​It’s really hard to write a book and it’s even hard to write it in less than 24 hours. Well if you read the below post then you will get some good idea about writing a book in less than 24 hours:

Title: The first step in writing a book is finding the best Title. But there is no need to spend weeks and months in finding the right title because our aim is to write a book in less than 24 hours. What all you need to do is open an AdWords Account and use the Google Keyword Planner tool. Although you require some payment information to open an Adwords account but it’s absolutely free to use their Keyword Planner. Once you insert your Idea in this tool, it will give a list of results based on average monthly searches. That’s it, pick the one which is near to your idea and use it as a book title. You can use the remaining titles as keywords while publishing your Book.

Chapters: There is no need to spend days to write a book. Your book can be as low as 2000 words. All you need to do is just divide these 2000 words in 10 chapters and try to include at least 2 important points in each chapter. You can increase the bulk of the book by including sections like

“About the Author”, “Introduction” of book, “Copyright/Disclaimer”, “Conclusion”, “Helpful links” etc. These sections will not only increase the bulk of the book but it will also give some professionalism to your work.

Book Cover: Spending hundreds and thousands of dollars for designing a book cover is not easy for everyone. You can create a professional book cover for free on www.canva.com, this website has some paid features too so make sure you select the ones which fits best in your budget.

Publishing: Those days are gone when you were required to spend at least few hundred dollars to publish your book. With Platforms like KDP, CreateSpace and ACX, you can publish your books for Absolutely Free in all the three formats (e-book, paperback and audio). Well publishing is free but you need to share the earnings with them. Good thing is, if your book is not selling then they won’t take money and the awesome thing about these platforms is there is no need to give your credit/debit card information. Because they don’t take advance fees, they are just taking the money from the customers who buy your book. Instead they will ask you to select an option on how you get paid (cheque, direct deposit, etc). How sweet! To simplify it more, look at this example: If your book is priced at 10 dollars, then they may take 4 dollars on every sale and the remaining 6 dollars, they will send it to you. So what are you waiting for, write a short book and try the above platforms. They accept both Pdf and Microsoft Word Format. Submit your file to www.kdp.amazon.com and it will get converted to an e-book. Submit it to www.createspace.com and it will be converted to a paperback book. Submit it to www.acx.com and your same book will be converted to an Audio book. Write one book and earn royalties from at least 3 places. Another beautiful thing about these platforms is, they all belong to Amazon Company and hence the process of uploading the book in all the 3 formats is pretty close to each other. There is no rocket science involved in it. There is no need to take care about sending the paperback edition of your books to customers because whenever someone orders your book, CreateSpace will print and mail the book on behalf of you.
Start publishing your books and thank me once you start earning royalties.

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