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Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

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    Bayan's Avatar Limited Member
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    Post Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

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    This article and the next will be dedicated to a discussion of the top ten misconceptions about Islam, which are shared by many people around the world. These misconceptions may be attributed to a variety of causes, including inappropriate media hype, lack of reliable information sources, and lack of desire to pursue and understand the truth.


    Muslims are violent terrorists and/or extremists.

    Perhaps currently, this would be the biggest misconception about Islam. Inappropriate media hype and bad journalism, based on subjective stereotypes, are the root cause. When a gunman attacks a mosque in the name of Judaism, a Catholic IRA guerrilla sets off a bomb in an urban area, or Serbian Orthodox militiamen rape and kill innocent Muslim civilians, one must be careful not to use these random acts of violence to stereotype an entire belief system. The media often suggest the acts are a result of the perpetrators religious beliefs; however, this is seldom true. It has become commonplace for media outlets to pair the description of an Islamic or Muslim fundamentalist with violent acts, creating a false perception that all Muslims or followers of the Islamic faith are violent.

    Often dictators and politicians will use the name of Islam for their own perverse purposes. It is important for readers and those who consume media reports to consider the information source and recognize that Islamic teachings promote peace, contrary to what many media reports may imply. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and, ironically, given the subjective, stereotypical media hype, is derived from a root word meaning ‘peace’.

    While it is true that to the ignorant Islamic teachings may seem exotic or extreme to those unfamiliar with its basic tenets who are rooted in the modern world; it does, in fact, promote peace and tolerance. In contrast with Islam, Christianity and Judaism generally do not have the same prominence in the day-to-day activities of those living in the West. Islam is embraced as a ‘way of life’ for Muslims and there is no division between the secular and the sacred in their lives. Similar to Christianity, Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of religion, or for those who have been forcibly expelled from their homes. That said, it prescribes strict rules of combat, which prohibits the harming of civilians and destruction of crops, property, trees and livestock.

    Islam does not permit the killing of innocent people.

    The Quran says:

    “Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors.”
    (Quran 2:190)

    “If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that hears and knows all things.”
    (Quran 8:61)

    War, therefore, is regarded as a last resort, and is subject to rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law.

    The term ‘jihad’ literally means ‘struggle’. Muslims believe that there are two kinds of jihad. External combat and the inner struggle of the soul, which everyone wages against egotistic desires as they seek inner peace.

    In terms of war ethics, there is historical evidence that suggests treated those they defeated humanely. In La Civilization Arabe, French historian and sociologist Gustav Le Bon affirmed that the world had never known a conqueror more merciful than Muslims.


    Islam oppresses women.

    Many of these countries do not follow Shari’ah (Islamic law) and have introduced their own cultural interpretation of gender equity.

    Islam, on the other hand, acknowledges that men and women have distinct roles and equity between the two is laid down in the Quran and through the actions of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

    Islam regards a woman, whether single or married, as an individual in her own right, with the right to own and dispose of her property and earnings. A Muslim groom offers a marriage gift to his bride for her own personal use and she keeps her original family name rather than taking her husband’s. Both men and women are expected to dress in a modest and dignified manner. The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said:

    “The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manner and kindest to his wife.”
    (Prophet Hadith)

    Violence of any kind towards women is not tolerated in Islam, and Muslims are forbidden to force a woman to do something against her will. In Islam, marriage is viewed as a legal agreement that enables either partner to define conditions. Marriage customs vary widely from country to country. Divorce is not common, although it is acceptable as a last resort. According to Islam, a Muslim girl cannot be forced to marry against her will; however, her parents may suggest young men they deem suitable as suitors.


    Muslims worship a different God.

    Allah is the Arabic word for God. Allah, for Muslims, is the greatest and most inclusive of the Names of God, it is an Arabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God and ascribing no partners to Him. It is exactly the same word which the Jews, in Hebrew, use for God (eloh) and the word which Jesus Christ used in Aramaic when he prayed to God.

    In fact, God has an identical name in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Allah is the same God worshiped by Muslims, Christians and Jews. Muslims believe that Allah’s sovereignty is to be acknowledged in worship and in the pledge to obey His teaching and

    Commandments, which were conveyed through His messengers and the prophets sent at various times, and in many places, throughout history. However, it should be noted that in Islam God is the One and Only. He, the Exalted, does not get tired, does not have a son (i.e. Jesus) or associates, nor does He have human-like attributions as found in other faiths.


    Islam was spread by the sword and intolerant of other faiths.

    Many textbooks depict an image of an Arab horseman, carrying a sword in one hand and the Quran in the other, conquering and forcibly converting followers. However, this is not an accurate portrayal of history since it is well-documented that Islam has always respected the right to freedom of religion. The Quran says:

    “God forbids you not, with regards to those who fight you not for [your] faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; for God loves those who are just.

    Freedom of religion is laid down in the Quran:

    “There is no compulsion (or coercion) in the religion (Islam). The right direction is distinctly clear from error”.

    Christian missionary, T.W. Arnold claimed the spread of Islam was unstoppable: “Of any organized attempt to force the acceptance of Islam on the non-Muslim population, or of any systematic persecution intended to stamp out the Christian religion, we hear nothing. Had the caliphs (Islamic rulers of early days) chosen to adopt either course of action, they might have swept away Christianity as easily as Ferdinand and Isabella drove Islam out of Spain, or Louis XIV made Protestantism …”

    Islamic law also permits non-Muslim minorities to set up their own courts, which implement family laws designed by the minorities themselves. The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether the person is Muslim or not.

    Racism is not a part of Islam, the Quran speaks only of human equality and how all peoples are equal in the sight of God.

    “O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God’s sight is the greatest of you in Piety. God is All-Knowing, All- Aware.


    All Muslims are Arabs

    The world’s Muslim population is estimated to be roughly 1.5 billion. That means, one out of three or four people in the world is Muslim. There are a vast range of races, nationalities, and cultures around the globe from the Philippines to Nigeria that are united by the Islamic faith.

    Only about 13 per cent of the world’s Muslims live in the Arab world, with Indonesia serving as home to the world’s largest Muslim community. Most Muslims live east of Pakistan, 30 per cent live in the Indian subcontinent, 20 per cent in Sub-Saharan Africa, 17 per cent in Southeast Asia, 13 per cent in the Arab world and 10 per cent in Russia ,CIS countries and China. Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan make up 10 per cent of the non-Arab Middle East. Although there are Muslim minorities in almost every area, including Latin America and Australia, they are most numerous in Russia and its newly independent states, India and central Africa. There are about 6 million Muslims in the United States.

    In the next article we will discuss five more misconception which are widely spread among people especially in the west such as the concept of polygamy, until then I welcome your questions or comments”

    LINK TO PART II: http://www.islamicboard.com/clarific...m-part-ii.html
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    peace_maker's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    I totally agree with you. Most people have a different vision on Islam. Moreover, some muslims take the word 'Jihad' wrongly. They fight against other religions, killing innocent people, blowing themselves up, which is totally forbidden. When questioned, they would say, they're fighting for the cause of Allah, and spreading Islam through the sword. Yes, they also take these words wrongly.
    Due to such people, Muslims are labeled as terrorists by many.
    Besides everything, researches shows that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. الله اكبر ‏
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    selsebil's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
    Jazakallahu Khair for sharing!

    Here are my comments for these 5 misconceptions:

    1. Islam teaches peace.According to Qur'an killing an innocent person is like killing all humanity.A real Muslim cannot be a terrorist. Qur'an never justifies killing even just one innocent person.
    "If any one slew a person -unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land- it would be as if he slew the whole people," Qur’an, 5:32
    the rights of an innocent man cannot be cancelled for the sake of all the people. A single individual may not be sacrificed for the good of all. In the view of Almighty Allah's compassion, right is right, there is no difference between great and small. The small may not be annulled for the great. Without his consent, the life and rights of an individual may not be sacrificed for the good of the community. If he consents to sacrifice them in the name of patriotism, that is a different matter.

    2. The Qur’an compassionately commands women to wear the veil of modesty so that they will be treated with respect and those mines of compassion will not be trodden under the feet of low desires, nor be like worthless goods for the excitement of lust. Civilization, however, has drawn women out of their homes, rent their veils, and corrupted mankind. For family life continues through the mutual love and respect of man and wife. But immodest dress has destroyed sincere respect and affection, and has poisoned family life. While worship of the human form in particular has shaken morality in appalling fashion, causing the abasement of man’s spirit.

    3. Creator of all mankind is just one God.That's the same God who had sent all messengers from Adam to David,Abraham,Mose,Jesus and Muhammed PBUH.That's the same God who had sent all Holy Books Torah,Bible and Quran.It's the human mind who had changed some of the facts of their religions.All true religions have the same origin.

    4. In this age, proclaiming the Word of God is contingent on material progress; it may be proclaimed only through achieving true civilization. It cannot be doubted that in the future the world of Islam’s collective personality will carry out to the letter that categorical command issued by the dignity of Islam through belief.
    In the past, Islam’s progress occurred through smashing the enemy’s bigotry and obstinacy and through defence against their aggression; through weapons and the sword. Whereas in the future, in place of weapons, the immaterial, moral swords of true civilization, material progress, and truth and justice will defeat and scatter the enemies.

    5. You explained well.
    Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    “An hour’s reflective thought is better than a year’s worship” Hadith

    "We Muslims, who are students of the Qur’an, follow proof; we approach the truths of belief through reason, thought, and our hearts. " Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

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    Darth Ultor's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    I have a suggestion for one of the misconceptions. The misconception of Muslims seeing the prophets as superhuman. Like a step above man, but less than God.
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    format_quote Originally Posted by Boaz View Post
    I have a suggestion for one of the misconceptions. The misconception of Muslims seeing the prophets as superhuman. Like a step above man, but less than God.

    True, they are all humans and slaves of God like everyone else. Difference is that they are a great example for mankind in guidance of how to act. Each being blessed from the Creator to bring a message of truth to their people.
    Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

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    Beardo's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    format_quote Originally Posted by Boaz View Post
    I have a suggestion for one of the misconceptions. The misconception of Muslims seeing the prophets as superhuman. Like a step above man, but less than God.
    Good pointer. We believe Prophets to be humans, just like the rest of us. They were, however, chosen by God to lead the people. Alhamdulillah!
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    SlaveOfGod's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    Jazakallahukhair for your efforts, I just want to say, if you have further misconceptions you should listen to the lecture of Zakir Naik on the Misconceptions of Islam. He covers it really well.
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  10. #8
    Bayan's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Top ten misconceptions about Islam – Part l

    thanks for the explanations, suggestions, your comments and sharing.
    Jazakomul Allahu khayran..
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