Peace be unto all.

So, the question is why do Muslims say that Islam is the Only true religion?

I have PROOF. And when we say PROOF, it means a series of evidences. You don't go to court to present your claim that your statement is true without evidences, do you? Same goes with religion, we don't tell anybody that Islam is the true religion without evidences to back that claim.

To non-Muslims, go ahead and "scrutinize" these evidences. But remember, do it with an objective goal, NOT subjective. Like in a court, you will be the judge. And like a true judge, you must be IMPARTIAL, weigh the evidences RATIONALLY without any BIASES. Analyze it thoroughly using your INTELLECT. And then give your "verdict" to those evidences.

To Muslims, this is to further strengthen your conviction that Islam is indeed the ONLY true religion as we claim it to be. Not just a claim with no bases.

This is where the PROOF is -