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Photos taken from the hate rally in Love Park, Philly. The "support Israel" demonstration was greeted by the Israeli Consul General of Philly, US Senator Arlen (lone bullet) Spector, a (shameless) rabbi, and Mr. Mondesire, the president of the Philly chapter of the NAACP.

The hundred or so cops were actually there to protect us (those who know that NEVER AGAIN pertains to humanity) against the irrational rightwingers -- who did, at one point, start to come after us, when about a dozen cops stepped in...

Marine Corporal (and Iraq Veteran) Chantelle Bateman demands that Israel honor the 61 year old U.N. Resolution that allowed Israel INTO the United Nations, IF Israel would grant the "Right of Retrurn", and pay compensation to the Palestinians who the Zionists drove from the Eastern Mediterranean historical home of the Philistines (Palestinians).
The Zionist HATE FEST was held in Philly's LOVE PARK

About 1,000 Zionists Rallied, with their typical sentiments displayed (read poster)

Our Counter Pickets beg to differ

bp Calls for a ONE STATE, DEMOCRATIC SOLUTION, not the "2 State" crap that has been on the table for the last 35 years. The U.S. endorsed "2 State" solution will NEVER be achieved, with all the nit picking lawyers always trying to justify the sledge hammer Zionist incursions.

Plenty of thoughtful Jews are disgusted and embarrassed by Zionist behavior

When Progressive Jews demand Fair Play, the Zionists are stymied

The City of Philadelphia provided over 100 Uniformed & CD Police to protect the Zionists.
The 3 FREE PALESTINE Rallies that we had earlier in the week each drew about 15 cops.
No opinion. Just the Facts.
Our fearless Marine Corporal is surrounded by 8 Plainclothes cops. No Opinion.
Imagine trying to raise your children while an occupying army is violating all of GOD's LAWS
ALL Photos, CREDIT: bill perry