Assalomu Alyakum Warahmatullahi Wabarakathu,

Ever since 7 or 8 months ago, I have been getting waswas regarding shirk. It started when I thought was becoming a good or a better Muslim than I was before. The shirk thoughts has moved from Shaitan to Jesus. I get such thoughts that I cannot drive away and I feel like I have committed shirk so I cry and ask Allah(SWT) for forgiveness. This has happened for the last 7 or 8 months. I try to convince myself that this is a test from Allah(SWT) and if I pass this test, of course, "with hardship comes ease." Sometimes, I feel like Allah(SWT) has not forgiven me so I repent moer and more. I have repented many times and I will keep repenting. Is this something I should be concerned of? Is this just waswas I am getting and just a test? I hope knowledgeable Muslims answer my question.
Thank you for your time.

-My intention is not to reveal my sin but to ask someone knowledgeable.