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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    How do I get my heart to accept what Allah has decreed for me I need a real solution I am so filled with anger and every time I pray I just want to burst into questions of why Allah, why Astghfor Allah. I don't want to behave like a kaffir person.
    I want to destroy things and then sleep forever. Please don't talk to me about those less fortunate or how the believer is tested. I just want to go into acceptance so as to not incur Allah's wrath along with being so embittered.

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How

    Ask yourself, was there a time in your life where you faced some hardship, and later on you realised how useful the experiences from that were for you?

    Imagine this, if you never got cried when you were born - you wouldn't be able to breathe oxygen, you'd die.

    You cried, but it was good for you.

    So make a list of all the percieved bad things you faced in life before, and realising the good you got from it.

    Then think about your problems, and what good might come out from them.

    ..it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not. [Quran 2:216]

    Anonymous account
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  4. #3
    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
    Cold of heart
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    Re: How

    Wa alaykum salam,
    How do I get my heart to accept what Allah has decreed for me I need a real solution I am so filled with anger and every time I pray I just want to burst into questions of why Allah, why Astghfor Allah. I don't want to behave like a kaffir person.
    First step is to accept that this world is temporary and a test. You have to wholeheartedly accept and believe this. Without this belief, you will never be able to let go of the bitterness that you have direct toward Allah for what you incorrectly assume as being unfair treatment. Conviction in belief is needed by us. We need to have a strong connection with Allah. It's no use professing belief if we are not going to hold on to it completely, in good times and bad.

    When you have this conviction, you realise everything in this world is a mirage. Whether good or bad befalls you, you remain content. You don't be too happy when good things happen and you don't be too sad when bad things happen. You realise while such events have an affect on us, they are only there as part of a trial. They are nothing but temporary events. Nothing to get too excited about. Remain passive and calm whatever happens.

    While desires to have good things happening to us during our stay on this world is a natural inclination we all have, they are not things that we should feel we have an entitlement to.

    Everything we do have is Allah's blessing and mercy upon us and any of those things that Allah has blessed us with can be taken away at any moment, so don't look at other people and see them being given more or better than you.

    I've seen it before with people, when they continue on this path of bitterness. They bring themself nothing but misery in every sense. They allow themselves to become misguided due to their consistent negativity and pessimism in belief and when somebody comes to warn or guide them, they are blind and deaf, as though they have had their eyes gouged out and ears cut off. Allah will bring misguidance upon you if you rebel against him and continue along this path.

    You wholeheartedly have to submit to what Allah has willed to test you with. You be content with whatever befalls you.

    What is your purpose? To build a happy life here? To make a name for yourself among the people? To have a good reputation? To have a big house and several cars? Or maybe even if you're a humble person, you just want peace and you'd be happy with that? Have a happy married life? Good children? Relief from all illness? Whatever it may be. None of this is what we should ultimately be yearning for or thinking we have a right to. They are all secondary to our primary purpose, which is to worship Allah in the manner that he has told us to. You can do this worship under any circumstance, in good times or bad. So therefore don't get hung up on these issues. Ultimately, good or bad, they are all distractions that divert your attention from your true goal of attaining the pleasure of Allah.

    The Sahaba, may Allah have mercy on them, would give their lives for Islam. Would you be able to do the same, if you were put in a position where you had to fight for your faith?

    Allah is what we think Allah to be. If we make dua thinking Allah is never going to answer and think of him as this unfair being that answers everybody else's dua but neglects ours - by Allah, our duas will most likely never be answered. We need sincerity, conviction and certainty when we make dua. We need to think of Allah in an extremely positive light when we connect with him from our heart and ask sincerely and patiently persevere, whether he gives us what we want or not.

    Believers should be doing this at all time regardless, but if circumstance is such that you can't do anything about your situation, what else is there left to do but to submit, resign and accept what Allah has chosen to test you with? Isn't that the most rational approach given that you have at least an inkling of belief in Allah? Won't you do what he has told you to do at times of hardship?

    Generally, when a hardship befalls one, I've noticed the first reaction is to curse. This is not how a believer should behave. Allah has said:

    Surah Baqarah:

    155. And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.).

    156. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."

    157. They are those on whom are the Salawat (i.e. blessings, etc.) (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones
    Verse 156 is the famous one that we all know: Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi' raji'oon.

    Ask yourself, what is your personal goal in life? Is it to seek Allah's pleasure and pass this test that you are on, or something else? If it's not the former, then you need to make it your goal.

    Strive to strenghten your connection with Allah. Dua is an excellent method to achieve this. Consistently persevere when you make dua. You have to be sincere and talk to him as though you are indeed asking of a benevolent, loving, caring being that will help you out of the problem that you are facing and make it easy for you. Anything contrary to this then you're destined for failure.

    Hardships are a form of tough love from Allah. Allah does indeed give the believers hardship in order to strenghten them, to punish and wipe their sins and sometimes even to guide them out of heedlessness.

    Just 5 years ago, Astaghfirullah, I had a similar bitterness as you do. Why me? I always had good intentions and thought I was a good guy, why did bad things happen to me? I always wanted to practise Islam all my life, but I never got around to it. It was hardship that jolted me into action.

    I thought to myself, all this time I've never truly practised like I was supposed to and things haven't gone my way. Why don't I for once do as I am told and see what happens? Alhamdulilah, my entire perspective on life changed. Things did get better. Although on the surface, I still face difficulties in life, my perspective is different. I don't think Allah is unfair at all. Now every single hardship I've experienced in my life make sense and I realise their importance in moulding my character into what it is now. If I had to live life again, I would want the same hardships. Even though at the time, they were very testing. So you see, there is definitely divine wisdom behind everything. I'd still be heedless now, if I didn't have calamity befall me.

    Brother or sister, your bitterness is never going to get you anywhere and it will destroy you if you let it fester. Break your nafs. Stop assuming you're entitled to having everything you wish for being given to you. You're entitled to only what Allah wills upon you. Be patient and have conviction.

    Look at the lives of the Prophets peace be upon them. They had extremely tough lives. They were the most beloved of Allah yet they were tried very harshly. I believe in the case of certain sahaba, they used to get upset when hardship left them, because they thought Allah was angry with them. That kind of approach to life can only come about due to strong connection with Allah and utter renunciation of the world. This is something we should all aim for.
    Last edited by Alpha Dude; 03-21-2010 at 09:09 PM.
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    PouringRain's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How

    Just cry out and give it all over to God. Let him take your burden and trust him. He loves you and wants the best for you in your life. Whatever it is that has made you so angry and so hurt, God knows what the best outcome of the situation is even if you can not see it right now. Just cry out to him and let it all go. Allow him to embrace you in his love and heal your hurt.
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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How

    just ask 'why not?' consider that maybe you have sins that need to be wiped off...consider that Allah is making you suffer so that you have less sins in the hereafter.
    above all just let. it. go. and just let.things.be.
    every time you get those feelings of frustration, just tell your self to calm down and that its not the end of the world if you suffer just a little...you will soon come to realize that when you accept hardship, and accept that this world stinks real bad, that's when things will become easy for you<----when you stop worrying about things that arent in your control to begin with. its like a desensitizer for horrible hardships. you just reach point where you think "meh, well what can i do about this anyway...." and that when you learn you just have to rough it out with patience...that's when you learn that you just ave to accept things the way they are.

    also, ask allah to soften your heart towards His qadr. dua usually does the trick.

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How

    Please you must tell me the secret of the faithful heart the one that rejoices and doesn't feel crushed but at peace, the sort that stops the tape of past painful and bitter memories and experiences from playing over in the mind's despair. How to accept not simply through my silence and lack of outward complaints, dissatisfaction and frank disdain but in the fibers of my being as well.
    Isn't faith what one has to rely on for strength? I go through the motions now out of habit, I can't ask Allah sincerely anymore. I feel let down and I have worked so hard and I forgo of much on this journey and it was all for nothing. You'd think after a few days of calamity's fall that I'd go into an acceptance stage but truly nothing quells me.
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  9. #7
    aadil77's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How

    Bro Alpha has given you the best reply here, he speaks from experience thats shared by many muslims including me.

    Past memories, problems, etc they can't be removed from inside you, but you can change the way you look at them, look at them as a positive - a wake up call from a bad past. Even if you didn't deserve it just know that your hardship hasn't gone unnoticed and that it will benefit you in some way or another. Allah is not unjust.

    You just got to accept how things are and carry on, never give up hope that things may change, live your life how it is, take every day as it comes, Allah has not let you down or abandoned you - we have no clue what Allah could have lined up for us in this world or the akhira. So just hope for the best and be ready for the worst.

    33 43 1 - How
    He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers. [Quran {33:43}]
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