“A lot of people don’t have Iman (yaqeen and khushu’) in their istigfar and dhikr. As a result, they do not reap the benefits, sweetness and fruits of their istigfar and dhikr.
When a person commits to performing either one or both of these two medicines; the individual is supposed to concentrate (have khushu’ on Allah), and have certainty (yaqeen) & conviction that this istigfar or dhikr is from Allah, and whatever comes from Allah is the Haqq (sure truth), and that in the Haqq of Allah there is sure benefit which benefits my heart and soul.
This is what’s meant when the scholars say, "dhikr which the heart is present”.
The tongue can only be as firm as the dhikr & istigfar that’s within the heart, just like a tree is only as stable as its roots; the tree being the tongue, the roots being the dhikr, and the heart being the earth of which the roots enter, and the actions being the fruits, and the seeds of the fruit being what the actions generate.
The dhikr of some men is like the roots of a mountain which which stop the the earth from shaking; such is the similitude of the sahabah, firm as mountains they were, and they are the pegs (mountains) of this Ummah.
Whereby our roots today are like that of a little tree holding some soil together, but grass would be a more befitting similitude.
Not equal are the roots of a tree with that of a mountain, and not equal are the roots of grass with that of a tree.
What shaky hearts we have; indeed dhikr & istigfar are what hold the heart together.
أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُون
(Will you then not understand?)
May Allah grant us Iman.“ [End quote]
- [Dhikr Where The Heart Is Present]