Bismillahi aktubu

Rasulullah had forbade to put the hands in the hip.(HR.Bukhari, Muslim, Al Irwa' 374).
It's the cross, Rasulullah had forbid that.(HR.Abu Daud, An Nasa'i and except them).

And he put the right hand above the left hand's back, left wrist and the inside of the left arm's (HR.Abu Daud, An Nasa'i, Ibn Khuzaimah(2/45/1) with Shahihul Isnad. And Shahih Ibn Hibban (485).
Sometimes he grab his right hand to his left hand(HR.An Nasa'i, Ad Daruquthni with Shahihul Isnad).
And he put both his hands at his chest(HR.Abu Daud, Ibn Khuzaimah in his Shahih (I/54/2), Ahmad, Abu Syaikh in Tarikh Al Ashbahan(page 125). At Tirmidzi had declared Hasan to 1 of this Hadits, Malik in Al Muwaththa' narrated this in meaning(bil ma'na) and Bukhari in his Shahih.
In Ahkamul Jana'iz(page 118) by syaikh Nashir Al Albaani, anyone could see the Hadits Isnad in detail.

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.