A British couple kidnapped by pirates have said via video footage that they fear they may be killed within a week.

Paul and Rachel Chandler, aged 59 and 55 and from Kent, were taken hostage by Somali gunmen on October 23 as they sailed their yacht in the Indian Ocean.

Pirates then made a ransom demand of $7m (£4.3m) in a phone call to the BBC.

In the video obtained by Channel 4 News, Mr Chandler said "they will not hesitate to kill us, perhaps within a week" unless ransom talks begin.

'Losing patience'

Speaking at gunpoint, Mr Chandler says: "This is our 27th day in captivity. So far we have been provided with adequate food and water and facilities, and so we are unharmed and in reasonable physical health.

"Mentally we are under great stress and threatened. Our kidnappers are losing patience. They are concerned that there has been no response at all to their demands for money.


I think that sailing around the Indian Ocean unarmed near Somalia is a very silly thing to do. You're almost asking for trouble. However, these two people are innocent and my prayers are with them. I support the Foreign Office and their refusal to cede to the hostage takers demands. Money shall only fund such operations further.