Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!

You all people might have your own views about how the 911 took place. I've mine! Many of us here might have only one sided picture of the whole scene but who knows what is the truth save ALLAH!

As the media widely portrayed that 911 was a Muslim Terrorist job, but is it really? Well that is for you to decide.

There are hundreds of documentaries made by non-Muslims in which they say that 911 was an inside job!!!

Do I say 911 as an inside job? And the answer is "I don't know". But one thing I want to clarify is that my views are not at all based on some particular biased channels! I try my best to look to both sides of the picture and then derive my conclusions. And this IS what an honest person do. If you hold only a biased view about the whole event, then I suggest that you better start having a second thought about it.

Here are the links of some of the documentaries made by non-Muslims, mind you, NON-MUSLIMS, showing us the other angle of looking at the whole scene. We've had enough of BBC, Sky news etc, now why not welcome another look at it?

For deriving conclusions, one should be totally moderate. So I request you all to have a look at these documentaries!

This might be what you've never expected!

First site

Second site

This might come as a surprise to many of us here!

Please share the site links and documentaries as much as possible! Spread them to the far corners of the world! Leave no friend or relative of yours unaware of these! Please!

And Allah knows best!