The thought of losing one’s mind due to old-age, illness or an accident is most certainly a worrying one to say the least. The gift of sanity, especially for a Muslim who consciously seeks to invest in every single second in preparation for the Hereafter, is a particularly precious one.

With that said,

‘AbdulMalik Ibn ‘Umair said, كان يقال أن أبقى الناس عقولا قراء القرآن
“It used to be said, ‘The people who are protected most in respect to their minds are the reciters of the Qur’an’”

In another narration, أنقى الناس عقولا قراء القرآن
“The purest of people in terms of their minds are the reciters of the Qur’an.”

Imam Al-Qurtubi said, من قرأ القرآن مُتّع بعقله وإن بلغ مائة
“Whoever recites the Qur’an (i.e. frequently) will enjoy soundness in his mind, even if he hits the age of 100.”

Imam Ibnu Taymiyya said,
ما رأيت شيئا يغذّي العقل والروح ويحفظ الجسم ويضمن السعادة أكثر من إدامة النظر في كتاب الله تعالى
“I have never come across anything which nourishes the mind and soul, preserves the body and guarantees one’s happiness like that of perpetual looking into the Qur’an.”

Let the addiction begin.