I am a dreamer. Ma world is a dream as happiness flows from me. Ma eyes stare in wonder lost in a daze. Escape the real world’s maze n dead ends.

No more hurt, no pain
Ma heart is finally free from its chains
Ma sky is ma limit, I am in ma bubble of wonder

Protection from harm and evil doers. I seek peace and sernity, as I bow down,
Words of praise whisperd in subitmission. I bow to one. N fear none else

I made ma peace wiz da world. To seek truth and happiness is ma goal
No one to put me down, no pressure. Just fly free in ma world of dreams.
I wont let no one catch ME! I fly high as can be
No one to cage me and destroy ma spirit. I am a dreamer of a better place
Dream to build a the best person inside, find out ma true self n clear ma debts with No
Secrets to hide, I am a dreamer of all things possible. I dream of a ummah that can stand side by side in worship. A dreamer of jannah and meet the one n only. I dream of world peace yet I know,it’s a all dream. But success is pyscologal n mark ma words. I’ll make it possible. To dream of a future is the first step to building it. So I’ll dream on as I am a dreamer, but forever I will remain a believer.

(not quite finished, but add more later)