The Mu’jizah of al-Qur’aan

The different aspects which make the Qur’aan the greatest mu’jizah of ar-Rasool (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) are as follows:

1. The language and style of the Arabic of the Qur’aan

2. The predictions in the Qur’aan

3. The stories of the Qur’aan

4. The message of the Qur’aan of itself

5. The scientific facts of the Qur’aan

6. The effect which the Qur’aan has on its listeners

7. The Qur’aan has no contradictions

8. The ease by which the Qur’aan is memorized

Source: 'The Miraculous Nature of the Qur'aan' - lecture by Yasir Qadhi