I'm a born muslim, and I'm always thinking about death, Allah, hell and paradise, the evidences of judgement day coming, both big and small, murder and death of innocent people.
One thought came to my mind the other day. Basically Allah gave human beings a gift or a hex of free will, call it whatever you like, which is why there is evil in our wold, some people are being good and some are being evil, but the most important thing is that due to this divine plan, Allah's perpspective, call it whatever you want, He does not intefere with free will. That means some crazy person, a tyrant, like Putin or some other can easily use a nuclear weapon and kill everyone on our planet, which means that all things I'm hearing and watching related to the judgement day and it's evidences won't come true, which is a major contradiction for me in regards with God existence. Please change my mind, I really want to believe and I'm scared