So, I have been called names for calling the Qadiani branch of the Ahmadiyya religion as a cult run by the Mirza Family for their personal financial gain.

In 2010, we exposed their secret web of companies and charities and how they were funneling away money in property investments. The Charities Commission looked the other way. We showed how Mirza Masroor Ahmad (below) re-organized the corporate structure in 2003 to be under the control of his trusted family and friends, while not having his own name on a single organization.

masroornaziali 1 - Biggest Charity Fraud in Panama Papers

We said then that when the cult implodes, the family may run away with their property investments. The time may have come for them to hide their wealth even further. And this wealth is not through business. It is by forcing poor people — benefits recipients — to cough up 5–10% of their income on penalty of ostracization. Just as the Internet has laid bare the theological fraud of the Mirza family, today it lays bare the rest of their secret web of offshore companies and accounts due to the Panama papers.

Flow of Money

Money flows as charitable donations from ‘have’ countries like U.S.,. Canada, Pakistan, Germany and U.K. into AMJ International from where it is distributed into dubious projects around the world. The accounting in each country is kept up to date, but money gets lost in international transactions.

The actual work of the organization is carried out through just one charity — Al-Shirkatul-Islamiyyah, and curiously, its income and expenses almost balance every year.
Since Mirza Masroor Ahmad came to power, he has focused on investing in properties and totally unrelated to the goals of the organization. We see from the Panama Papers that the
businesses are involved mostly in property investment.
