I would like to share a story with you all.

There was poor Muslim man and he wanted the money badly. He had a Christian friend. Then this Muslim fellow discussed all his problems with his Christian friend and he was actually telling how badly he wanted the money.
Then that Christian friend told him that, he will help him in this matter if and only if he converts to himself as an Christian. That Muslim fellow agreed to it. Then that Christian fellow went to Church and told this to a Priest (father). He was very happy to hear this.

Actually there is Christian community they use to give money to the people if they convert from other religion to Christianity. Then the priest and the Christian man went that same community and discussed. Then the committee informed priest that 1st convert that man properly and then they will give him money and they even stated that Muslim will have strong faith in there god hard to convert them be careful.

Then both that priest and that man asked that Muslim fellow to stay in church for week and start performing rules and regulation of Christian’s. He agreed stared staying in church started their prayers their life style and even started having pork and alcohol everything that Christian’s practice.

After 1 week:

The entire committee came to meet him this the day that they promised him that they will give him money. One of the member called that Muslim fellow, then he gave him a briefcase and asked him to open it and he opened it “ Suddenly one snake came out that briefcase”.
One word came out of his mouth and that is “ALLAHA” that’s it he realized his mistake and ran away from that place. He cried like a small baby in front of allha for his sins.

Till now he repents and ask for forgiveness for his sins every day its almost years now.

Truly and surely allha is the most high and we never know when and how he will guide us.

Just wanted to share with you all so that we can analyze and try to stay in the right path.

May allha forgive all our sins and keeps us in right path.

I know my English is not so good,

Allha Hafiz.