Dear Folks

Islam is the name of the life of preservation of the self within the boundary walls of the Quran. For this purpose it is necessary that the mankind must know as to what are the boundary walls of the Quran and along with it they must also get themselves up for self-control. The month of Ramadan is the specific instrument for inculcating and substantiating each of these two matters. Today we can relate this as a Training Camp or a Refresher Course. The fasting makes the men to build up such a character which make them capable of reaching higher goals given by Allah Almighty. And when this month long exercise has ended up it has been asked to celebrate it known as “Eid”

Every tribe, people or race throughout the world celebrates a festival of one sort or another. Muslims also celebrate some festive occasions on some days of the year. But the festival of Eid is one that we are commanded to celebrate with zest by Allah Almighty. Eid-ul-Fitr is in deed a sacred function of the annual celebration of the Quran’s revelation. This rejoicing Festival of Eid is the memorial of the revelation of living and lasting Book of Allah Almighty. Islam is the name of obedience to the Divine Laws not the obedience by compulsion but the obedience from the core of the heart.

Religion Islam