Egyptians for Gaza campaign


* There will be no calling to violence in this campaign.

* Every Muslim and Muslima can help.

* It was Shaykh Ayman al-Zawahiri who came with the idea of starting an online campaign in his latest interview with As-Sahab, this does not mean that this is an Al Qaeda campaign, rather it's the responsibility of all Muslims to help their brothers and sisters in need. And that's what we're gonna do insha Allah.


* To get the people of Egypt to pressure the Egyptian regime by peaceful means to end its blockade of Gaza. For example by stopping their work for some time etc.


One can post videos on youtube and other sites calling the Muslims of Egypt to do something.

* Get support from Arab bloggers.

Sharing videos and information regarding this campaign with many people.

Why the Egyptians?


The point is to get the Egyptian Muslims to pressure the regime to end the blockade of Gaza. They can do this with very simple non-violent means. The key to ending the Gaza siege lies in their hands.