
Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه said:

The Messenger of Allaah صلي الله عليه وسلم said:

"If a man says the people are destroyed, he is the most destroyed among them.”


{ Imam Muslim in his Saheeh #2623 and Malik in his Muwatta }

Imam Ibn Abdul Barr رحمه الله commented:

What this refers to, according to the scholars, is when a man says this by way of looking down on them and showing contempt towards them, and expressing self-admiration. But if he says that out of sorrow and regret, and out of fear for them because of what he sees of their reprehensible actions, then he is not one of those referred to in this hadeeth. The difference between the two is that in the first case the speaker is pleased with himself and admires himself, and he is envious of those who are above him and scornful of those who are below him, whereas in the second case he is scolding and rebuking himself and is not pleased with himself.

{ Al Tamheed Sharh Al Muwatta }

Imam Al Nawaawi رحمه الله commented:

“The scholars agree that this disapproval refers only to those who say it in contempt for people, to denigrate them, to claim themselves superior to them, and to accuse them of evil intentions, for he does not know the secrets of Allaah in His creation.

{ Al Minhaaj Sharh Saheeh Muslim }

*** And Allaah عزوجل knows best ***