged. They do not have immortal souls.
What are your opinions on these?