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of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

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    الجزء الرابع :
    المحطف الرابع نربط الاحزمه لحسن على وشك الدخول للقصر .....
    أشباح ليلية

    الغرفة المسحورة

    أخت البارون

    حكاية "عبدة الشيطان"
    اولا:أشباح ليلية
    معظم الأقاويل التي جعلت "قصر البارون" بيتا حقيقيا للرعب تدور حول سماع أصوات لنقل أساس القصر بين حجراته المختلفة في منتصف الليل، والأضواء التي تضيء فجأة في الساحة الخلفية للقصر وتنطفئ فجأة أيضا، وتبلغ درجة تصديق السكان المجاورين للقصر حدا كبيرا، فيصرح بواب إحدى العمارات المواجهة للقصر بأن الأشباح لا تظهر في القصر إلا ليلا، وهي لا تتيح الفرصة لأحد أن يظل داخل القصر مهما كان الثمن.
    ويكمل قائلا: إن ما يقال عن وجود الأشباح صحيح، والذي يؤكد ذلك ما حدث في عام 82 حيث شاهد العديد من المارة دخانا ينبعث من غرفة القصر الرئيسية ثم دخل في شباك البرج الرئيسي للقصر، بعدها ظهر وهج نيران ما لبث أن انطفأ وحده دون أن يعمل على إطفائه أحد.
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    of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    قصر البارون إمبان

    711bvt10 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    قصر أحيط بالغموض والرعب والحكايات والاقاويل

    قصر كلما نظرت إليه شعرت برعب يملأ قلبك ويجعلك تهرب من شكله المخيف
    وفى ذات الوقت يملأك الفضول لتدخل لترى ما بداخل هذا القصر .. ولتتعرف على ما يحويه من أسرار
    لنرى معا قصة هذا القصر المرعب الغامض

    wwwislamicboardcom - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    من هو إمبان

    dfdms410 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر، بالتحديد بعد عدة سنوات من افتتاح قناة السويس، رست على شاطئ القناة سفينة كبيرة قادمة من الهند، وكان على متن هذه السفينة مليونير بلجيكي يدعى إدوارد إمبان

    كان "إدوارد إمبان" يحمل لقب بارون وقد منحه له ملك فرنسا تقديرا لمجهوداته في إنشاء مترو باريس حيث كان "إمبان" مهندسا متميزا

    لم تكن هواية "إدوارد إمبان" الوحيدة هي جمع المال، فقد كان يعشق السفر والترحال باستمرار، ولذلك انطلق بأمواله التي لا تحصى إلى معظم بلدان العالم، طار إلى المكسيك ومنها إلى البرازيل، ومن أمريكا الجنوبية إلى إفريقيا حيث أقام الكثير من المشروعات في الكونغو وحقق ثروة طائلة، ومن قلب القارة السمراء اتجه شرقا إلى بلاد السحر والجمال.... الهند

    وسقط المليونير البلجيكي في غرام الشرق

    wwwislamicboardcom - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    إمبان ومصر

    وصل البارون "إمبان" إلى القاهرة، ولم تمضِ أيام حتى انطلق سهم الغرام في قلب المليونير البلجيكي.. وعشق الرجل مصر لدرجة الجنون واتخذ قرارا مصيريا بالبقاء في مصر حتى وفاته.. وكتب في وصيته أن يدفن في تراب مصر حتى ولو وافته المنية خارجها!

    wwwislamicboardcom - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    نشأة القصر

    كان طبيعيا على من اتخذ مثل هذا القرار أن يبحث له عن مقر إقامة دائم في المكان الذي سقط صريع هواه.. وكان أغرب ما في الأمر هو اختيار البارون "إمبان" لمكان في الصحراء.. بالقرب من القاهرة

    e5fq710 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    وقع اختيار البارون لهذا المكان باعتباره متاخما للقاهرة وقريبا من السويس.. ولتمتع المكان بصفاء الجو ونقاء الهواء.. وبالتأكيد لم يكن أحد في هذا الزمن يرى ما يراه الاقتصادي البلجيكي ولا يعرف ما يدور داخل رأسه عن المستقبل

    eerrez10 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    تذكر البارون أنه في أثناء إقامته بالهند عندما ألم به مرض شديد كاد يودي بحياته اهتم به الهنود واعتنوا بصحته وأنقذوه من الموت المحقق. وتذكر البارون "إمبان" القرار الذي اتخذه أيامها بعد شفائه بأن يبني أول قصوره الجديدة على الطراز الهندي عرفانا منه بالجميل لأهل هذا البلد

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    القصر المميز

    110 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    أما أهم ما يميز قصر البارون فهو قاعدته الخرسانية التي ترتكز على «رولمان بلي» تدور فوق عجلات متحركة بحيث يلف القصر بمن فيه ليرى الواقف في شرفة القصر كل ما يدور حوله وهو في مكانه كما أن الشمس لا تغيب عنه. كان حفل الافتتاح حدثا لافتا في حياة المصريين وقتها وحضره السلطان حسين كامل الذي أبدى إعجابه الشديد به وحاول الاستيلاء عليه، الا أن امبان رفض اهداءه إياه وقام ببناء قصر آخر بالقرب من قصره أهداه للسلطان الذي رفض الهدية مصرا على طلبه الأول

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    القصر بعد وفاة البارون

    310 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    ولقد توفي البارون إمبان في 22 يوليو 1929 ومنذ هذا التاريخ تعرض القصر لخطر الإهمال لسنوات طويلة، وتحولت حدائقه التي كانت غناء يوماً ما إلى خراب، وأصبح القصر مهجوراً· وقد تعرض القصر بعد ذلك لخطر الإهمال سنوات طويلة، والذي تحولت فيها حدائقه إلى خرائب وتشتت جهود ورثته ومن حاول شراء القصر واستثماره ، إلي أن اتخذت الحكومة المصرية قراراً بضمه إلى قطاع السياحة وهيئة الآثار المصرية اللتين باشرتا عملية الأعمار والترميم فيه على أمل تحويله إلى متحف أو احد قصور

    الرئاسة المصرية

    بداية الرعب والغموض

    410 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    بسبب إغلاقه المستمر، نسج الناس حوله الكثير من القصص الخيالية، ومنها أنه صار مأوى للشياطين مما دفع ورثته زوجته وابنته لبيعه عام 1955 إلى مستثمرين أحدهما سوري والآخر سعودي بمبلغ سبعة آلاف جنيه ولقد تمت محاولات عديدة لهدم القصر لتحويله إلى فندق عالمي.

    معظم الأقاويل التي جعلت "قصر البارون" بيتا حقيقيا للرعب تدور حول سماع أصوات لنقل أساس القصر بين حجراته المختلفة في منتصف الليل، والأضواء التي تضيء فجأة في الساحة الخلفية للقصر وتنطفئ فجأة أيضا، وتبلغ درجة تصديق السكان المجاورين للقصر حدا كبيرا

    111 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    فيصرح بواب إحدى العمارات المواجهة للقصر بأن الأشباح لا تظهر في القصر إلا ليلا، وهي لا تتيح الفرصة لأحد أن يظل داخل القصر مهما كان الثمن وذلك يؤكد ذلك ما حدث في عام 82 حيث شاهد العديد من المارة دخانا ينبعث من غرفة القصر الرئيسية ثم دخل في شباك البرج الرئيسي للقصر، بعدها ظهر وهج نيران ما لبث أن انطفأ وحده دون أن يعمل على إطفائه أحد

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    عبدة الشيطان والقصر

    211 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    من هم عبدة الشيطان ؟

    هذا الفكر المنحرف فكر قديم .. بدأ في القرن الأول للميلاد عند " الغنوصيين " وهؤلاء كانوا ينظرون إلى الشيطان على أنه - ماعاذ الله - مساوٍ لله تعالى في القوة والسلطان...ثم تطور هؤلاء إلى " البولصيين " الذين كانوا يؤمنون بأن الشيطان هو خالق هذا الكون، وأن الله لم يقدر على أخذه منه، وبما أنهم يعيشون في هذا الكون فلا بد لهم من عبادة خالقه " المزعوم " إبليس

    yantm010 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    wwwislamicboardcom - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    الزعيم الأول

    wwzj010 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    "أليستر كراولي" 1875- 1947 ولد كراولي من عائلة بيروقراطيّة في إنكلترا وتخرّج من جامعة كامبريدج، إهتمّ في البدء بالظواهر والعبادات الغريبة، ودافع عن الإثارة والشهوات الجنسيّة في كتبه ومحاضراته

    ثمّ انضمّ إلى نظام العهد الذهبي وهو مجتمع سرّي، وقد أصبح فيما بعد المعلم الكبير لذلك المجتمع

    أنشأ علاقة جنسيّة شاذة مع "ألان بينيت" الذي انغمس فيما بعد بأعمال السحر، وأعلن كراولي أنه يتمنى أن يصبح قدّيس الشيطان، وأن يُعرف بالوحش الكبير أو الرجل الشرّير

    في العام 1900 ، ترك كراولي العهد الذهبي وأوجد نظاماً خاصًّا به أسماه "سلفر ستار" أي النجم الفضّي، وراح يسافر عبر العالم حيث بقي لسنوات طويلة في صقليا مع عددٍ من أتباعه

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    الزعيم الثانى

    tytyvm10 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    "أنطون لافي" لمن لا يعرفه هو من أصل يهوديّ وجنسيّة أميركيّة. تزعّم عبادة الشيطان بعد موت "أليستر كراولي". ولقد ادّعى أنّ الله عزّ وجلّ ظلم إبليس، كما نكر الأديان جميعها وطالب بدليل مادّي على وجود الله، مؤكداً أنّ الأدلة التي تثبت وجود الشيطان كثيرة

    yyy8db10 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

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    الرموز الشيطانية

    إنه لمن الصعوبة بمكان أن تُترجم جميع الكتابات أو الرموز السحرية التي يستخدمها عباد الشيطان ، لأن هذا يحتاج إلى ساحر متضلع من لغة السحر ، كما أنها قد كُتبت بحروف ورموز سرية لا يعرفها إلا السحرة الكبار الذين حازوا على الدرجات العليا في هذا العلم ، ولكننا سنلقي الضوء على المشهور منها

    رأس الكبش Baphomet : من أشهر رموز عباد الشيطان ، فرأس الكبش يمثل إلههم ورئيسهم وهو الشيطان، ويعد رمزاً مقدساً ، لأنه يمثل الشيطان نفسه

    الهلال والنجمة: شعار مشترك بين الماسونية وعباد الشيطان ، وهو يمثل آلهة القمر (ديانا) وإلهة الحب (فينوس) ، وهو الأكثر استعمالاً عند الساحرات

    العين الثالثة : شعار مشترك بين الماسونية وعبـاد الشيطان ، ونجده أيضاً على ورقة الدولار الأمريكي.

    منطقة الجنس : هـذا الشعار يرمز إلى أن المنطقة خاصة للطقوس الجنسية فقط . منطقة القداس الأسود

    الصليب المعقوف : شعار مشترك بين النـازية وعبـادالشيطان ، ويرمز للشمس والجهـات الأربع

    الصاعقة المزدوجة : شعار مشترك بين النازية وعباد الشيطان

    نجمة داود : شعار مشترك بين اليهود وعبـاد الشيطان ويستعمل في الطقوس السحرية وهو من الرموز المتداولة بكثرة بين عباد الشيطان وقد أخذه اليستر كرولي من الإنجيل (من له فهم فليحسب عدد الوحش فإنه عدد إنسان وعدده ستمائة وستة وستون) . كما يستخدم الرمز "FFF" كذلك لأن ( F ) هو الحرف السادس من الأبجدية الإنجليزية

    wwwislamicboardcom - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    ونرجع إلى تلك الأجواء الغامضة التي أحاطت بالقصر المهجور دفعت جماعات من الشبان المصريين في منتصف عام 1997 في حادثة شهيرة إلى التسلل إلى القصر ليلاً ، وإقامة حفلات ماجنة ، إذ كانوا يرقصون ويغنون على أنغام موسيقى الهيفي ميتال الصاخبة، ويلطخون جدرانه بدماء القطط والكلاب حيث ألقت الشرطة المصرية القبض عليهم لتفجر أول قضية من نوعها وهي ما عرفت بتنظيم عبدة الشيطان وهذا هو سبب الأساطير التي ترددت من قبل الجيران حول ما مشاهدتهم أضواء ساطعة، وصخباً وضجيجاً ورقصاً كل ليلة داخل القصر وموسيقى تنبعث منه


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    وضع القصر الحالى

    الاحتفال بمئوية مصر الجديدة ، وجد قصر البارون امبان حلا بعد معاناة استمرت 50 عاما ف بعد نصف قرن من الزمان أصبح القصر مصريا بعد أن أبرم المهندس محمد إبراهيم سليمان اتفاقا مع ورثة ملاك القصر - جان إمبان حفيد البارون إمبان - بشراء القصر مقابل منحهم قطعة أرض بديلة بالقاهرة الجديدة ليقيموا عليها مشاريع استثمارية. هذا الحل العبقري لازمة قصر البارون امبان كان وراءه السيدة سوزان مبارك بعد ان شهد القصر على مر 50 عاماً حالة من الاهمال نالت من جدرانه وحديقته. فتم بيعه لرجل الأعمال صغير السن المهندس علي منصور العودي عام 2005 عن طريق وسيط (سمسار)

    wwwislamicboardcom - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    وسيظل قصر البارون بما يحيطه من غموض وأقاويل لغزا لن يستطيع احد حله

    وسيظل أيضا القصر الاكثر رعبا وغموضا فى مصر

    وسيظل تحفة معمارية مميزة يشهدها جيل بعد جيل

    bhh01j10 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    اتمنى ان يناال اعجابكم
    للمزيد من مواضيعي

    Last edited by جوري; 02-15-2011 at 07:35 PM.
    of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    The Baron's Palace

    Fables, Legends and Controversies

    by Heba Fatteen Bizzari

    baronspalace1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    Editor's Note: It would seem that the Baron's Palace in Greater Cairo, after the Great Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza, is subject to more fables, legends and rumors than any other monument in Egypt. I was astounded to hear from a guide, who was very serious, that the old palace was build upon a type of turnstile that would rotate the whole building so that its windows were always facing the sun. Of course, that was urban legend in Cairo, but for many years, this building in Heliopolis has ignited the imagination of the local population with all manner of fables, legends and rumors.

    Today, the Baron’s Hindu Palace remains the subject of countless rumors. From time to time new rumors spread about this landmark which has been deserted for many years. It’s haunted by bats, stray dogs, and others believe by ghosts. And while the place attracts some architects for it richness, it also seems to have attracted teenagers for their wild parties. They would break into the place on weekends, drink beer and smoke hashish. In the late 1990s, the palace was said to be filled with tattooed, devil-worshipping youths holding orgies, skinning cats and writing their names in rats' blood on the palace's walls. Of course, as old houses go, we suppose it could or could not be haunted, but the palace now has two guards who are responsible for making sure that nothing too extraordinary happens inside.

    baronspalace7 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    The Palace’s builder was the Belgian-born industrialist, Baron-General Edouard Louis Joseph Empain (1852-1929) the prodigal son of a village school teacher who became one of Europe's greatest colonialist entrepreneurs of the 20th century. Empain had extensive business interests in Indonesia and in time became a well known amateur Egyptologist. He arrived in Egypt during January, 1904, intending to rescue one of his Belgian company's overseas projects, which was the construction of a railway line linking Matariya to Port Said. That project had run afoul of British interests and he ended up losing it to the Britons. Beaten in the railway department, Empain lingered in Egypt, however, instead of cutting his losses and going back home. Those who knew him claimed then that he had fallen madly in love with the desert. Others murmured that, despite a long-standing affair in Belgium, which had been blessed with two illegitimate children, he had succumbed to the charms of Yvette Boghdadli, one of Cairo's most beautiful socialites. He then came up with the idea of acquiring low-cost land and using it to build a residential area linked to Cairo by fast public transportation. He set up the Heliopolis Oasis Company in the following year.

    baronspalace2 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    His efforts culminated in 1907 with the building of the new town of Heliopolis, out in the desert ten kilometers from the center of Cairo. It was designed as a "city of luxury and leisure", with broad avenues offering sweeping monumental perspectives, equipped with all necessary conveniences and infrastructure, including water, drains, electricity, hotel facilities such as the Palace Hotel and Heliopolis House, and recreational amenities including a golf course, racetrack and park. In addition there was housing for rent, offered in a range of innovative design types targeting specific social classes with detached and terraced villas, apartment buildings, tenement blocks with balcony access and workers' bungalows.

    baronspalace4 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    The new city also represented the first large scale attempt to promote what later came to be called the "modern Arab style", known in its own day as the "Moorish style". However, for his own extravagant house, that was build between 1907 and 1910 and overlooks the town, he chose an architectural style that was very different.

    For his own home he chose a prestigious location in Heliopolis and ordered Alexander Marcel, a French architect and a member of the prestigious French Institute, to build him a Hindu palace. Some say it was supposed to be more or less a copy of the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia that he had seen during his travels in that country, while others say it is modeled on the fabulous Hindu temples of Orissa.

    baronspalace3 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    Empain brought the best Indonesian artists and sculptors for its construction. They built it on an artificial elevation to enable the Baron to watch the rising of Heliopolis. The palace’s striking exterior was the responsibility of Marcel, who reproduced a motley of busts, statues, elephants, snakes, Buddha's, shivers and Krishna's. The sophisticated interior was the responsibility of his French associate, Georges-Louis Claude. This team was also responsible for the construction and decoration of the Oriental Pavilion attached to the Royal Palace of Laeken in Belgium.

    The Palace was, of course, built in a very select neighborhood. Amongst other lofty neighbors, to his left facing Avenue Baron was the Arabesque palace, which is now military Headquarters, but which originally was the home of Boghos and Marie Nubar Pasha. It was the pasha who assisted Baron Empain in purchasing the 6,000 acres of empty desert at one pound each on which he built Heliopolis. Diagonally opposite stand the former residence of Sultan Hussein Kamel, who reigned over Egypt between 1914 and 1917. Today, that is a presidential guest house.

    Since visitors are not allowed into the palace, not much is known about its interior today. It consists of two floors with two additional subterranean floors. The underground floors contain a family mausoleum, a kitchen and the servant's room. There are two elevators and even a tunnel that connects with the nearby church built by the Baron.

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    Of course, the Baron himself was the first to occupy the palace. He entertained all of Egypt's hotes de marques including King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians during the Pre-World War I visit to Egypt. Although dwindling in numbers, there are those who still remember when the landscape surrounding the Hindu Palace was a wonderland festooned with ascending green terraces each with its own set of erotic marble statues and exotic vegetation. As guests negotiated the terraces on their way to the grand steps leading into the awesome palace foyer, they felt as though some mythical Deus was watching from the palace's interior. These theatrics pleased the Baron to no end.

    Next to occupy the palace was his playboy son, Baron Jean Empain. He entertained his guests either at the Heliopolis races or at his innumerable palace balls where he cut a dashing figure with his multiple consorts. It was an American cabaret dancer Rozell Rowland a.k.a. Goldie who finally nailed him to the altar. The 'prince' and the showgirl had met in a Cairo night club where she performed painted entirely in gold. The last of the Baron's family to occupy the palace were Janine and Huguette Empain, who actually preferred the lounges of the trendy Heliopolis Sporting Club or the Roof Garden of the old Semiramis Hotel to the sepulchral halls of their grandfather's palace. The palace was finally sold off by its owners in 1957 to two families, Alexem and Reda, who were of Saudi origin.

    baranspalace6 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    Today the spark of the place has vanished. It has become an architectural masterpiece that produces incredible stories and rumors, but like these stories and rumors, is void of inner beauty. Gone are the Fresco murals, massive gilded doors, balustrades, parquet floors, gold plated doorknobs, and the Belgian mirrors which were wrenched from their sockets. Now it is best known for the bats which inhabit it, and desecrate the floors with their droppings.

    The Egyptian government would perhaps like to turn the palace into a desert museum, or maybe a pantheon for Egypt's great. Unfortunately, they do not own the building and those who do are said to have an asking price of $50 million US. That is far more than the Supreme Council of Antiquity's annual budget. The owners talk of turning the palace into a gambling casino or even a Euro style medical center. Unfortunately for the owners, their options are limited. Law 117 forbids the selling or purchasing of buildings that are deemed to be antiquities. So for now it would seem, the Baron's Palace remains one of those landmarks that is yet to see the light of restoration.

    No doubt incredible stories will continue to come out of this palace and its lost fortunes. None however will be more unbelievable than the one about the priceless architectural treasure left to decay and crumble in full view of every minister, VIP, tourist and other air passenger as they motor up the airport road on their way in or out of Cairo.

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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    ^^^ That structure looks like an indian/vietnamese/thai hindu temple
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    The Reincarnation of Baron Empain Palace*

    July 3, 2006 by Nerro

    The Baron palace always seemed to be an intriguing place. For some reason it has been associated by many with the Beast’s palace in my favourite Beauty and the Beast the Cartoon. Childish..Superstitious..could be! But a palace like this is bound to have a captivating story behind it. Many questions are begging to be answered!
    The story goes like this: A month or less before the Heliopolis Centennial Celebration, a festival that took place in May 2005, the national newspapers announced that the Palace is now state-owned property and would be opened soon to visitors. Fifty-five days later the palace was closed.
    Considering its history and the interesting story behind it, I decided to pay it a visit….the minute I stepped inside the large garden I felt a sense of royalty… the palace itself is literally a massive architectural extravaganza.
    In 1904, Belgian Baron Edward Louis Joseph Empain first arrived to Egypt with only one intention: rescuing his company’s project to construct a railway line connecting Matariya to Port Said. Although the mission failed and he lost the contract to the British, he made up his mind to stay in Egypt. It is said that the Baron had fallen in love. But no one knew whether it was with the desert or one of the Egypt’s most beautiful elites.
    In 1907, Baron Empain decided to build a home from which to overlook the rise of the promising City of Heliopolis. He commissioned two French artists to design his castle; Alexander Marcel was responsible for the exterior, and the interior was assigned to Georges-Louis Claude. The palace architecture is of a cross-cultural nature with an extraordinary mixture of Hindu and Renaissance architecture along Marcel’s own adaptation of the Cambodian temples in Angkor Wat. Located in Heliopolis, the palace was apparently built on an artificial elevation in order to allow the Baron to continue his ongoing work in the new project back then “Heliopolis”.
    While passing through the small yet immeasurably artistic details, one wonders how on earth they completed it in just three years! Floral designs and other images are carved in the stone walls surrounding the terrace. Dragons, Krishnas, and Shivas engraved in leaf-shaped formations mark the four edges of the terrace to make for a Stunning huge ornamented façade. The rooftop especially stands out with its 3 or 4 shaded benches and a concrete stage in the middle. One can presume that Baron Empain probably used it as an entertainment facility, yet there are no references to this.
    Although exploring the palace is a great pleasure, it was like seeing a beautiful bride in her coffin. The walls are totally covered with such lines as “for the memory of…” which made me wonder with horror if they were painted during the restoration process! The parquet floor is stripped off and thin marble cracks spread out like spider webs behind the huge stylish fireplace. Frames are only left with no mirrors, doorknobs are missing and kitchens and bathrooms are lacking their most distinctive characteristics like sinks, bathtubs, and toilet seats. Even the elevators the Elevators! The torn out belts gives the only clue that they even existed. The Baron Empain Palace had been abandoned in every sense of the word.
    Only three generations occupied the mansion before it was deserted: the Baron Empain himself, followed by his Son Baron Jean Empain, and finally Edward Emapin’s grandchildren Janine and Huguette; after which the huge mansion has became a rich source for legends and fables.
    Superstitions usually arise with the unknown, and the Baron Palace was no exception. One myth affirms that the palace is built on a rotating base to allow the Baron to manage the entire area while sitting in one place.
    Another one says that there is a secret tunnel that connects the palace with the Basilique church. Moreover, there have been countless accounts and tales of lights mysteriously turning on and music emerging from the house.
    No matter what happened, the place is so peaceful inside; one can easily imagine what it was like during its days of glory. Its spirit of royalty becomes apparent as soon as you step onto the outside stairs that lead to the main entrance; it is there mingling with the air, bringing the past to life and giving its visitors an opportunity to hear its stories. Unfortunately, it has been vigorously neglected, as the case with many of our unobserved national treasures.
    The palace has closed its doors again and is under restoration, with the ” intention of turning it into a museum”. One must visit the palace to find the truth. We are looking forward to seeing those doors open again announcing the reincarnation of the Baron Palace.

    * My article for the Art Review, June issue.

    the reincarnation of baron empain palace - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul-Raouf View Post
    ^^^ That structure looks like an indian/vietnamese/thai hindu temple

    creepy ain't it? I passed by it twice last time I was in Egypt.. it was really creepy..even though it was still day time..
    of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    4088534 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..
    What Anton LaVey did with that castle ?
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    The articles were talking about the roots of devil worship as stories loomed and perpetuated around that castle..

    I am pretty sure much of what is written is just myth.. people in Egypt like a good jinn story
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ View Post

    I am pretty sure much of what is written is just myth.. people in Egypt like a good jinn story
    And people in Indonesia like mystery. Around two third of Indonesian movies are horror movies.
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    yeah I heard that many Indonesians were into black magic but didn't want to believe it.. so it is true?

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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    format_quote Originally Posted by View Post
    yeah I heard that many Indonesians were into black magic but didn't want to believe it.. so it is true?

    sadly it's true.

    Pre-Islamic practices such as magic still survive and many people who want short cuts in life resort to it.
    And many magic practitioners disguise their craft with "islamic" attributes.
    sickening, really.
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar View Post
    sadly it's true. Pre-Islamic practices such as magic still survive and many people who want short cuts in life resort to it. And many magic practitioners disguise their craft with "islamic" attributes. sickening, really.

    wow.. you'll have to tell us more about that in details.. I really didn't think Indonesians were into that sort of thing at all..
    sob7an Allah.. that makes me sad..

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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ View Post

    wow.. you'll have to tell us more about that in details.. I really didn't think Indonesians were into that sort of thing at all..
    sob7an Allah.. that makes me sad..

    misteri506236x300 1 - of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..
    This is one Indonesian magazine that contains many advertisement from many paranormal that offering 'supernatural service' for people who want to get success in career, business, sport, or want to destroy their enemies with 'supernatural attack' called "santet". Or maybe you want to buy jinn ?, it's also available.

    Sadly, there are some similar magazines that published in Indonesia that have many readers. And sadly again, some people told me "if you want to get success, you need supernatural support".
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    Re: of haunted Egyptian castles.. haunted by jinn that is..

    wow that kind of gives me the creeps.. my aunt was a diplomat to Indonesia a few years ago, and she loved it.. sob7an Allah.. I had no idea.. but then Egypt has that sort of crap too.. I just don't know if they like to admit it.. I haven't seen magazines.. at least not openly sold that is...

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