Climb the Two Mountains of Makkah and Mountain of Medina (Mount Nur, Thawr and Uhud) for the 1st Time Ever!

Join us on this unique opportunity, climbing the Two Mountains of Makkah followed by climbing the Historic Mount Uhud of Medina. All Three Mountains known for their mighty relevance in terms of the events which occurred, will be climbed after the performance of Umrah and any other visiting of sites in Makkah and Medina. The total Mountain climb of the mountains of Makkah will take approximately 3-5 hours depending on ones speed, with Mount Uhud taking a similar amount of time. INTERESTED???

After performing your Umrah, your challenge is to trek up Mount Noor and Thawr (in Makkah, Saudi Arabia) on the same day, enduring the heat of an Arabian summer’s day. It takes about two hours to complete the trek of Mount Noor and up to 4 hours for Mount Thawr. Remember; the mountain paths are known for their steepness. This, together with the difficult heat, will be an ultimate test of your endurance.

The group will leave on 31st March 2012 for a period of 8 days and arrive Sunday 8th April 2012. If you wish to attend, but want to go for a shorter or longer period, this can be arranged for.

THE AIM OF THIS CHALLENGE IS TO RAISE ONLY £1500 which will cover your Umrah Trip and also the remaining going to charity for Rahma Mercy. We recommend each participant to attempt to pay as much of the Umrah trip individually but this is not compulsory and should not deter anyone from not joining the challenge. Furthermore, the starters pack received upon applying will outline possible ways to fundraise and other important information with regards to the whole challenge and its logistics.

Sisters who are unable to come, why not participate in the rewards by raising the money and sending your husband/brother/father on the Makkah Twin Challenge? The perfect gift!

Email Rahma Mercy for an application form and starters pack to participate. For more information and general enquiries, please contact us on 0116 251 6959

Why Rahma Mercy?
Rahma Mercy through the will of the Almighty has enjoyed immense success. It is because of the countless wonderful people we have encountered that God has helped us to realise so many of our goals. It is this foundation of people that has ensured the growth of strength, passion and love for the Ummah.

Without people Rahma would still have been just a mere concept. It is YOU, the people that support us unconditionally. It is OUR people that work tirelessly, and it is the PEOPLE we help that make everything we do so worthwhile. Indeed, it is this three-way beneficial relationship that oil the cogs of humanity. It is now, that we need your help more than ever before. It is now that we can help the Albanian Muslims to once again stand tall on their own feet.

Contribute to the building of a Madrassah - You could save an innocent child's Imaan and enjoy the rewards in this life and the hereafter
Sponsor a Masjid and enable communities to obtain knowledge
Give money towards a water well, Qurbaani or Iftaari - let those in need know that the Muslims Ummah cares and help stop poverty, disease and hunger.


Contribute to a worthy cause and in return prepare for an inspiring trip to the two heavens of the earth; Makkah and Madinah.