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A serious question about early marriages in Islam

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    __Sarah__'s Avatar Limited Member
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    A serious question about early marriages in Islam

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    I have had a heated debate with someone over early marriages and girls. This debate eventually erupted on the statement of the Iranian president’s statement that girls and boys should be married off at the age of 16-18 for girls and 19-21 for boys. In response to this, there were number of people who subjected the idea of early marriages to mockery and said that the very concept is impractical in today’s world.
    My argument remained that when a teenage couple in the West can go through all the intimate processes that a married couple goes through, and consequently there are so many teen pregnancies and abortions outside the bond of marriage, it is considered a normal thing, whereas when the same is done in the context of religion i.e. marriage, people come up with arguments (socially constructed ones) like girls are not ready to bear the responsibility of marriage at such a young age, etc.
    I said in response to a person that Divine knowledge is never subjected to change, but he said that it becomes obsolete with the passage of time, and religious knowledge can be altered with human needs. (He was referring to Qiyas and Ijma but didn’t know the terms).
    My question is that, is religion subjected to change with the passage of time? And how can it be applied to the concept of early marriages for girls. Personally, I find it absolutely alright because marriages are the best way to contain one’s carnal urges. But how do I give a concrete, rational answer to that person?

    My learned brothers and sisters, please help me with a satisfying answer as soon as possible. This is really disturbing me for my scarcity of knowledge.

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    __Sarah__'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    come on people, please answer my query
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    Muhaba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    in islam people get married when they are ready, so no one can be forced to get married at an early age if they don't want it. that is why the boy and girl's consent needs to be taken and a marriage without it is invalid. additionally it is written in the Quran to get the unmarried muslims as well as the unmarried slaves married, which means that parents as well as society should encourage unmarried people to get married as much as possible.
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    Dagless's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by __Sarah__ View Post
    I said in response to a person that Divine knowledge is never subjected to change, but he said that it becomes obsolete with the passage of time, and religious knowledge can be altered with human needs. (He was referring to Qiyas and Ijma but didn’t know the terms).
    [FONT=&quot]My question is that, is religion subjected to change with the passage of time?
    This isn't true though. When has knowledge become obsolete or altered? It hasn't and shouldn't. Religion should not change with time.
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    __Sarah__'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    That's what my question is. How does qiyas and ijma apply to the concept of early marriages versus delayed marriages.
    if the marriage is delayed due to social constrains or personal choice for that matter, and a girl or a boy commits sin due to this, how is it justified?
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  8. #6
    Adem Al-Albani's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    The Prophet saw told the young men, if you can afford to get married, get married and if you can't then fast.

    If it takes the young men of today to afford marriage a little longer, it's fine.

    But if he can afford it at 16, mashaaAllah, go ahead and get married. I got married at 19 and my wife was 17, Alhamdulilah.
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  9. #7
    __Sarah__'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Adem Al-Albani View Post
    The Prophet saw told the young men, if you can afford to get married, get married and if you can't then fast.

    If it takes the young men of today to afford marriage a little longer, it's fine.

    But if he can afford it at 16, mashaaAllah, go ahead and get married. I got married at 19 and my wife was 17, Alhamdulilah.
    MashaAllah. May you live a happy life ahead of you, Ameen.

    I still want to know what is the Islamic interpretation for early marriages in this age where men do not become economically stable until their 30's and girls prefer to pursue their education. Does Islam still prescribes that people should be married off at the earliest possible age as soon as they attain sexual maturity? I want a concrete answer so that I am in a position to defend my belief.

    Personally, I think there is no harm in marrying young people off at an early age because these days young people do not hesitate to get into physical relationships with each other, and marriage is still the only legal solution to contain this widespread evil.
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  10. #8
    أبو سليمان عمر's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    I have had a heated debate with someone over early marriages and girls. This debate eventually erupted on the statement of the Iranian president’s statement that girls and boys should be married off at the age of 16-18 for girls and 19-21 for boys. In response to this, there were number of people who subjected the idea of early marriages to mockery and said that the very concept is impractical in today’s world.My argument remained that when a teenage couple in the West can go through all the intimate processes that a married couple goes through, and consequently there are so many teen pregnancies and abortions outside the bond of marriage, it is considered a normal thing,
    yes to them what is practical is zina, boyfriend girlfriend we all know the works how it is out here in the west this is practical authbillah .. the statment of the Iranian goes agasint what the Nabi aylihi assalat was salam for the prophet peace be upon him said “O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power .” so who ever is able to and has reached the age should marry if a man or a women are ready to go out then why not marry it is best to save ourselfs and alhumdulillah for islam

    whereas when the same is done in the context of religion i.e. marriage, people come up with arguments (socially constructed ones) like girls are not ready to bear the responsibility of marriage at such a young age, etc.
    well they are right to an extent becasue marriage does have its responsibility and diffuclties and hard times but the merits are greater i found this for you insha Allah it helps

    Taken from: Islaam’s Solution For The Problems Facing Today’s Youth, pgs. 42-44
    From among the problems facing the adolescents is that they abstain from marriage. This is a big problem. The youth abstaining from matrimony produces serious harm and no one knows the outcome except Allah. They use the following alleged reasons for abstaining from matrimony.

    * Getting married at an early age diverts from studying and getting prepared for the future.
    * Getting married at an early age burdens the youth with the responsibilities of providing for his wife and children.
    * The most dangerous reason for the youth turning away from marriage is the obstacles which are placed in the path topwards marriage such as extravagant celebrations. And at times the youth can not afford the espense of these celebrations.
    In my opinion, this is the biggest reason why these adolescents do not get married. The remedy for this problem is simple if we correct our intentions.

    First, it should be explained to the youth that the merits, superiority, and blessings that lied within marriage outweigh the obstacles and difficulties we previously mentioned. There is not anything in this Dunya except there is a trade off. I am not saying that marriage is easy and that there are not any difficulties or hardships. There are difficulties and problems in marriage however; the benefits of marriage outweigh the problems and difficulties that occur. Consequently, these virtues make those difficulties and hardships forgotten. The benefits of marriage should be explained to the youth until they desire it. Marriage helps people protect their private parts and lower their gaze.

    The statement of the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam points to this

    “O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power .”

    [Hadeeth Saheeh. Collected by Bukhari and Muslim on the Authority of Ibn Mas'ud.]

    The Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam specifically instructed the youth to take part in marriage, because they are prepared for it and have the ability.

    It is appropriate for the youth to get married at an early age if he or she has the ability and means to do so. Praise is to Allah – currently this is predominately the case. There isn’t any excuse for the youth to leave off getting married. The Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam explained the merits of getting married at a young age. Matrimony protects the private parts, because the private parts are very dangerous if unguarded.

    Allah subhana wa ta’ala says:

    “And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts). Except with their wives and the (women slaves) whom their right hands possess — for (then) they are not blameworthy.”

    Surah Al-Ma’arij: 29-30

    Matrimony protects the private parts. This is to say that marriage safeguards a person from a great evil. Marriage protects that organ and lowers the gaze. If the youth gets married, he will be delighted. He would not be looking here or there at women or at what Allah has prohibited. As a result, Allah saved this person from the haraam by giving him the halaal. By Allah’s bounty, this person was saved from adultery and fornication.

    Second, marriage helps a person to attain tranquility and ease.

    Allah subhana wa ta’ala says:

    “And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.”

    Surah Ar-Rum: 21

    Whenever the youth gets married his soul is relieved from agitation, anxiety and he has a piece of mind.

    “That you may find repose in them.” Surah Al-Furqaan: 74

    Verily, the matrimony of this youth is among the reasons for his tranquility and serenity. Accordingly, matrimony is a reason which numerous blessings spring from. end


    I said in response to a person that Divine knowledge is never subjected to change, but he said that it becomes obsolete with the passage of time, and religious knowledge can be altered with human needs. (He was referring to Qiyas and Ijma but didn’t know the terms).
    Alhumdulillah great answer naam the deen itself is not subject to change its rulings are not subject to change but read below insha Allah we will talk about qiyas and ijma

    My question is that, is religion subjected to change with the passage of time?
    no it is not Islam is for all times Allah says He has compelted the deen and is pleased with islam as our deen..
    times change deen doesnt so know we have cars this is a change we drive them we have planes we fly in we have phones we call and internet we use now the time changed but the deen didnt we drive the car we use the internet for good etc as for

    And how can it be applied to the concept of early marriages for girls.
    nowadays it is the best time to get marrige with all the fitnah going aroud with all the fasad zina abortions aids and all other diesases cheating tempttions etc. going around marrige and Commitment is not a bad thing responsiblity is a bad thing subhan Allah

    Personally, I find it absolutely alright because marriages are the best way to contain one’s carnal urges.
    naam it is and that is why it should be happening more..

    But how do I give a concrete, rational answer to that person?
    Allah knows best but to much debating isnt good tell the person The Prophet said this and that and the merits of it and what you know to be haqq then leave it it is not for us to guide anyone it is not for us to make others see we are only mubasireen we tell them and make dua and Allah knows best

    as for qiyas and ijma

    well ijma it is what the scholars agreed on which has refrence from kitab or sunnah such as in surat luqman it mentions lahwa alhadeeth the scholars ijtamu that it is singing or the prophet said everything that is a muskira (intoxicant) is haram the ulama ijmau that this is haram and the qiyas is that qat (it is a plant in yemen that people chew) is haram becasue it is a muskira

    so in short both cant go to far from kitab and sunnah like i come and say that driving cars are haram why there is no basis in this

    Qiyas was used whenever a new situation arose for which they could not find a reference from the Hadith or sayings of the Sahabah such as qat is haram such as

    takeing from a fawta
    This hadeeth contains the legislation of the ‘Eid prayer and that it does not have an
    Adhaan or Iqamah; this is the opinion of the vast majority of the People of Knowledge.
    However, some of the Shafi’eeyah, among the People of Knowledge, say that the call for
    the ‘Eid Prayer is by saying “As-Salatul Jamee’a” based on an analogy drawn between
    the ‘Eid Prayer and the Eclipse Prayer. However, this qiyas (deductive reasoning) is in
    opposition to the text, since the ‘Eid prayer never had an Adhaan or an Iqamah. There is
    a principle, among the Usooliyyeen, that states, “The Qiyas that contradicts the texts is
    an invalid consideration.”

    so the qiyas here is that there is somthing he went to to get this concuslion weather it is right or wrong is another story but the point here is there was somthing he took this qiyas from also scholars say: “If Athar (Hadith) exists, Qiyas is abandoned,”

    as for ijma well then if we are talking about the scholars then they have ijma on somthing either quran and sunnah like alcohol is haram also ijma the picture making is haram etc they all have somthing from kitab and sunnah also they can have ijma of the sahaba and this is daleel as scholars have said ijmaa' of the companions is proof as it cannot be said that when they united they opposed the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam becaus eAllaah protected their ijmaa' just as He protected the Qur'an and the Sunnah so i hope this help and if there is somthing that you didnt understand that i didnt make clear pls let me know im not that good at explining so in short ijma has basis in kitab sunnah or ijma of the compainons that is clear as for qiyas then this is to derive somthing from somthing like a hadith mentions somthing that was in the times of the prophet and now we have it and it falls into that then this is qiyas qiyas must have some basis as for in marriage then it is clear and qiyas is not needed Alhumdulillah

    if this doesnt answer the other 2 questions you asked in you other post insha Allah i will try to explain more may Allah increase us in iman
    A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    "The Human being is an enemy to what he is ignorant of"

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    CosmicPathos's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    I find it strange that you even entertain the thought that religion can change with time. If religion can change with time ... I'd not follow that religion, rather id worship time itself as time flow is constant. common sense. Now ... regarding Islam being unchanged, the strongest evidence is preservation of Quran. that is why I find Islam to be a true religion, due to its unchanging nature.

    the people you are debating with who say that religion must change with time, i think either they are mentally challenged or have not given this matter a proper rational thought, because the religion that changes with time is no more truthful than a liar who changes his/her statement.
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    A serious question about early marriages in Islam

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    __Sarah__'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    JazakAllah my brother. This really added to my own understanding too.
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    __Sarah__'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    I always maintain the idea that Divine Knowledge is Absolute knowledge and it is the only objective know-how, all other knowledge are man made and subjective and not holistic. I had some confusion regarding readjustments(not changes) in religious practices with regarding to the contemporary world.

    The people I talk with are misled because they have been brought up in an environment which is influenced by western ideas and practices and do not know anything about Islam, still they claim themselves to be Muslims because they were born to Muslim families.

    I am not well-versed in Islam either (my misfortune) but I am trying my best to learn as much as possible. But Alhamdulillah my heart is full of Iman and I cannot ridicule any Divine idea but I would always seek answers from those who have acquired Islamic knowledge.

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    tigerkhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    actually i blv we muslims have much traditional effect on our islam. so many things we are doing tradionally but we dont follow islam in these matters. wallah i see many less ppl who have strong eman and see what ALLAH SWT has odered about this matter and dont care tradiotions. we always say Haqooq ul ebaad hoqooq ul ebad.....but no1 ask what is haq of children on parent. i had heard from ulama that its haq of son and daughter on father, as they become baligh/mature, arrange a suitable match for them to marry. ..now if he dont wallah, in my opinion he is making SIN...i found nowhere is islam that chidren have haq on father to build up their career, business..thats their own responsibility of children to care for their work. but today parent are just dying for future of their children even he goes to 30 without marrige..what this shows...we dont have ahraa in front of us.....we need to build eman....insh i will try my best to arrange marrige for my children asap.
    Last edited by tigerkhan; 12-02-2010 at 01:26 PM.
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    Re: A serious question about early marriages in Islam

    Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

    This ayah/verse is used by anti-islamic people to say that sexual intercourse is permitted with children.

    They quote the part of the verse;

    ..and for those who have no courses [(i.e. they are still immature) their 'Iddah (prescribed period) is three months.. [Quran Talaq 65:4]

    Marriage Relations with 'Children'?

    In Islam, a marriage contract can be agreed by parents for their children. So two parents may make a marriage contract that their children will be each others partners when they are mature for the rights of marriage.

    Why is this type of marriage contract usually done?
    In most cases it is done to cement relations between two families, or to agree to marriage early so they have an opportunity for marriage with a certain family before someone else proposes. This was done by Kings in the past to secure relations between two kingdoms.

    Even though this is recognised in Islam, when the children become mature - they have the choice of annulling/cancelling the marriage if they wish to do so. This then refutes the concept of forcing them into marriage if they don't wish to do so.

    Aisha's Marriage

    Bukhari - Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236: Narrated Hisham's father:

    Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.

    This hadith proves the above to be the case, where the marriage contract may take place at an earlier age and the consumation [sexual intercourse] may take place when the person is mature for it.

    Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha was one of the greatest blessings upon this Ummah [muslim nation] because due to her, we learned so much about the personal life of the Messenger. She is the 4th highest narrator of Ahadith [Prophetic sayings]. She had the mind of a scholar and due to this marriage we know the much about the life of the Messenger at home. And this was a divinely inspired Marriage.

    Intimate Relations

    The concept of maturity (balaghah) is different to how people percieve it today.

    People mature at different levels, depending on where they live, and also their biological makeup.

    In countries near the equator, girls mature into women a few years quicker than girls in colder nations. I.e. a girl may have physically developed into a woman by the age of 10 in the middle east, whereas this may occur at 13 for a young woman in Europe.

    HerWord.com says:

    There was a study conducted showing that girls who live in countries close to the equator started their menstruation earlier.


    The book Women and Health Psychology says:

    Many factors have been reported to affect age at menarche and/or the regularity of menstruation—[such as] climate, altitude, race, height, weight, hereditary, stress/psychological factors, light, and nutrition.

    (Women and Health Psychology,
    Women and Health Psychology ... - Google Book Search)

    This phenomenon is not limited to menarche [menstruation periods], but also applies to the whole of puberty. In the book Women: An Historical, Gynecological, and Anthropological Compendium, we read:

    The average temperature of the country or province is considered the chief factor here, not only with regard to menstruation but as regards the whole of sexual development at puberty.

    (Herman H. Ploss, Max Bartels and Paul Bartels; Woman: An Historical,
    Gynecological, and Anthropological Compendium, Volume I, Lord & Bransby,
    1988, p.563;

    Woman. An historical, gynaecological and anthropological compendium. Volume 3 only by PLOSS, Herman Heinrich, BARTELS, Max & BARTELS, Paul Find or Buy Book Now!)

    In Islam, for a girl to have menstruation is not enough, but she should be mature physically, mentally and emotionally for marriage.
    Mufti Maulana Husain Kadodia explained:

    In reality, puberty has two usages. The first usage is with regards to physical development, whereas the second usage is with regards to menses.

    For (sexual) intercourse, developmental puberty (balagha) is a precondition.* Whereas for other rulings—such as being ordered to pray—the menses usage applies.

    (Maulana Mufti Husain Kadodia, Ask Imam.com with Mufti Ebrahim Desai)

    *The puberty being referred to is the puberty of physical growth - so that a person is capable for sexual relations - without any harm coming to them.

    This statement of the scholar - which is based on Islamic teachings - Husain Kadodia proves three points;
    1) A girl who has had her menses but has not matured in her body physically should not have sexual relations, if she was to have a marriage contract. This is because she could be harmed in the process, since her body has not physically matured. [Some girls do have periods early, but their body has not matured for any form of sexual activity - so she is not permitted to have such relations due to the harm caused to her in the process*.]

    *This is based on the hadith of the Prophet;
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    It was related on the authority of Abu Sa'id Sa'd bin Malik bin Sinan al-Khudri, radiyallahu 'anhu, that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

    لا ضرر ولا ضر
    "There is to be no harming, nor reciprocating of harm." (Musnad Ahmad, authenticated by Al-Albânî)
    "There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm."

    [A excellent hadith which Ibn Majah, Al-Daraqutni and others related as of sound isnad, but which Malik related in his Muwatta' as of broken isnad, from 'Amr bin Yahya, from his father, from the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, but dropping (the name of) Abu Sa'id. This hadith has lines of transmission which strengthen one another (so that it may be regarded as of sound isnad).]

    more explanation;

    2) A young woman who has matured in every single way, but has not had her menses - then she is permitted to have sexual relations with her husband when she has had a valid marriage contract completed. This is because she will not be harmed through such relations since her body and mind has matured for it. [This may occur in countries like Antarctica where women at the age of 20 may have matured in every way except they have not had their periods due to the climate conditions.]

    3) Periods signify that a girl has the responsibilities in the religion such as prayer, fasting, etc. Just like boys with their first wet dreams.

    Mental & Emotional Maturity

    Girls and boys also reach mental maturity quicker in close climate nations because they are brought up this way by their culture and upbringing. This usually makes them mature more emotionally too.

    Think about it; if the norms in a culture are to marry early, then the upbringing by the parents will ensure that the child is brought up to mature and prepare for marriage at an earlier age.

    If someone can handle the it well, then what's the problem?

    In Islam, if someone is capable of being married and is mature in a way to handle its responsibilities, it is permitted in Islam for that person to get married, male or female. But if there will be any harm that could come to them through such a marriage, then the marriage should not go ahead, and may be annulled by the Islamic judge if there is harm in it.

    Marriage may be done earlier in Muslim nations because having any intimate relations outside of marriage is not permitted. Instead, it is to be done through a secure and safe relationship of marriage. This is why marriage is encouraged, because if a person is capable of having a relationship with someone else, then why not through a trustworthy relationship which both parties agree to?

    The marriage of Aisha

    There is a very strong proof we can use to show that Aisha (peace be upon her) had reached physical maturity before she moved into the Prophet’s house, and this is Aisha’s own statement in which she said:

    When the girl reaches nine years of age, she is a woman.

    (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Nikah)

    This statement of Aisha shows that it was the norms in Arabia for a girl to mature on to become a young woman, i.e. become physically mature for marriage and its rights at the age of 9.

    Further, Aisha describes herself at the age of nine;
    Imam Ibn kathir (May Allah have mercy on him) narrates a hadith in his Al-Bidayah wa-Nihayah:
    "Imam Bukhari (May Allah have mercy on him) narrates another hadith which he heard from Farwa bin abi al-Mughria who heard from 'Ali bin Masher who heard from Hisham bin 'Urawh who heard from his father who reports from 'Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her), who said: 'When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was betrowth to me, I was six years old. Later, when we migrated from Makkah to Medina and stayed at bin harith bin khdhrj's place, I had grown up. My hair had got longer and I had physically matured; however, I still used to play with other girls...I was nine years old at that time."

    Source Page 210-211

    There are cases of this being the norms throughout the world, without any harm coming to the young woman. Its only lately that the ages have started to rise to above 15, abit more or less. This is likely due to the longer life expectancy of people today in comparison to the past.

    Married to a man who's 54?

    What we see is that the age of the man is largely irrelevant to the question, so long as he is still reasonably within the age of marriage. Prophet Muhammad had only around 12 white hairs when he passed away at the age of 63, and his description [see Shama'il Al Tirmidhi] proves he was not a senile old man like some people may think.

    Any marriage by a people is based on the cultural norms of the time. The marriage should be based on social norms. The Prophet Muhammad married according to the social norms of his society (marriage of younger women to older men was the norms), and we marry according to the social norms that we live in. Social norms are not a problem, so long as they do not contradict firmly set ethics, and it has been proven above that this marriage did not cause any harm to Aisha whatsoever, but caused a great deal of good. Every other marriage should be judged individually based on its own circumstances.

    Useful Links;

    Marriage in other nations throughout the world at early ages, and more in depth explanation on the issues addressed;
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