Memorizing the Quran is an important and valuable accomplishment for both kids and adults. Indeed, the Quran is our ultimate source of guidance and wisdom that is necessary even for our everyday life. So, by memorizing the Quran, children can understand the book of Allah more deeply and improve their connection with the ultimate Creator, Allah SWT. The lessons and Quranic stories additionally help kids in loving the Quran and learn from it.
Memorizing the Quran can seem like a difficult task, but with the right approach and methods, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for kids. Let's explore effective strategies and tips to help children memorize the Quran with ease and success.

  1. Make them acquainted with the Quran through Quranic stories

Sharing stories from the Quran helps children visualize the Quran more and improves their understanding. The Quranic stories such as the story of Prophet Yusuf (A.S) and Nuh (A.S) are some of the many examples that would undoubtedly draw children's interest in memorizing the Quran.

  1. Plan a convenient routine for kids

Children tend to be mentally prepared once they know when to expect the memorizing session.
So if you make one, you won't have to waste time and effort trying to get them to sit with you as you recite the Quran. You can also select a suitable time such as between Asr and Maghrib. You can also award them playtime after the memorization session to develop their habit.

  1. Let them take adequate time on basics

It is very important for kids to be firm in the Quranic Arabic in a complete manner. They should know the right articulation, intonation, and phonetics of the letters and words. Hence, it is wise to give them enough time to master their basic skills and proceed forward towards memorization of the Quran. Noorani Qaida is one the best book to assist kids.
Learn Noorani Qaida online with Almuhammadi Academy and give the gift of a strong foundation to your kids. Noorani Qaida online classes are handled by native Arabic-speaking tutors who also have vast experience in handling small kids and accelerating their learning process.

  1. Make them understand the Quran with the help of translation

In order to build their interest, let the kids understand Allah's book through its translation. It will also make it simpler to memorize the Quran for them and help them in receiving guidance. Let's not forget the long-term gains of studying the translation of the Quran as it will shape their personality right from early childhood. Also, avoid overloading children with information that will only confuse you and the child. Just give them enough information to maximize their curiosity.

  1. Comfort kids while facing difficulties and always support them

Memorizing the Quran may seem like a big task, especially in the beginning. And children could feel discouraged and disappointed by their insignificant successes or errors. Despite this, it's critical to avoid anticipating disappointment and encourage a positive atmosphere as well as attitude. Hence, the guardian should be patient with kids and teach them the virtue of patience too. The secret to learning and memorizing the Quran is understanding and implementing it in life and society for the betterment.

  1. Enroll them in an online Quran memorization course

Online Quran memorization courses for kids have several advantages over traditional way or offline classes too. One major benefit is flexibility and convenience as online classes can be taken from the comfort of home and can be scheduled to fit the child's needs and routine. Also, online classes frequently offer specific help and attention from the instructor, enabling a more personalized learning experience. Through online education, kids can choose from a larger pool of skilled and experienced professors. Furthermore, online courses often utilize technology to make the learning experience more engaging and interactive for children, such as interactive software, video conferencing, and digital resources. Indeed, online Quran classes for kids by Almuhammadi Academy offer a flexible, personalized, and cost-effective solution for children to learn and memorize the Quran.

  1. Reward them on their accomplishments

We all know that rewards and appreciation have a positive impact on the little learner's mind. Hence, to keep a child's motivation strong and increase their commitment and capacity to study, one should acknowledge all of their accomplishments. Even the tiniest acknowledgment will go a long way and motivate them to memorize further. The reward can be in the form of a loving hug, smile, or some sweets or toy. However, one should also remember not to inculcate the greed quotient in kids by offering them lavish gifts as they may focus on receiving the gift rather than memorizing the Quran with pure intention. Make them realize that their greatest accomplishment lies in memorizing the Quran and following it.