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    Seekinghaqq's Avatar Limited Member
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    Waswas BURNOUT

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    Assalamu Alaikum

    Yes, I did open another threat about waswas, but this time I just want to know if someone experienced the same kind of overwhelming whispers, and if yes, how did you get out of it. I am just asking because I assume that ill never return to my old self as Muslim because of all this.

    Mine are about the essence of Allah and matters of the unseen. You know, the waswas have started to exceed such a limit that sometimes, I sadly can't take certain islamic fatwas serious anymore. While I believe in Allah because I have found rational arguments for His existence, I find it difficult to imagine angels, Jannah, jahannam, jinns etc. I guess I have read so much about it that everything gets so overwhelming and weird to me. I want everything rationally explained to me, but these things aren't explainable I guess.

    Then I started to get waswas about Quran like how can an angel come to the prophet Muhammad salallahu alayji wassalam and in general everything sounds so superficial. Those who are born Muslims get taught all this since their kids and its no problem to accept it, but sinnce the worst whispers started attacking me, my imaan is low and shaky.

    This all makes me feel like puking bc I feel like I am in a movie. I know I shouldn't care, but I imagine unfaithful people laughing about me if I believe that, like how can I explain all of this? Why do *unnatural signs* not appear in times like this? Like prophet yunus as and the fish etc.

    Also I am afraid reading Quran because my mind has to add to every verse an insult or an absurd argument against it. The what ifs don't let me go. It's also hard to imagine standing in front of Allah in the prayer mat or making dua becayse my mind always repeats *You're crazy, you really believe that, that's all an illusion, you imagine things, what if....*. It's like my mind searches for every possible argument against islam. When Allah is mentioned I get this weird tightness in my throat and chest, as if I am forcing myself to immediately understand and believe.

    I fear that all these questions have ruined my tahweed. I just want to understand so bad and not be a Kuffar. But I guess I've destroyed my chances for Jannah furever. Everything that has to do with islam now scares me and I have literally a burnout from all the research. It's like I can't take anything serious anymore. This dunya has deceived me and Sometimes I wish I was possessed by a jinn so I could know that this all diesnt come from my nafs. I just can't recognize myself anymore. The mood swings just annoy me and the fear of death greater than ever.

    And when I tell myself everything is okay, believe, breath, I feel as if I could never love and live islam as I used to. I did write texts about Allah, gave naseeha, people have admired me bc of my straight clear replies (i guess that made me sadly arrogant then) and now I seem like the biggest hypocrite ever. It makes me truly sad that I've ruined my youth as a Muslim and it might take me long to collect myself.

    Please tell me that there is a chance to dig myself out of this mess. Should I seek more knowledge or relax more and let it slowly come into my mind?

    May Allah bless you.
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    I don't believe that you have destroyed your chances of Jannah forever because you still have an atom of faith in you.

    But you are struggling. As long as you maintain your struggles for the truth, Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful.

    Nobody is perfect and everyone has their 'demons' to conquer.

    By the way, you could update your older posts with this new post. You don't have to create new threads for the same problem.

    May you find peace.

    Waswas BURNOUT

    As long as my heart does beat, I shall live, not lie
    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.
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  4. #3
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    Sister, In Islaam, it is advised not to think too much.

    Read this:

    It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:

    Men will continue to question one another till this is propounded: Allah created all things but who created Allah? He who found himself confronted with such a situation should say: I affirm my faith in Allah.

    (Saheeh Muslim, Book #001, Hadith #0242)
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    Waswas BURNOUT

    “Indeed the patient will be given their reward without account.” :love:
    { Qur’aan, Chapter 39, Verse 10 }
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  5. #4
    Seekinghaqq's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    format_quote Originally Posted by greenhill View Post
    I don't believe that you have destroyed your chances of Jannah forever because you still have an atom of faith in you.

    But you are struggling. As long as you maintain your struggles for the truth, Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful.

    Nobody is perfect and everyone has their 'demons' to conquer.

    By the way, you could update your older posts with this new post. You don't have to create new threads for the same problem.

    May you find peace.

    Thank you that you still believe in me.
    I'm just completely exhausted. I don't know how I should continue my life anymore tbh.
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    whosebob's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    Check out my threads there is one called, "islamic solution schizophrenia helps me"

    I am schizophernic and I can already see you struggling because it happens to me as well. I started going indepth into Islam. Read hadith, Bukhari, Quran, Tafsir and so much more. I overloaded just like you and it cost me. The Devil knows you know to much. There are things that don't make sense. Rather stop looking for explainations for everything. I write in a diary to Allah. When I first started writing I spoke to Him a lot about Islam and what I found out. This is very dangerous since I don't have the knowledge to understand things which takes Imaams and Sheqs years to understand. That's why I write to Allah about simple things now. Like comics, jokes, my family etc. Don't make the same mistake I did and put yourself in a horrible situation inshallah. Find a hobby, watch Tv, listen to good music and relax inshallah. As long as you believe in One God you Guaranteed Jannah firdous inshallah. So try to stop stressing. If you struggling just extend your index finger like salaah to reaffirm that you believe in One God. I struggle with this because of the voices but when I extend my finger like salaah then I know I'll be ok inshallah.

    I also think you should go to a psychiatrist as soon as possible. There is medication that can help you inshallah. Stop is before it gets worst inshallah.

    Inshallah I hope I have helped you in some way inshallah.

    Peace and blessings be upon you.

    Here's the info if you can't find it

    Islamic solution to schizophrenia that helps me.

    Islamic solution to schizophrenia that helps me.
    I have schizophrenia but I have found the solution that helps me. There are times when this solution is too difficult for me especially when I am being overwhelmed. When things are easier, when the voices are not too much then I go back to my regiment. It’s important because it is a form of meditation that is very peaceful. My parents and family were also very patient with me when this all started, this was also vital. The important thing for me is that I was reminded everyday of God’s oneness. This really helped me because I was hearing terrible things about God.

    The solution that helps me.

    1. I Pray everyday
    In Islam, Muslims pray 5 times a day. When this all started all I could do was prostrate and declare God’s oneness with my index finger. But things did get better for a while. I still struggle with prayers but I still do my best which does make me feel better.

    2. I write to God about my life in a dairy.
    My problem is that I forget easily the blessing in my life. Hearing the voices everyday makes one really depressed. But having a diary to God really helps me. Reason being is that I replace a negative thought process with a positive one. I don’t write about negative things in my diary. I talk about comics, good jokes, heaven, art, computer graphics, good deeds that I see people doing and especially my family and friends etc.

    3. I Recite God’s names
    In Islam, God has many names which relate to his personality. This helps me understand God better which helps me realize that God is with me through my sickness God willing.

    The following are examples are God’s names
    God: Allah
    God the Merciful : ar-Raheem
    God the Healer : al-Qayoom
    God the Compassionate : ash-Shafee
    God the Granter of Peace: as-Salaam

    I was really struggling in the beginning and then I found a book of God’s names. The first name I read was (al-Muqmeen) God - The preserver of faith. To this day it’s one of my favourite names of God because I do believe without His support I would have lost faith a long time ago.

    Please note: I try everyday to make relevant prayers by each of God’s names. For instance God the healer (al-Qayoom), Here, I pray for my health as well as my family and friends etc It really helps me find peace. In Islam we repeat God’s names as a form of Meditation. It’s called thikr. We use rosemary beads which really helps Muslims go to a peaceful place.

    4. I also Read Quran/Surah Hasr
    Allah is He than whom there is no other god Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He Most Gracious Most Merciful.

    Allah is He other than whom there is no other god the sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), The Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (high is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.

    He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the exalted in Might the Wise.

    5.I also Read Quran/Surah al-Ikhlaṣ

    Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
    Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
    He neither begets nor is born,
    Nor is there to none like unto Him."

    6. I take Medication
    I do take medication which really helps. I did find a psychiatrist and medication that suits me. I believe God provides relief that’s why I never forget to take my meds.

    I hope that this information helps you and all those suffering from schizophrenia.
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    Another word of advice a Muaththin at my Mosque told me is that if you struggling to read Quran then just scan through it with your right hand index finger. Sometimes I am tired but I still make effort because there is Barakah in the Quran inshallah. So take a break, when you strong enough then start reading again inshallah. That how I cope being overwhelmed with Waswassa.
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  9. #7
    Seekinghaqq's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    format_quote Originally Posted by whosebob View Post
    Another word of advice a Muaththin at my Mosque told me is that if you struggling to read Quran then just scan through it with your right hand index finger. Sometimes I am tired but I still make effort because there is Barakah in the Quran inshallah. So take a break, when you strong enough then start reading again inshallah. That how I cope being overwhelmed with Waswassa.

    I can totally relate to your situation, but I'm not schizophrenic nor do I literally hear voices in my head. I just have a lot of questions and "what if" thoughts. It's more like ocd I probably have. This all makes me think that there is no real answer for anything in this world. And its too overwhelming as you said. I found proofs for Allah but the thoughts just won't stop and I don't have a real opportunity to distract myself.

    I pray, I make dua, fast, read and I even thought of keeping a diary so thank you for this and the other advices. I try my best but it kills me that it might take me months to recover....
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  10. #8
    popsthebuilder's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    format_quote Originally Posted by Seekinghaqq View Post
    Assalamu Alaikum

    Yes, I did open another threat about waswas, but this time I just want to know if someone experienced the same kind of overwhelming whispers, and if yes, how did you get out of it. I am just asking because I assume that ill never return to my old self as Muslim because of all this.

    Mine are about the essence of Allah and matters of the unseen. You know, the waswas have started to exceed such a limit that sometimes, I sadly can't take certain islamic fatwas serious anymore. While I believe in Allah because I have found rational arguments for His existence, I find it difficult to imagine angels, Jannah, jahannam, jinns etc. I guess I have read so much about it that everything gets so overwhelming and weird to me. I want everything rationally explained to me, but these things aren't explainable I guess.

    Then I started to get waswas about Quran like how can an angel come to the prophet Muhammad salallahu alayji wassalam and in general everything sounds so superficial. Those who are born Muslims get taught all this since their kids and its no problem to accept it, but sinnce the worst whispers started attacking me, my imaan is low and shaky.

    This all makes me feel like puking bc I feel like I am in a movie. I know I shouldn't care, but I imagine unfaithful people laughing about me if I believe that, like how can I explain all of this? Why do *unnatural signs* not appear in times like this? Like prophet yunus as and the fish etc.

    Also I am afraid reading Quran because my mind has to add to every verse an insult or an absurd argument against it. The what ifs don't let me go. It's also hard to imagine standing in front of Allah in the prayer mat or making dua becayse my mind always repeats *You're crazy, you really believe that, that's all an illusion, you imagine things, what if....*. It's like my mind searches for every possible argument against islam. When Allah is mentioned I get this weird tightness in my throat and chest, as if I am forcing myself to immediately understand and believe.

    I fear that all these questions have ruined my tahweed. I just want to understand so bad and not be a Kuffar. But I guess I've destroyed my chances for Jannah furever. Everything that has to do with islam now scares me and I have literally a burnout from all the research. It's like I can't take anything serious anymore. This dunya has deceived me and Sometimes I wish I was possessed by a jinn so I could know that this all diesnt come from my nafs. I just can't recognize myself anymore. The mood swings just annoy me and the fear of death greater than ever.

    And when I tell myself everything is okay, believe, breath, I feel as if I could never love and live islam as I used to. I did write texts about Allah, gave naseeha, people have admired me bc of my straight clear replies (i guess that made me sadly arrogant then) and now I seem like the biggest hypocrite ever. It makes me truly sad that I've ruined my youth as a Muslim and it might take me long to collect myself.

    Please tell me that there is a chance to dig myself out of this mess. Should I seek more knowledge or relax more and let it slowly come into my mind?

    May Allah bless you.
    To whom it may concern;

    I understand your despair. The whispers you speak of are creeping, and deceitful. They come from within but cannot be trusted. You can single out and slow the whispers by breaking everything down to single internal questions of right and wrong. The righteous will almost always be first and obvious. Evil slithered, and crawls I'm the dark. Turn on the light inside to spot him. Have true Faith. When doubt tries to twist its way in, deny it with the truth of faith.

    There is but one God.
    He is the same in all ancient religions. Why must we bicker?
    Good luck, sincerely.
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    ~servantoAllah~'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    I am having the same problem. I'm only thirteen years old. But I'm recovering. The way I am is that I remember that other people get waswas too. There are also lots of kind of waswas. Waswas insinuating doubts only happens to Muslims and if it happens to disbelievers then it happens to them to keep them as disbelievers or they are doubting their religion and realizing its false. So this is proof that Shaytan does waswas to misguide us. He doesn't care how we leave Islam. He just wants us to. Also, just flat out ignoring the thoughts and saying "No." (In your head obviously, not out loud unless you want to) to the thoughts and forcing yourself instead to believe Allah and his words in the Qur'an instead really helps. It helps me get through the school day. It helps ke pray. I also say Aootho billahi minash shaytanirajeem whenever I can and as much as I can. While I'm watching TV, while I'm listening to my teachers, while I'm going to sleep, etc. These things really help. Waswas isn't uncommon to Muslims, even sahabah had doubts whispered to them. Remember, if these doubts upset you, it is a clear sign of faith according to a hadeeth. Just search for the hadeeth on google, I've seen it multiple times. You can find it on islamqa. Remember, the MOST IMPORTANT thing that I've learned so far during this struggle is to make dua, and to not give up hope. Sometimes the doubts seize me and consume me, and I think that for sure Allah is very angry with me and maybe I'll never be helped and I will show up on the Day of Judgement in a terrible state and Allah will yell at me for doubting, for being aware and believing of His existence and still doubting His words. A lot of times this happens at schools and I can't focus on anything, all I can say is the shahadah over and over again. An overwhelming feeling of despair and hopelessness consume me. The doubts get so bad, sometimes I doubt the Day of Judgement and many Islamic basics liek tawheed, Astagfirallah. But then I get home and I start ignorig and praying salah and making dua, and I calm down and force myself to calm down. I read articles of waswas to give me hope. Then I have hope that one dat, the waswas will cone to an end and I will have unshakable faith Isnha Allah. This waswas can also be a test. Allah wants to see how much I hold up, whether I will fall victim to te waswas and leave Islam, or if I will seek refuge with Him, ignore it, and trust in Him, and end up with full imaan at the end of the test. The hope is sometimes all that can keep you going. There are good days and bad days with me, days where ignoring it is just so freaking hard, where Shaytan makes me have doubts about ignoring it, he tries to get me to stop, days where I have no hope, and even days where I wish that I could just cease to exist. There are good days where ignoring it is easy and I feel so trusting in Allah and hopeful, days where believing is easy and simple. Just try to make as many days like the good ones as possible. Remember, unless you ignore them, they probably won't go away. At first, I tried to refute them with logic, just pure solid logic, it worked at first, but nore doubts and what-ifs would just pile in after, each time I refuted one, it was like three new ones came in. Only after I started ignoring did I truly feel peace. You need to ignore them. Shaytan is going to try his best to make you pay attention to them, but remember arguing with hin always gles in circles. He has lots of experience with manipulation. He's been here before humans were created. (Try not to doubt that) Sometimes, he even tries to make me doubt that he exists. But I know he does because other people get waswas too, and other kinds of waswas, simpler ones that aren't in the form of doubts. The simpler ones definitely only happen to Muslims. Anyways, arguing with him is pointless and if you believe Allah exists, then you know that his whispers can't have a good end if you believe them and accept them truly. So ignore him, make dua (lots and lots and lots of dua) and say surah An-Nas and surah Al-Ikhlas. Constantly seek refuge with Allah by saying Auootho billahi minash shaytanir rajeem. Again, make LOTS OF DUA and IGNORE the waswas and just focus on Allah and His words in the Qur'an and His attributes and believe them while ignoring the waswas. Make yourself belive them and nit deny them, even if it feels sometimes that you don't beleive them in your heart, believe them with your head by thinking "I believe this, and I don't deny or doubt anything." Then say auootho billahi minash shaytanir rajeem a lot and make dua, and belief in the heart will come insha Allah. Also ask Allah to soften your heart. Praying salah al hajat is also an option, look up how to pray it. Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it.

    Remember to ask Allah to send peace and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad for all your duas, that is suppsoed to really help and Allah doesn't accept them until you have done that. You can make some duas or lots only for the Prophet too. And glorify Allah in every single one. don't say "do this if you wish" in them. Make dua as if Allah is for sure, definitely going to accept every part of it. You can look up more tips on how to make better dua on the internet. Also make dua for smaller things too, like gifts. They help increase my imaan and hope for some reason. You can ask me for more tips if you want and questions if you want. Try to ask a scholar on what you should do to make the waswas go away if you can. Also ask some trusted people to make dua for you, people that Allah is more likely to accept their duas like your parents, according to hadeeths. Look up or as a scholar on which times Allah accepts dua the most or for sure, like an hour of Fridays or before iftar or in the last third of the night. Try to become a better Muslim in action too. Try to gain more knowledge about simpler things like trials in the dunya and patience.

    Search on google "the way to truth satan and his whisperings". There is a website that really helps me.

    You can ask me questions and for more tips if you want.

    Remember, believe that Allah knows best. Because he really does. Insha Allah one day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in ten years, He will bless us with sound faith and Insha Allah we will have patience the whole time from now until then. Ameen.
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    114:4 from the evil who whispers and withdraws.

    This comes from the final surah of the Qur'an. From what I have read here and other posts I have discovered these waswas issues affect more people than I'd imagine.

    Furthermore, reading the styles of writing, it is easy to see that it is mainly the younger generation that suffers more acutely.

    It might be the hormones, the vibrance of youth and the development of mind and inquisitiveness that leads to question everything like children who keeps asking 'why?' even after we have answered.

    With more years and growth, add a bit more experience, I have found a lot of these questions a total distraction and almost not contributing to my overall understanding like sideshows along my journey to a destination.

    Waswas BURNOUT

    As long as my heart does beat, I shall live, not lie
    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.
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  14. #11
    ~servantoAllah~'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    Assalamu Alaykum,
    Okay, sister. I'm sorry, I think now that I'd given you bad advice. I don't remember fully or clearly what advice Id given you, but I do think at least some of it is bad. The parts where I said force yourself to believe and stuff. Well, my advice to you now is to realize that these are just whispers. They have no value. I know they might seem otherwise, but they don't. Once you realize that, it will Insha Allah get better. They are merely whispers. Don't give them value or attention. What I'd also recommend is not to get anymore information from the internet. It is tempting, but its safer not to. The internet has people from different backgrounds, different viewpoints, even different sects of Islam like sunni and shia. Some people might be posing as Muslims, some people might not he educated. Talk to people who you know in real life who you trust in their knowledge and piety, like an imam. It would be better if you talked to someone known by many people at least locally for their knowledge and piety. Also, say "Amantu billahi was rasulihi" which means "I have believed in Allah and His Messenger." when you get waswas, say aoodhu billahi minash shaytanir rajeem and then stop thinking about it. Thats it. Insha Allah, you will be guided. Make dua. There are duas that ask for refuge with Allah from shaytan and there are the three quls surahs, talk to imams for good duas and things you can do.
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    Also, Id like you to ignore my old advice. May Allah guide you, Insha Allah.
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  16. #13
    Dhrubo's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Waswas BURNOUT

    format_quote Originally Posted by whosebob View Post
    Check out my threads there is one called, "islamic solution schizophrenia helps me"

    I am schizophernic and I can already see you struggling because it happens to me as well. I started going indepth into Islam. Read hadith, Bukhari, Quran, Tafsir and so much more. I overloaded just like you and it cost me. The Devil knows you know to much. There are things that don't make sense. Rather stop looking for explainations for everything. I write in a diary to Allah. When I first started writing I spoke to Him a lot about Islam and what I found out. This is very dangerous since I don't have the knowledge to understand things which takes Imaams and Sheqs years to understand. That's why I write to Allah about simple things now. Like comics, jokes, my family etc. Don't make the same mistake I did and put yourself in a horrible situation inshallah. Find a hobby, watch Tv, listen to good music and relax inshallah. As long as you believe in One God you Guaranteed Jannah firdous inshallah. So try to stop stressing. If you struggling just extend your index finger like salaah to reaffirm that you believe in One God. I struggle with this because of the voices but when I extend my finger like salaah then I know I'll be ok inshallah.

    I also think you should go to a psychiatrist as soon as possible. There is medication that can help you inshallah. Stop is before it gets worst inshallah.

    Inshallah I hope I have helped you in some way inshallah.

    Peace and blessings be upon you.

    Here's the info if you can't find it

    Islamic solution to schizophrenia that helps me.

    Islamic solution to schizophrenia that helps me.
    I have schizophrenia but I have found the solution that helps me. There are times when this solution is too difficult for me especially when I am being overwhelmed. When things are easier, when the voices are not too much then I go back to my regiment. It’s important because it is a form of meditation that is very peaceful. My parents and family were also very patient with me when this all started, this was also vital. The important thing for me is that I was reminded everyday of God’s oneness. This really helped me because I was hearing terrible things about God.

    The solution that helps me.

    1. I Pray everyday
    In Islam, Muslims pray 5 times a day. When this all started all I could do was prostrate and declare God’s oneness with my index finger. But things did get better for a while. I still struggle with prayers but I still do my best which does make me feel better.

    2. I write to God about my life in a dairy.
    My problem is that I forget easily the blessing in my life. Hearing the voices everyday makes one really depressed. But having a diary to God really helps me. Reason being is that I replace a negative thought process with a positive one. I don’t write about negative things in my diary. I talk about comics, good jokes, heaven, art, computer graphics, good deeds that I see people doing and especially my family and friends etc.

    3. I Recite God’s names
    In Islam, God has many names which relate to his personality. This helps me understand God better which helps me realize that God is with me through my sickness God willing.

    The following are examples are God’s names
    God: Allah
    God the Merciful : ar-Raheem
    God the Healer : al-Qayoom
    God the Compassionate : ash-Shafee
    God the Granter of Peace: as-Salaam

    I was really struggling in the beginning and then I found a book of God’s names. The first name I read was (al-Muqmeen) God - The preserver of faith. To this day it’s one of my favourite names of God because I do believe without His support I would have lost faith a long time ago.

    Please note: I try everyday to make relevant prayers by each of God’s names. For instance God the healer (al-Qayoom), Here, I pray for my health as well as my family and friends etc It really helps me find peace. In Islam we repeat God’s names as a form of Meditation. It’s called thikr. We use rosemary beads which really helps Muslims go to a peaceful place.

    4. I also Read Quran/Surah Hasr
    Allah is He than whom there is no other god Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He Most Gracious Most Merciful.

    Allah is He other than whom there is no other god the sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), The Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (high is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.

    He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the exalted in Might the Wise.

    5.I also Read Quran/Surah al-Ikhlaṣ

    Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
    Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
    He neither begets nor is born,
    Nor is there to none like unto Him."

    6. I take Medication
    I do take medication which really helps. I did find a psychiatrist and medication that suits me. I believe God provides relief that’s why I never forget to take my meds.

    I hope that this information helps you and all those suffering from schizophrenia.

    Bro you are suggesting him to listen to music and watch tv? Music is haram. There is no such thing as good music. These things will just make him heedless of religion so the shaitan doesnt need to put waswas in him because he is already sinning. Please dont advice these types of things to someone who is already having problem. Assalamu'Alaikum
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