Do you Understand, How they Understood?

In this two day seminar you will study the principles related to the role of the Salaf in understanding and interpreting the Sacred Sources and the dangers of turning away from this...

Delivered by: Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad Fraz Farhat and Abu Rumaysah

Date: Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th March 2009
(8.30am -7.30pm)

Venue: University of East London (Docklands Campus)

Find out more and register here

  • Who and what are the salaf?

  • Are their statements explanations of the text or their own understanding?

  • Are their statements taken as proof and do they hold authority?

  • Can the later scholars have opinions that the early scholars did not hold?

  • Ijtihad Vs. Understanding of the Early Generations

  • Can we follow the ‘concessions’ or ‘irregular opinions’ attributed to some scholars?

*** Sister Only Session will be held at 8.30am – 10.30am on Sunday ***

sabeel - Sabeel Seminar: Understanding of the Salaf
w400 - Sabeel Seminar: Understanding of the Salaf