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Tabligee jamaat

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    Tabligee jamaat

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    Salaam my brothers and sisters wish you all Eid mubarak.

    I am sure many of you'll here must be knowing about tableegh jamaat, I have been with them for a while and have a lot of friends who are persistant in following all that.

    Once i went out for 40 days and we stayed in many masajids over that period of time, it was many years ago and all i know is that it purified my faith and i learned a lot of things really.

    Some people say they are on the wrong path and all this is bidaa as there were no such things in our prophets time.

    I remember when i was in jamaat for 40 days we were in pune and i saw so many people from different countries travelling and there were many reverts and most of the had beards and every little thing i saw in them was according to sunnah.

    I personally like this jamaat and i really dont know whats wrong with them and i would really appreciate if someone can provide unbiased suggestion as i hear a lot of things from either sides and dont know what to think.

    Jazak allah khair

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    Sampharo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    Jamaat Al-Tableegh Wal-Da'waa is a group that practices going out for da'waa and calling for God. They have a methodology in going out in groups to new places, spending some time in a village, town, or neighborhood knocking on doors and inviting muslims for prayers and to go back to Islam. Before moving on they ask any people who responded to go out with them and make more da'waa.

    On the surface it is a good and commendable effort and decent intentions, but the group in reality suffer problems with their Aqeedah and a few of their tactics that ended up in classifying them as parted way from the path of Ahlu Sunnah wal-Jamaat. Sheikhs Ibn Uthaiman, Bin Baz, Al-Albani and many others have expressed that they are deviated from the path despite the good sounding intentions, and are actually banned from practicing in Saudi Arabia.

    Their criticism include the following:

    1- They do not believe in taking knowledgable people along, and because they think that it is an obligation on anyone, they literally involve "anyone" in making da'waa and teaching people Islam which is wrong. Most tablighis are undereducated people many of which don't even know how to recite the quran properly or perform all the different kinds of prayers correctly, and end up after their spent time with inspired individuals but having imparted no knowledge at all and maybe wrong information that is even worse.

    2- They apply a generic quantity approach rather than quality da'waa, resulting in not fulfilling the requirements of proper da'waa in delivering knowledge. They do not correct wrong beliefs and do not care about specifics or deviation. They never inform of shariah matters or fiqh or important rulings people should know (which is kind of ok considering that they rarely have a scholar or knowledgable person amongst them).

    3- Some use worldly gains stories as motivation, and some outright lie. They like talking a lot about the blessings that come to those who join them or the "karamat" of doing this and that. They also have a habit of attributing a person's problems to jinn and evil eye and tell them that they have to keep praying unless they want the jinn to do worse things. Seems like they want to achieve prayer results even when it's not pure and for the sake of God. (I witnessed this one personally)

    4- Many use pressure tactics to get people on board, even unknowledgable ones, sometimes using the "blessings" and special "karamat" stories to tell people that their problems will be mystically solved if they join them, and from another angle some tell "newly guided" that they are sinning if they can make da'waa and are not going out. Complaints have been about men who were experiencing harsh times and were led to believe that going out for 40 days will yield this much easiness in their lives and this much money and provision. Aside from the obvious chain-email tactic being a nullifier of pure intentions, some desperate men swallowed the claims and left their homes without money to spend to go on this journey of blessings thinking that God will take care of the family on his own.

    5- No commitment to people, they hardly organize revisiting a group of people to make sure they are adopting God's message and do not need more guidance.

    6- Their approach seems to be effective on a specific kind of person: already muslim but just needed a nudge to start practicing. Their approach is ineffective with non-muslims or muslims who adopt deviated beliefs.

    7- Tablighi's adopt and propagate sufi beliefs, and that saint-graves can and should be visited, and that a person needs to be someone's mureed or else will die as if in Jahiliya.

    8- Wrongly inform people that Jihad is going out for da'waa.

    9- Many believe in and propagate charms and lucky trinkets, some even write them out to the "newly" guided. They seriously rely on non-sunnah Thikr, and many believe too much in mystics and receiving inspirations in dreams and such.

    These are some of the criticisms taken against the group by scholars and researchers
    Tabligee jamaat


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    Arrow Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    Jamaat Al-Tableegh Wal-Da'waa is a group that practices going out for da'waa and calling for God. They have a methodology in going out in groups to new places, spending some time in a village, town, or neighborhood knocking on doors and inviting muslims for prayers and to go back to Islam. Before moving on they ask any people who responded to go out with them and make more da'waa.

    On the surface it is a good and commendable effort and decent intentions, but the group in reality suffer problems with their Aqeedah and a few of their tactics that ended up in classifying them as parted way from the path of Ahlu Sunnah wal-Jamaat. Sheikhs Ibn Uthaiman, Bin Baz, Al-Albani and many others have expressed that they are deviated from the path despite the good sounding intentions, and are actually banned from practicing in Saudi Arabia.

    Their criticism include the following:

    1- They do not believe in taking knowledgable people along, and because they think that it is an obligation on anyone, they literally involve "anyone" in making da'waa and teaching people Islam which is wrong. Most tablighis are undereducated people many of which don't even know how to recite the quran properly or perform all the different kinds of prayers correctly, and end up after their spent time with inspired individuals but having imparted no knowledge at all and maybe wrong information that is even worse.
    This is very false and grossly misinformed. Most jamaats will have Aalims(scholars) and hafidh(those who have memorised the Qur'an) accompanying them and if there is no Aalim then the Ameer (one who is appointed leader of the group) or another member/s of the group will almost always be knowledgable and experienced people. Every jamat will go from locality to locality learning from various scholars and learned people so this copy and paste is very false and cannot be further from the truth.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    2- They apply a generic quantity approach rather than quality da'waa, resulting in not fulfilling the requirements of proper da'waa in delivering knowledge. They do not correct wrong beliefs and do not care about specifics or deviation. They never inform of shariah matters or fiqh or important rulings people should know (which is kind of ok considering that they rarely have a scholar or knowledgable person amongst them).
    Again as mentioned before there is almost ALWAYS a scholar in the group and learned people who accompany the group and if there isnt which may be the case sometimes because of the fact that there are countless groups going around the world then when the group reaches the locality then they yearn to learn off the knowledgable and learned, for the whole purpose of tabligh is to learn and better oneself spiritually aswell as enjoin good and forbid evil and invite towards Allah.

    Ask people who are involved in this work and they will tell you that throughout their experiences in going to jamaat they come across countless big scholars and learned people whom they learn so much from.

    Taleem(learning) is a significant part of jamaat and one cannot go to jamaat without learning from scholarly sources. Ask people who have gone and they will themselves inform you of what actually goes on rather than relying on false and misrepresentation of this work from those who do not know anything about this work and are grossly misinformed about it.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    3- Some use worldly gains stories as motivation, and some outright lie. They like talking a lot about the blessings that come to those who join them or the "karamat" of doing this and that. They also have a habit of attributing a person's problems to jinn and evil eye and tell them that they have to keep praying unless they want the jinn to do worse things. Seems like they want to achieve prayer results even when it's not pure and for the sake of God. (I witnessed this one personally)
    Again this is very false and as always Salafi scholars cannot differentiate between different groups in the Indian Subcontinent. To them they are all the same but we know that is far from reality because those who attend tabligh are of the Deobandi stance and Deobandi's are staunch and avid followers of the Sunnah and very much against the bid'a'a of the brelvees who are rampant across the Indian subcontinent. There are also many groups who claim to follow pure sufism but their beliefs and practises are very much against the teachings of pure sufism and are very unIslamic indeed.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    4- Many use pressure tactics to get people on board, even unknowledgable ones, sometimes using the "blessings" and special "karamat" stories to tell people that their problems will be mystically solved if they join them, and from another angle some tell "newly guided" that they are sinning if they can make da'waa and are not going out. Complaints have been about men who were experiencing harsh times and were led to believe that going out for 40 days will yield this much easiness in their lives and this much money and provision. Aside from the obvious chain-email tactic being a nullifier of pure intentions, some desperate men swallowed the claims and left their homes without money to spend to go on this journey of blessings thinking that God will take care of the family on his own.
    Nothing in life in this life will give us a free ticket to Jannah and tabligh never claims to do this. Countless people have benefitted from this work and are still benefitting today, so why should'nt their positive experiences from this work be conveyed to others so that others may also benefit like they did?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    5- No commitment to people, they hardly organize revisiting a group of people to make sure they are adopting God's message and do not need more guidance.
    Regular visits are made again and again in a constant cycle from groups of jamaats from around the world to localitys nationally and internationally enjoining good and forbidding evil so no one area is ever left without the visit from these groups. Even places around the world like Papa New Guinnea have benefitted from the visit of jamaats aswell as many other places around the world which have never been visited by Muslims. So again this statement cannot be further from the truth and is clearly very misinformed about the work of Tabligh.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    6- Their approach seems to be effective on a specific kind of person: already muslim but just needed a nudge to start practicing. Their approach is ineffective with non-muslims or muslims who adopt deviated beliefs.
    Very false indeed. Not everyone is effective against inviting non Muslims to Islam but there are those who specialise in inviting non Muslims and as mentioned before they have covered areas of the earth which have never been visited by Muslims and have informed and invited countless towards Islam. None of our efforts can be effective if it is not for the will of Allah because we are only informers and we cannot guide anyone and those who do the work of Tabligh who invite Muslims and non Muslims do not claim to be able to guide but they inform as best they can.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    7- Tablighi's adopt and propagate sufi beliefs, and that saint-graves can and should be visited, and that a person needs to be someone's mureed or else will die as if in Jahiliya.
    Again this shows the typical 'salafi' perspective of not being able to differentiate between brelvee's and those who follow Ahlus Sunnah Wal jama'ah like those who follow the deobandi way. Generally the people who go on jamaat are avid and strict followers of the sunnah aswell as staunch against bida'a (innovation). Salafi's cannot differentiate between brelvees and the rest of the Muslims from the Indian Subcontinent who are very much against bid'a such as the visiting graves of saints.

    The statement about being someone's mureed or otherwise die in jahiliyya is the first i have ever heard and is truly absurd to connect it with the people who do this work.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    8- Wrongly inform people that Jihad is going out for da'waa.
    They call it going out on the path of Allah not in the same way as the kind of Jihad as fighting. Just like one goes out in the path of Allah to fight or to learn knowledge in this work one goes out with the intention of bettering oneself, learning knolwedge aswell as enjoining good forbidding evil and inviting towards Allah.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    9- Many believe in and propagate charms and lucky trinkets, some even write them out to the "newly" guided. They seriously rely on non-sunnah Thikr, and many believe too much in mystics and receiving inspirations in dreams and such.
    Again this shows clear non differentiation of those who follow different groups and stances in the Indian subcontinent. This sounds more like a brelvee belief and it should be understood that brelvees and Deobandi's are very different from each other for the very fact that brelvees indulge in such innovations which are deemed non Islamic but to class them as the same as those who practise this work is again absurd and very misinformed.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    These are some of the criticisms taken against the group by scholars and researchers
    This is copy and paste is obviously the 'salafi' perspective but much of which you have copy and pasted is grossly false, misinformed and incorrect. You cannot judge a people without even seeing the work for yourself because how can one get a deep insight into a work without actually seeing it with ones own eyes? This scholars who have this position have never even been on jamaat or met people who go on jamaat to ever really have a deep insight into what it is really about.

    Those who are more informed about this work would say a lot of people have benefited from it this work and the intentions of the group are good but as in life every group will have its errors and mistakes and NO group is immune from error as all humans are.

    Tabligi's are a group working who call people to Allah and the way of His Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).

    The scholars of Syria and Jordan praise their commitment, and general think well with them, even if some have some reservations about particular matters. Like Shaykh Mu'min al-Annan said, "They are filling a great void in the Ummah."

    However, the way of Islam is to look at the intent behind actions and whether good preponderates or not; otherwise, few human endeavors are free of error.

    Allah Most High says,

    'Say: Each one does according to his way, and your Lord is Best Aware of him whose way is right.' [Qur'an, 17.84]

    In Imam Sawi (Allah have mercy on him) explained the word shakilatihi ('his way') in his Hashiya on Tafsir al-Jalalayn:

    'This means that each one of us and you acts according to their state, disposition, and that which their soul was habituated to'. And in this verse there is proof that the outward points to the inward.' [Sawi, Hashiyat al-Jalalay, 3.337]

    Sufyan ibn Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) related that, 'I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about Islam which I could not ask anyone but you.' He said (Allah bless him & give him peace), 'Say, 'I believe in Allah,' and then remain upright.'

    And Allah alone gives success.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 11-28-2009 at 10:25 PM.
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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    Thank you both of you for ur reply

    I have been with tabligee jamaat and as i said earlier personally there is nothing which i dont like in the them and my experience was really good because i learned so many

    Many ayats, dua and reading listening to hadiths, quran, doing tilawat.

    So i think il keep this opinion in my mind

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    I believe another criticism is that they have essentially established "going-out" as a new pillar of the religion; saying you really should go out for 3 days a month, 40 days a year, and for 4 months in your lifetime (preferably to Pakistan/India).

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by rpwelton View Post
    I believe another criticism is that they have essentially established "going-out" as a new pillar of the religion; saying you really should go out for 3 days a month, 40 days a year, and for 4 months in your lifetime (preferably to Pakistan/India).

    I agree.

    I went out with Jamaat Tabligh for 40 days of da'wah visiting several cities in my first year of college in Australia years ago. I was very eager and impressionable but with very little of deen knowledge.
    As the OP said, I saw nothing wrong at all with the methods and practices. In any case it increased my faith at that time and i learnt a lot of sunnah and put the directly into practice in my daily life during that period.

    Some of my friends continued with the tabligh and went to India and Pakistan for 3 months the following years.

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    Jazakumullahu Khair Brother Hamzah. I actually posted a similar reply, but deleted it to avoid controversy.

    Here's supporting evidence I took off SunniForum:

    moulana ilyas (ra) who is the founder of tabligh jamaat did not restrict the members of tabligh jamaat to the reading of fazail amaal. this restriction is something that came after him.

    also fazail e durood which emphasises tassawuf some what has been removed from tabligh jamaat and therefore is not read in tabligh jamaat. in fact a lot of people do not even know about fazail e durood any more.

    moulana ilyas (ra) desired that an alim and a hafez accompany every group of tabligh jamaat that go out in jamaat. if an alim is present then there is no harm in reading other books of hadith as he will be able to explain the hadith to the laymen.

    also there are other books of fazail. example is fazail e sadaqah or fazail e hajj. these are books of fazail in the same manner of fazail e amaal. there is no harm in reading these other books and in fact these books at one time were not restricted.

    tassawuf was a very important part in the early days of tabligh jamaat and the early elders of tabligh jamaat were either shaikhs or mureeds of tassawuf themselves. in the early days of tabligh people were sent out in jamaat and also were made to attend khanqahs as well. moulana ilyas (ra) used to say that now that you haver spent time amongst the duniya by going out in jamaat, now spend time in the pure environment of the khanqah as well.

    tassawuf was an intricate part of the deobandi teachings and the early scholars were involved in tassawuf but sadly nowadays i have seen a lot of scholars and people who claim to be following the teachings of deoband leaning away from tassawuf and leaning towards salafism.

    moulana ilyas (ra) used to say that many people think they are doing the effort, but in fact they are not doing the effort. the effort is to bring the 6 qualities into our lives.

    also moulana ilyas (ra) said that if a person spends many years in the effort and it does not help him go towards his rectification then he should try to find some other way that may help him rectify his life.

    tabligh jamaat the organisation is a means to an end. it is not the aim or the objective. the aim and objective is to rectify our lives and to reach Allah. there are many ways and means that this can be achieved and everyone should follow the way which is best for him. sadly nowadays some people in tabligh jamaat do not see it this way and have wandered from the original ideals of moulana ilyas (ra).

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    I am not a Tabligee but I know closer some Tabligee. They are good and pious Muslims.

    And I am not Ulama, I cannot say is Tabligee jamaat deviants or not. But in my eyes they always attempt to guide Muslims in "Amar bil Ma'ruf Nahi wal Munkar".

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Adib Shaikh View Post
    Thank you both of you for ur reply

    I have been with tabligee jamaat and as i said earlier personally there is nothing which i dont like in the them and my experience was really good because i learned so many

    Many ayats, dua and reading listening to hadiths, quran, doing tilawat.

    So i think il keep this opinion in my mind
    U should open urself more to knowledge. Learn hadiths from various ppl...dun constrict urself to a particular jamaat...

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Arrow Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    You are neither qualified to make statements nor hold a decent debate as previously proven that you and logic are not on the same dimension......

    ....then you are more pathetic than anyone thought. I don't care about your personal opinion....
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, it seems to me you get very verbally abusive and frustrated when you produce a weak argument just as you did in a previous thread called "Eating none halal meat".

    You became verbally abusive and rude and was rebuked by a number of members of this forum and i hope they can see you for who you really are for there is no need to get verbally abusive.

    Is that how you react in life if someone disagrees with your stance? I hope you do not treat your loved ones in that way particularly your partner because in life we will be tested in many ways but we cannot resort to abuse when someone is not in agreement with us. Is that how Rasulallah (Pbuh) and Sahaba conducted discussion and debate?

    Please refrain from using such verbal abuse and becoming rude and aggressive as this does not befit the way a Muslim should conduct themselves and certainly is not the way the salaf behaved.

    What will other people think when they enter this forum for advice and support to see your ill manner of behaviour and conduct?

    Refrain from this kind of behaviour or take anger management sessions because it seems this is a habit of yours when having a discussion and one should not become verbally abusive and frustrated in a discussion it shows clear weaknesses in your argument and stance.

    Please refer to the following:

    The Causes of Anger and It's Medicine

    by Imam al Ghazali

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 11-29-2009 at 07:11 PM.
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    Arrow Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    I am not a Tabligee but I know closer some Tabligee. They are good and pious Muslims.

    And I am not Ulama, I cannot say is Tabligee jamaat deviants or not. But in my eyes they always attempt to guide Muslims in "Amar bil Ma'ruf Nahi wal Munkar".
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, My brother those that know nothing about Tabligh have nothing relevant to say on this matter.

    So many people refer to and believe copy and pastes of those who have never even been involved with tabligh nor met a group that take part in this work so how will they have a deep enough insight into this work and what it really is about?

    Why not get involved and see for yourselves if you really want a true and deep insight rather than believing those who have never had anything to do with this work? Only then would one know what this group is really about and what they stand for but the copy and paste above is so far from the truth and you can ask anyone involved in thid work to clarify for you what its really about.

    There will always be a people who will disagree with another for no valid reason for their arguments have no substance and are empty without any weight.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 11-29-2009 at 07:12 PM.
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    Sampharo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81 View Post
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, it seems to me you get very verbally abusive and frustrated when you produce a weak argument just as you did in a previous thread called "Eating none halal meat".
    There's no insult in calling a fool, a fool. Imam Shafie threw out corrupt non-sensical individuals and called them fools and idiots to their face and without. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab verbally disciplined and bashed people who would suggest anything outside virtue or path of the sunnah. Aisha narrates that when a person (who was known to be an argumentative man with corruption) when he came to ask for permission to enter upon the prophet, the prophet -pbuh- said: "Tell that pathetic brother of ours he may enter".

    You are not only lacking in your opinions and even basic knowledge, that does not in any way earn or deserve discipline. It is because you have the audacity:

    1- To call scholars and master sheikhs far above your station as "ignorants and misguided".
    2- To pass judgement on salafi manhaj as if it is not the proper Ahlu Sunnah wal-Jamaat manhaj, and pose as an authority discounting the actual FACTS about tabligh group without a shred of evidence.
    3- To outrageously lie and twist the words of other posters to suit your purpose, sometimes in a mindnumbingly obvious manner such as the "Eating non-halal meat" when every line I posted was about kosher slaughtered meat being permissible yet you kept on bulldozing your mile-long self-contradicting posts about how we're not supposed to eat NON-slaughtered meat, ending it with reversing your own opinion not once, but twice, yet saying that sheikhs got it wrong and telling those who are far above your level to go and learn.

    In this situation, you actually called my post to be "copy and paste" as if you are actually degrading its value, when (a) you do nothing more than copy and paste yourself in your painfully long yet hardly relevent posts (b) when quoting scholarly advice copying and pasting IS the required thing to do. Yet my post was actually personal experience myself regarding most of the criticisms, ending with just this last Ramadan when I went into a new masjid for taraweeh and tabligh jamaa was there, their head made three mistakes in recitation (tajweed was non-existent), kept it short and made witr salaa single instead of jamaat, and then as soon as I finished my thikr one of them came to talk about going out with them and called two people to talk about how their life has become so much better since their first time to go out, and when they learned I am Egyptian one commented on how great it was one time when he visited the grave of Sayyeda Zainab -RAA- in Cairo.

    I asked them if they go and make da'waa to non-muslims and the head said they just invite muslims to commit to prayer in Malaysia because how can they invite non-muslims when the muslims are not practicing properly. When I asked about methodology and shariah they follow the head told me they don't have a scholar amongst them. The group I met in Egypt had the system of scanning for Jinn possessions amongst the guys, making a charm written of red saffron to protect, and then telling him that if he stops praying his life will be very dire and the jinn will take over. All such things prove the criticisms are valid against the group.

    Whether they are fixing things is left to see. As brother Rashad also quoted about the Tableegh Jamaat: ""tassawuf was an intricate part of the deobandi teachings and the early scholars were involved in tassawuf", so don't go about talking about the group and its deobandi roots as pure Ahlu Sunnah without innovation that salafis don't understand. If they are fixing things, god bless their efforts and return to guidance, and we pray we stay on guidance ourselves till our deaths. But if they are not, then they're just NOT.

    My response to what you are doing is called indignant uprisal, not uncontrolled anger or emotions. It's something that is not only permissible, but of virtue in Islam: "Whomever does not rise in indignation when appropriate, he is a donkey" Imam Shafie. If you do not wish to receive such statements, then fear God and don't twist other people's posts and bash God serving scholars to serve your own pride and opinion.
    Last edited by Sampharo; 11-29-2009 at 10:00 PM.
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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    May Allah bless your soul ,Imam Rashid Reda,If only
    Muslims (especially the salafi school of the Arabian peninsula)do your advice.....

    "نتعاون فيما اتفقنا عليه، ويعذر بعضنا بعضا فيما اختلفنا فيه"

    (Let's cooperate in what we are in accord,and tollerate each others on what we disagree on)



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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    hmm easy now brothers disagreements are always going to arise, I have much respect and love for both of you as my brothers in Islam. I think it's pointless arguing cos non of you are going to influence the other 1s views you both seem determind to proove the other wrong, I think there's still some bad feelings from the other thread about halal meat.

    Your just gonna go on, and on arguing trying to save face infront of the readers. lets just agree to disagree, inshallah

    whoever walks away from an argument and the haq is with him Allah builds him a house in jannah.
    I hope none of you find my post offensive, but it's pointless arguing cos it becomes about ego's and winning sometimes aswell as saving your reputation. I'm not saying this is the case with you two, but I'm jus giving an example of what could happen.

    "the believers are nothing but brothers so make peace between your brothers".
    No doubt you're both more knowledgeable than me, and will probably reply with a post justifying your discussion with each other, but I don't like to see my older brothers arguing
    Last edited by Salahudeen; 11-29-2009 at 08:45 PM.
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    “Who said that guidance requires there to be someone accompanying you"

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    I don't mind having debates on this forum. I do realize that they used to be closed, deleted, or moved to the recycle bin before. However, I do expect to see diplomacy while speaking.

    Imam Shafee was a great scholar, and he was probably gifted with insight etc. We, on the otherhand, do not have that due to our abundance in sinning. So please, nobody calls anyone a fool or dumb or stupid, or what have you.

    If the insults continue, I will either edit them out or will be forced (by the staff) to delete/close/recycle this thread.

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    Re: Tabligee jamaat


    Sheikh Muhammed Abdullah bin Subail, the head of the Imaams of Makkah Mukarramah and Madina Munawwarah, recently visited South Africa. He addressed his fellow Muslim brothers at Isipingo Beach on the occasion of the Annual Jalsa of Madressah Taaleemuddeen. Hereunder is the crux of his deeply inspiring talk.

    All praise is due to Allah Ta'ala and salutations be upon His beloved Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

    I am extremely pleased to gather here on this auspicious occasion with my brothers in Islam. This is the gathering of Da'wah, knowledge and the dissemination of this knowledge.

    Knowledge is indeed greatly superior since Allah Ta'ala extolled the Ulama in the words: "Allah raises the Believers among you and elevates the people of knowledge to great ranks."

    The people of knowledge are those who guide mankind to the Straight Path - the path that leads to Jannah. The Ulama are thus the "Nur" (light) of the land. They illuminate it wherever they go just as we witness it in this land of yours. May Allah Ta'ala cause Islam to spread to an even greater extent in this land by means of these Du'aat (inviters towards Allah Ta'ala).

    These Du'aat are following the directive of Allah Ta'ala. Allah TA'ala instructed Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) thus: "Say! This is my path. I invite towards Allah with confidence. I do so and those who follow me." ... This path is the path of calling towards Allah Ta'ala and towards the true Deen.

    The Daa'ie (inviter) calls towards Allah Ta'ala with the knowledge that Allah Ta'ala has revealed in the Holy Quran. About this knowledge Allah Ta'ala says: "The book which we revealed upon them so that they may ponder over its verses and so that the intelligent may take heed."

    Hence Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is informing the Ummah that this is his path. Likewise every person whose intention is sincere will tread on this path - the path of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He will thus invite towards Allah Ta'ala with knowledge and confidence.

    This duty is not restricted to any one group. It applies to every person who has followed the path of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and accepted his guidance. The one who is most deserving to be called the follower of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the one closest to him is that person who adheres to what has been revealed to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the Holy Quran and to his Sunnah.

    The first recipients of this Quran were the Arabs. While they were honoured with this, a great responsibility was also placed upon them. Allah Ta'ala says: "And verily it is a remembrance for you and your nation, and soon they will be questioned." The Arabs will be questioned with regard to this responsibility of propagating the message of the Quran. Hence Allah Ta'ala also cautions them that "if you turn away He will replace you with another nation. then they will not be like you."

    Hence O Arabs, this is an honour for you if you fulfil its responsibility. If you do not do so then Allah Ta'ala will raise another nation who will be better than you in inviting towards His Deen.

    This has been openly witnessed. Allah Ta'ala has strengthened Islam greatly with non-Arabs. We find that most of the great works of Tafsir, Hadith and commentaries of Hadith have been compiled by non-Arabs. They were people who followed the Deen of Allah Ta'ala and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hence Allah granted them knowledge as well as the ability to practice upon it. Hence He used them to benefit mankind greatly.

    You are also aware of the great Ulama of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Khurasan, etc. We regard these personalities as our leaders and we pray to Allah Ta'ala to resurrect us with them in Jannah.

    Hence whoever has been blessed with Islam, he should invite towards the Deen of Allah Ta'ala and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). There is really nothing more virtuous than calling towards Allah Ta'ala. Calling towards Allah Ta'ala is the best of actions. If Allah Ta'ala guides a single person by means of your efforts, the virtues are extremely great. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "If Allah guides one person by means of your effort, it is better for you than red camels (an extremely valuable possession of the Arabs in those days)."

    Allah Ta'ala also says: "Who is better in speech than the one who calls towards Allah and does good actions and says 'verily I am among the Muslims'." The Daa'ie invites towards Allah and also does good deeds. He firstly practises and also at the same time invites towards the Deen of Allah Ta'ala with extreme love and compassion. Hence who can be better than such a person?

    Da'wah takes place by means of speech. However it also takes place to a greater extent by means of action. People accepted the invitation of Islam after they became attracted towards the good actions, noble qualities and humility of those who invited them. This was the manner of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He was extremely kind and tolerant, even towards those who were rude. He would then invite them towards Islam and they would accept.

    Once a Bedouin came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked him; "Do you bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah and that I am His Messenger?" The Bedouin bluntly answered: "No!" This Bedouin then pointed to a live lizard that he had and said: "I will not accept you until this lizard bears witness that you are the Messenger of Allah." Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Give it to me." He then held it in his hands and addressing the lizard asked: "Who am I?" The lizard said: "I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah." Upon hearing this and witnessing this miracle the Bedouin proclaimed the Shahadah and accepted Islam. He then went to his nation and invited them towards Islam. Hence they also accepted Islam. This was all due to the kindness and tolerance of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

    Similarly Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was once sitting in the Musjid with his companions. A Bedouin came into the Musjid and began urinating in one corner. The people became furious and harshly rebuked him. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said to them: "Leave him alone. Do not rebuke him." When this person had relieved himself Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instructed one of the Sahaaba (R.A.) to bring a bucket of water and purify the place. He then called the Bedouin and gently said to him: "This is the Musjid - the house of Allah. This is the place to perform Salaah, recite the Holy Quran, tasbeeh, etc. It is not the place to relieve oneself." Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) thus advised him with soft and gentle words. The Bedouin went outside and after mounting his camel said: "O Allah have mercy on Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and myself. Do not have mercy on anyone besides us." Due to the kindness of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) the Bedouin loved him and prayed for him. As for those who had rebuked him, he excluded them from his Dua.

    Hence it is necessary to adopt love, kindness and gentleness in the course of inviting towards Allah Ta'ala. If people are invited with kindness they will accept. Harshness will only drive the people away.

    It is also necessary, especially in these countries, that one should adorn oneself with the qualities of a true Believer. He should apply all the commands of Deen upon himself. This includes being punctual upon Salaah with Jama'ah (congregation). One should refrain from all sins and transgression. One should refrain from disobedience, adultery, drinking, stealing, transacting in interest, lying, backbiting, deceiving, not paying people their dues - even if they be non-Muslims. He should deal with compassion and kindness. Likewise he should fulfil his promises. These are the qualities of a Believer. When one will adorn oneself with these qualities, he will be loved by the people. Hence this will attract them to Islam and they will eventually accept it.

    Many of the countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. were not conquered by Mujahideen. Islam spread in the these countries by means of traders who were steadfast on Deen. Hence the people loved them and enquired from them about their religion. Thus they entered into the fold of Islam.

    Therefore it is necessary for the Daa'ie to adopt these qualities. We thank Allah Ta'ala that he granted the Tabligh Jama'ah the tawfeeq to adopt this noble method. They approach people with love and kindness. Hence we find that, due to their efforts, great benefit has been achieved throughout the world. We beseech Allah Ta'ala to grant them the ability to continue with this good work and may He make all their actions solely for Himself. May they remain steadfast on this noble Da'wah in which there is great benefit for Islam and the Believers. Insha Allah.

    Likewise disseminating knowledge by means of establishing Madrasahs and teaching the people is of fundamental importance so that the Daa'ie could invite with full knowledge. When a student would graduate from this Madrassah, or any other Madrasah, after he has gained sound knowledge, he would now invite with confidence. Hence his Da'wah would be more beneficial. This was the path of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

    We beseech Allah Ta'ala to grant us all beneficial knowledge and the ability to do good deeds and make us inviters towards his Deen. May He make us among those who follow the Path of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Finally, may He enable us to bring into our lives His noble words: "And who is better in speech than the one who invites towards Allah and does good deeds..."


  21. #17
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    Arrow Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    There's no insult in calling a fool, a fool.
    I will not stoop down to your level for i am here for the pleasure of Allah to advise and learn knowledge but not to converse with the ignorant and arrogant who use the quotes from great scholars out of context to use them for their own advantage.

    It is clear from your posts that you have an anger problem and i implore you to disregard this harsh stance which was never implemented by Rasulallah (Pbuh), the sahaba or the salaf and it shocks me that you have the audacity to justify your terrible verbally abusive conduct by twisting and using Imam Shafi'i's words out of context for you have no authority to verbally abuse anyone and then try and justify it.

    Are you denying the fact that in the previous thread "Eating non halal meat", that you were not rebuked by a couple of members of this forum for your terrible conduct? Those posts aswell as yours were deleted and so was the thread due to your harsh and bad conduct in dicussion.

    You caused contraversy when you stated that if one is not sure if the meat is halal or not they should just say "Bismillah" before eating it and everything will be fine. This type of unIslamic advice will cause people everywhere to eat where they want and just say "Bismillah" before eating. You clearly gave false and misleading advice as you are doing again by blindly copy and pasting that which you do not even understand.

    Let this not divert from the topic at hand for it is clear for all to see your weak argument has no basis and is therefore irrelevant and that you should study what you are pasting rather than just to blindly copy and paste that which you do not even understand or have NO knolwedge or experience about.

    I urge you to take up anger management sessions because if you get into a disagreement with your partner or memebrs of your family then i hope that you are not as harsh and verbally abusive to them as you are with someone you don't even know.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 11-29-2009 at 11:28 PM.
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    Arrow Re: Tabligee jamaat

    In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

    Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is a collective responsibility of the Muslims (Fardh al-Kifaya). Allah Most High says:

    "You are the best of Nations, involved for mankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is evil." (Surah Ali Imran, V:110).

    This collective responsibility of the Muslims requires an organized effort, and this is exactly what the Jama'ah of Tabligh is doing. How can someone be condemned for carrying out the responsibility which Allah Almighty has ordained upon him?

    It should be noted that although the method which the Jama'ah of Tabligh use for their Da'wah was not prevalent in its full context during the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), yet it will not be considered to be an innovation (bid'a).

    Shariah has not prescribed a special method for the Da'wah work. The responsibility of Da'wah will be discharged by using any method, whether this is by teaching religious knowledge to thirsty students, writing books, inviting people to Islam, going to peoples homes and calling them to the Masjid's (as the Jama'ah Tabligh does) or any other means.

    Those from Saudi Arabia who criticize this group usually are unaware of the reality of the Jama'ah Tabligh. It should be said to them : if this work is wrong, then you should close down the Islamic universities in Makkah and Madinah and all the other types of Da'wah work, as the methods of many were not prevalent in the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace).

    In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with the work of Jama'ah Tabligh in general. People should be encouraged to join and participate in this auspicious work. The forces of evil are very active and the work of this Jama'ah has assumed special importance and al-Hamdulillah this Jama'ah is (overall) discharging the responsibility of Da'wah very well.

    If there are any mistakes made by people involved in this work (as indeed some do), it should be corrected by the scholars with wisdom, insight, gentleness and politeness.

    And Allah knows best

    Muhammad ibn Adam
    Darul Iftaa
    Leicester , UK
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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Qadir View Post
    U should open urself more to knowledge. Learn hadiths from various ppl...dun constrict urself to a particular jamaat...
    Im always open to knowledge regardless of the source
    Tabligee jamaat

    Oh lord make my best deeds the last deeds
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    Re: Tabligee jamaat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81 View Post
    In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
    In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with the work of Jama'ah Tabligh in general. People should be encouraged to join and participate in this auspicious work. The forces of evil are very active and the work of this Jama'ah has assumed special importance and al-Hamdulillah this Jama'ah is (overall) discharging the responsibility of Da'wah very well.
    I agree

    I think i understands everyones point and i see that people all over the world have greatly benifited with this jamaat including me.

    so lets make dua for each other as it increases love, "o allah put love and affection in our hearts towards our brothers and sisters in faith and make us firm and strong..... ameen"
    Tabligee jamaat

    Oh lord make my best deeds the last deeds
    Oh lord make my best day the last day (aakhirah)

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