Assalamu alaikum everyone. I'm not comfortable going into many details here but my family in its entirety is extremely dysfunctional and has been since I have been alive. It is a very sad situation but something I have managed to live through all of these years. I need to know Islamically what I can do that is halal to have as little to do with them as possible. My relationships with 100% of them from my own parents to grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. are toxic to varying degrees. Virtually every interaction with any of them is negative and has been so all of my life. The family is full of those who used to or continue to abuse alcohol and drugs and the ones who don't have other addictive problems such as 8-12 hours of television daily and similar unhealthy habits. I have also been the victim of violence on repeated occasions in the past by a number of these people and many of them demonstrate pure hatred towards me even going back to when I was a child. While none of them ever will admit to hating me, from the earliest age that I remember I was condemned due to them not liking my bloodline (i.e. the extended families not approving of my parents and their respective families). These things are not something I am imagining. I have also been to many counselors over my life to deal with the issues yet none of the family members will seek counseling or any corrective measures as they won't acknowledge that there is anything wrong with them. I know I am a strong person for having dealt with it for so many years and come out as someone who has never been in trouble with the law and one who does not drink, smoke, or do drugs.

Ideally my life would be best if in the future I never had even so much as one of them in my life anymore. It is my intention to get married someday and have a new family as a result but this will only happen if it is the will of Allah (swt). I try not to hate my family, I try to respect them, and repent when I lose my temper or otherwise deal with them harshly. I realize nobody online can effectively dissect such problems over the internet without even knowing me. My purpose for posting this is that I need to know generally what is halal or haram in terms of dealing with dysfunctional family issues. I cannot change them but I can change myself so that insha'Allah my actions lead me toward Jannah instead of Jahannam. Any advice is greatly appreciated.