I have some questions if you don't mind, and I would like to ask you.

1) If I get to Paradise, I can wish a counsel season? Because, I wish to express my feelings to God and have a conversation just like I have a conversation with a therapist or counselor. Is that ok?

2) In Paradise, I can wish to talk to God as I want such as: by speaking with God in my mind, or directly just like Moses spoke?

3) In Paradise, I can wish to ask God's Leave such as:

May I ask You if I can wish for....? Or, as I like.

4) It is ok to wish for God To grant me a book filled with my questions and worries and thoughts and His answers for each of question I used to ask on earth?

Like, I used to pray long time ago for reversal of time and I was so obsessed that I could not accept the reality, and I now I wish to know what He thinks about my prayer.

This kind of answer for the prayer I wish to have revealed when I get to Paradise, that is if I get there.

So, can you kindly tell me if these wishes are ok to ask for?

Thank you