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THE Way of the Ignorance! (PART 2)

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    THE Way of the Ignorance! (PART 2)

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    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam)I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. O Muslim People! O People of America Lend me your Ears! [It is related from Anas ibn Malik in al-Bukhari that (
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)said, "Among the signs of the Hour are the disappearance of knowledge, the establishment of ignorance, the drinking of wine and the appearance of fornication." ] [Anas ibn Malik said,
    "I shall tell you a Hadith which I heard from Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), and which no-one will tell you after me. I heard him say, 'Among the signs of the Hour will be the disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance. Adultery will be prevalent and the drinking of wine will be common.] [Abu Hurayra was heard to relate from
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) "Knowledge will be taken away, ignorance and sedition will appear, and there will be a lot of killing." ]The first of these signs of the deterioration of humanity and approaching end of time is the disappearance of the knowledge which we are commanded to seek in words of Allah, "Say: Rabb, increase me in knowledge." (20:114) The importance of knowledge and its consequences is expressed throughout the Qur'an: "Only His slaves who have knowledge fear Allah," (35:28) and "Only those with knowledge will understand it," (29:43) and "And they say, 'If only we had listened or used our intellects we would not have been among the people of the Blaze." (67:10) The list of ayats about this goes on and on. Without knowledge you will not fear Allah and will not understand, and hence are likely to end up in the Fire. [The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there will be fifty women to be looked after by one man.'"Knowledge will be taken away from men and ignorance will increase during the last days, and their ignorance and misguidance will increase until the end, as in the Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam):
    The message of Islam started over 1400 years ago and it came as the complete religion that governs the social, economic, and political systems of humanity. The era preceding the message of Islam was one of the most important eras to study. It is that era that Islam fought first and aimed to change. That era is known as the Age of Jahiliyya (Ignorance),Very similar to the Age that we are living in now. At first look, one might say that Islam fought and changed the people during Jahiliyya, but given our current technological and scientific era, things are different. Upon examining Jahiliyya deeper, it will be very evident how our world today is very different from the world back then on the surface, but at their cores they are exactly the same. Understanding these similarities is key if we are to follow the right path, enjoin the good, and forbid the evil. We are living in a Time where People are claiming Knowledge and claiming intelligence,but in reality they are in great ignorance. A statement of Complete Ignorance!(Stated that the More devout a Muslim is the more likely they are to be Violent. This Statement is From the most Ignorance,Unjust, Cruel and oppressive Atheism Organization in America The F.B.I,-{A September 2011 National Security Report Titled, FBI Teaches Agents: Mainstream Muslims are 'Violent,Radical' Highlighted the FBI's use of biased and factually inaccurate anti-Muslim training materials. Many of the training materials stated that the More Devout a Muslim is the more likely they are to be Violent.} [ISLAMIC HORIZONS]Jan/Feb/2012/1433. This is Blind ignorance ,that Leads to Blind arrogance,that also leads to Blind actions,and Blind actions leads to self Destruction,This shows how ignorant this government really is!. The Best Example of Blind actions is Power that is uncheck by Knowledge. When the people select the most ignorant people as leaders anything is subject to happen! And these ignorant leaders are Making moves that will create major problems in the World!-The Questions is: Is this the age of Modern technical Enlightenment? OR The age of Modern technical ignorance.This organization The F.B.I. This agency do not respected the constitution and they operates as if they are above the Laws of the Land, If they are above the Laws of the land,why are they operating in America? They use and digned their Training materials to incite Hate,this Organization with power and influence in the U.S. have been saying some very stupid things about Islam and Some of it is rooted in conscious malice, and ethnic prejudice that spills over into religious bigotry. But some is rooted in sheer historical and geographical ignorance against Islam and they are not comfortable with ordinary people unless the people are intimidated or are fearful of them,The most violent element in society is ignorance and Fear. This Organization! Their ignorance Philosophy is that they say if a muslim takes islam serious,if a muslim takes what ALLAH's said serious then he has the potential of being violent,and their ignorance gos on, they say if a muslim prays to much,Gets up in the Night and prays,this one has a potential for violent or terrorism,how is it that they know that muslims are geting up at night and praying?) they also say If a muslim study the Holy Quran too much and he crys when he read the Words of ALLAH,then this one has the potential to be inspired to violent or terrorism, again how is it that they know that muslims are reading the words of ALLAH from The holy Quran and crying? (Because these people they are some where Listening and watching.)They say If a muslim wear muslim garments(muslim clothing) in the public every day then this one has the potential for violent or terrorism) they contenues to say If a muslim wears aTurban in the public their thinking and philosophy is that any one wearing a full turban is considered a terrorist. they contenue if a muslim is too kind to his wife and neighbors,this one need to be watchs,(secret cameras instilled in the homes of muslims without their knowledge, in their privet bedroom and bathroom,(the Questions is what kind of potential terrorist act can a muslims commit in the privacy of his bedroom with his wife?. or in the privacy of the bathroom?)( the Real Question is what is it that these people are really tring to see? ) (These are the Muslims who have been targeted by this Organization,these muslims may number in the Hundreds or the Thousands) This is the epitome of ignorance In the West!All of this! All of this is nothing but oppression! in the present days, ignorance about islam has become widespread do to lies and deceit, from this ignorant oppressive Organization. Behind the Muslims people backs comes this organization of ignorant people who's cruel and oppressive behavior has increase over the years. To this ignorant organization the verse applies: "There are those among them who come to listen to thee, and when they leave thee, ask of those who have received knowledge, 'What has he just said?' These are they whose hearts ALLAH has sealed up with blindness and who only follow their passions. O foolish ones give up your madness and turn to ALLAH! Come to ISLAM Wholeheartedly the time is getting short and the Hour is near. O Enemies of ALLAH! You can run around and tell as many lies to all of those who will accept it, spreading dissension among the Muslims, telling lies causeing the muslims to mistrust each other, and stir up sedition and creating hostility between the Muslims and the non-muslim, tring to destroy the Character and Integrity of the Believing Muslims,you can fool some of the people, you cannot fool all of the people with Lies and deceit, the people can ask you one question what did this person or these people do wrong? Where are the facts? Where is the proof? All this is the characteristics of deceitful Disbelievers, Allaah says: “They wish that you reject faith as they have rejected (faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another).” (An-Nisaa’: 89).
    The Kaafirs plots against the Muslims by night and betrays them in the day. Enmity towards you is vividly shown in their faces and their utterances. They bites their fingertips in severe anger against the Muslims and their inner-self is full of evil plans against them. they pretends to be trustworthy and good mannered while they are actually pursuing their own interests. ALLAH exposes them when he says: “Hatred has already appeared from their mouths but what their breasts conceal is far worse.” (Aal-Imran: 118).They hide their lies and treachery in apparent truthfulness and sincerity, please you with words of their mouths while their hearts rejects you. They argue with falsehood and conceal the truth. Their evil plots against the Muslims are great; but Allaah will render their plan fruitless, for, “The plots of disbelievers are nothing but error.” ALLAH said in The Holy Quran(24:13-14-15)
    (13.) Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses, such men, in the sight of Allah, (stand forth) themselves as liars! (14. Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, in this world and the Hereafter, a grievous penalty would have seized you in that ye rushed glibly into this affair. 15. Behold, ye received it on your tongues, and said out of your mouths things of which ye had no knowledge; and ye thought it to be a light matter, while it was most serious in the sight of Allah. If the human being comes to know his heart, he comes to know who he is, and then he comes to know his Rabb. If they are ignorant about themselves, then they are ignorant about their Rabb. If you are ignorant of yourself, how can you know anything else? Allah says in the Qur’an how those who have forgotten Allah, He has caused them to forget themselves. These are the people who will not be able to do anything good.
    They used their ignorant Philosophy(The Philosophy of the Ignorance) to cripple the minds and hearts of the people by spreading ignorance corruption and lies that can blinds the people hearts for generations to come! And we see that in this U.S. Government and it people, and also in many people throughout the world especially those who were under colonialism, imperialism and communism. When colonialism left the people, left the countries it has conquered, it left its Governmental structure(parliamentary procedure ) and its Language in place and great ignorance among the people they ruled such as ignorance of their original culture, ignorance to their original Language and ignorance of their original way of life!
    Language is the great bond that holds society together and this world.” Language is the common conduit whereby knowledge is conveyed from one man and one generation to another. It accomplishes this crucial task by enabling us to record our own thoughts and to communicate with others. To appreciate the crucial and indispensable task that language performs, one needs only to understand what language is and how it functions; that is, language is primarily a tool of cognition. It provides us with a system of classifying and organizing knowledge. It enables us to acquire knowledge on an unlimited scale and to keep order in our minds and hearts, which means, enables us to think clearly . The principal consequence of language is communication. For many years we have been witnessing a corruption of language thought out the World , effectively destroying the bond that holds society and the world together. There are several reasons for this, but all of them have a common goal—“to darken truth(deceive) and unsettle people’s rights.” But we are concerned here with those of evil intentions who wish to “unsettle people’s rights, and also who want to keep the world in deep ignorance and corruption, They will employ any means to gain their end, such as obscurantism, obfuscation, deception, and falsification. ---The colonial powers knew that to corrupt the language is to conquer the people, And also by corrupting the language it lead to crippling the minds and blinding the hearts of the people! No right minded person wants to live in a society where the rule of law is ignorance that is gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery That is not democracy; that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end ! The Philosophy of the Ignorance is not just any Philosophy it goes back to the Ancient Rome.
    ------ Knowledge-----
    It is related from Anas ibn Malik in al-Bukhari that
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, "Among the signs of the Hour are the disappearance of knowledge, the establishment of ignorance, the drinking of wine and the appearance of fornication." Abu Hurayra was heard to relate from Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) "Knowledge will be taken away, ignorance and sedition will appear, and there will be a lot of killing."
    The first of these signs of the deterioration of humanity and approaching end of time is the disappearance of the knowledge which we are commanded to seek in words of Allah, "Say: Rabb, increase me in knowledge." (20:114) The importance of knowledge and its consequences is expressed throughout the Qur'an: "Only His slaves who have knowledge fear Allah," (35:28) and "Only those with knowledge will understand it," (29:43) and "And they say, 'If only we had listened or used our intellects we would not have been among the people of the Blaze." (67:10) The list of ayats about this goes on and on. Without knowledge you will not fear Allah and will not understand, and hence are likely to end up in the Fire.
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, "If Allah desires good for someone, He gives him understanding in the deen. Knowledge is gained through learning." Abu Dharr pointed to his neck and said, "If you were to put the sword here and I thought that I could finish one sentence which I heard from Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) before you finished me, I would say it."
    'Ali stated, "Knowledge is better than riches, for knowledge guards you while you guard riches. Knowledge governs while riches are governed. Riches diminish with spending but knowledge increases with it."
    The people of knowledge are 'the heirs of the Prophets', as
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said. He also said, "Wisdom adds honour to the noble and exalts the slave until he attains to the level of kings." He also said, "A single faqih is more formidable to Shaytan than a thousand worshippers." This is because the one with knowledge can distinguish between the halal and the haram, and see the perils and machinations of Shaytan and thus avoid the traps he sets.
    But you must take care with knowledge. Knowledge can be a dangerous thing. Knowledge can be confused with information and knowledge can be misused. Hammad ibn Salama, who was thought to be one of the Abdal, said, "Whoever utters hadith for the sake of other than Allah is deceived by it." A commentator pointed out that knowledge can deceive him because knowledge is like the ferocious lion and hadith is the core of knowledge. This lion can only be overcome through the help of Allah by having fear of Allah and sincere intention. Even if you overcome the lion, you must still be alert because if you ignore and neglect it, it will become unsubmissive. Then the lion will attack its owner and kill him. So knowledge is a dangerous creature requiring great caution and care.
    This is reflected in what
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said which is reported in al-Bukhari, "Allah will not take away knowledge from His servants, but knowledge will be taken away as the men of knowledge are taken away until there is not a single man of knowledge left. Then people will take ignorant men for their leaders who will be asked something and will give a fatwa (decision) without any knowledge. They will go astray and lead others astray." This does not mean that they do not have libraries of tafsir, hadith and commentaries. Other hadiths and sayings of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) describe people who know the Qur'an by heart, but do not know what it means or what it says. Their knowledge is in the books and on the tongues, and not in the heart or on the limbs.
    Abu'd-Darda' related that he heard
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) say, "Allah revealed to one of the Prophets, 'Say unto those who study fiqh for a purpose other than the deen and to those who acquire knowledge for a purpose other than that of acting according to it, that they appear before people in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves. Their tongues are sweeter than honey, but their hearts are more bitter than colocynth. They act deceitfully against Me and scorn Me. I will confront them with temptations which would confound even the wise."
    Ibn Mas'ud stated, "The Qur'an was revealed in order that men may direct their lives according to its teaching. But instead you have made it your life work."
    Abu Allah ibn 'Ata' said, "Knowledge is dependent upon acting on it." It is just as Imam ash-Shafi'i said, "Knowledge is not what is memorised. Knowledge is what benefits." In other words, that which has results.
    Hence we can see that knowledge must entail action. 'Umar b. al-Khattab asked Ka'b who the lords of knowledge were. He replied that they are those who act according to what they know.
    The goal of Muslim (knowledge) is to seek the pleasure of Allah and to create and maintain an environment in which one can act without hindrance for the pleasure of Allah, worship Allah as He should be worshipped, and follow the commands of Allah and avoid the things He has prohibited. It is exceedingly difficult to put one's knowledge into practice if one is drowning in a sea of usury, bereft of any leadership to show one which way to swim, let alone how to get out. Hence the neccessity of recognising the destructive and haram nature of usury and the fact that amirate is necessary to help implement action by knowledge.
    Action is necessarily wider than the sphere of the individual. It is also important not to turn Islam into a private religion and divorce it from the arena of political and social action - as the Reformation ultimately did to Christianity by demolishing the political unity of Christendom and replacing it with the nebulous area of private conscience. In fact, this modern Reformationist trend is attempting to insinuate itself into Islam along with the view that if one's private spiritual state is sound - or seems to be sound - then there is no pressing need to carry the business into the social arena. This results in complacency and a gradual weakening of Islam, an erosion of its natural economic, political and social thrust. What was once a small crack soon becomes a vast chasm.
    Allah says, "You have a good model in
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)." (33:21) The word which Allah uses for model is"uswa" which means an example or exemplar and the root of the word also carries a connotation of healing and consolation. The healing in the root of the word "asa" is a surgical healing. The healing involved is of a surgical nature. It is cutting away the source of the poison to heal the body. The body in this case is the Muslim Umma which is failing to act upon what it knows. Or indeed, it is failing to act because its so-called leaders are stifling real action and many aspiring leaders are directing people in the wrong direction.
    The Muslim Umma is definitely a body which is in need of healing. The question is: where is one to find it? The answer is: in the model of behaviour shown by
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) which continued to be practised in Madina where the bulk of Companions were located. 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar said, "When a sedition occurs, if people would only refer the business to the people of Madina, and if they agree on something, then the business would be right. But when a dog barks, people follow it." This is because, as we said, hadith is a lion. The jurist 'Abdullah ibn Wahb said, "The hadith misguide people other than the men of knowledge. If it had not been for Malik and al-Layth, I would have been lost.' He was asked, "How is that?" He replied, "I knew a lot of hadiths and it confused me. I used to present them to Malik and al-Layth and they would say, 'Take this and leave that.'"
    Hence the stress on following those who KNOW what is meant by the hadith and whether it is acted upon in a general manner or not. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, "I forbid by Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted, that a man relate a hadith of action different from it," i.e. than what the practice ('amal) of Madina was. Malik ibn Anas said, "The men of the people of knowledge among the Tabi'un reported hadiths which had been conveyed to them from others and they said, "We are not ignorant of this, but the past action is other than it."
    Ibn Mahdi said, "Often I will have many hadiths on a particular subject but will find the people of the Suffa, the people of Madina, following something contrary to it. Therefore those hadiths become weak in my opinion." Ibn al-Mu'adhdhil said, "I heard a man ask Ibn Majishun, 'Why did you relate the hadith and then leave it?' He replied, 'So that it will be known that we left it with full knowledge of it." It is worth noting that none of the various seditions and sects which developed did so in Madina because they applied this criterion.
    The process which they followed is described in a letter of Malik ibn Anas to al-Layth ibn Sa'id:
    "After he (
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) ) was gone, the people followed those from among his community who were given authority after him. When something happened to them that they had knowledge about, they carried it out. If they did not have knowledge of it, they asked about it and then took the strongest of what they found concerning the matter in hand through ijtihad helped by recentness of their contact (with Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)). If someone opposed them or said something else which was stronger than the ruling they had made and better than it, they left the former and acted upon the latter.
    "Then the Tabi'un after them travelled this Path and followed those sunan. Since the business in Madina was outward and acted upon, I have not seen anyone who opposed it because of the inheritance they had received which no one is allowed to plagiarise or lay claim to. If the people of other cities had begun to say, 'This is the action which is in our city and this is what happened in it from those before us, they would not be certain about that."
    Part of this Path is to be extremely careful about rushing to declare something unlawful (haram): Malik said, " Nothing is harder for me than when I am asked a question about the halal and the haram because this is absolute in the judgement of Allah. I met the people of knowledge and fiqh in our land and if one of them was asked such a question, it was as if death were dearer to him. But I see the people of this time desiring to discuss it and give fatwa. If they had understood what it is that they are heading for Tomorrow, they would have done little of this. As for 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, 'Ali and the best of the Companions, and the best generation to whom
    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), was sent, when questions came to them, they would gather together the Companions of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)and ask. Then and only then would they give a fatwa on it. The people of our time now pride themselves in their fatwas and the knowledge they have. It was not the business of the people nor of those who passed away before us who are followed and on whom Islam is based to say, 'This is halal and this is haram,' but they would say, 'I dislike this' and 'I think this.' But as for the halal and the haram, this is inventing things against Allah"
    Malik also forbade arguing about the Deen. He said, 'Quarrelling and argument in matters of knowledge remove the light of belief from the heart,' and 'Disputation hardens people's hearts and brings about rancour.' Malik was asked, 'Should a man with knowledge of the Sunna argue about it?' He said, 'No. He should inform people about the Sunna if they will accept it from him. Otherwise he should remain silent.' This does not preclude active discussion of matters of fiqh for the sake of discovering the truth but it does exclude debate for the sake of debate because it leads to a hardening of positions in the heat of argument and condemning one's opponent out of hand.
    Al-Hasan al-Basri said, "Two innovations have appeared in Islam: a man of bad judgement who holds that the Garden will be the reward only for those who see eye to eye with him, and a man of luxury and extravagance who worships this world. .. Reject these two for they are doomed to the Fire."

    So we have three types of people in respect of knowledge:
    - one who follows true knowledge and applies it;
    - one who seeks to satisfy his appetites,
    -and one who seeks to have people follow his opinions.
    Incidentally, Plato also puts mankind into these three classes according to the element of the soul which prevails in them.

    As far as truly useful knowledge is concerning, there is the following story of Hatim al-Asamm and the knowledge that he acquired from his teacher, Shaqiq al-Balkhi. It is reported that Shaqiq asked Hatim how long he had been with him. Hatim replied that it had been thirty-three years. Shaqiq then asked, "And what have you learnt during this period?" Hatim said, "Eight things." Shaqiq exclaimed, "We belong to Allah and to Him we return! I have spent my life teaching you and you have only learned eight things!?" Hatim stated, "I have learnt nothing else and I do not like to lie about it."
    Shaqiq said, "So tell what these eight things are then." Hatim replied, "I looked around and saw that everyone has something or someone he loves and with whom he remains until the moment he dies. Then they part. Therefore I made good actions the object of my love so that when my hour of death comes, that which I love will accompany me to the grave." Shaqiq said, "You have done well, Hatim. So what is the second thing you have learned?"
    Hatim said, "I reflected on the words of Allah, 'As for the one who fears the station of his Rabb and holds his self back from passion, the Garden will be his dwelling-place.' (79:40-41) I know that what Allah said is the truth. Therefore I struggled with myself and strived to repel passion (hawa) until I was well settled in obedience to Allah.
    "As for the third point, I looked at people and found that everyone treasures and exalts whatever valuable things he has in his possession. Then I examined the words of Allah, "That which you possess will vanish and that which is with Allah will go on" (16: 98) I then began to give to Allah anything valuable which came into my possession so that it would remain in His preservation.
    "As for the fourth item, I looked around at people and saw that everyone places his trust in wealth, descent, honour and lineage. When I examined these things, I found them to be without substance. Then I considered the words of Allah, "Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has the most fearful awareness (taqwa). (49:13) Therefore I devoted myself to fearful awareness of Allah so that I could have honour in the sight of Allah.
    "Fifthly, I looked at people and saw them slandering and cursing each other out of envy. Then I examined the words of Allah, "It is We who distribute the livelihood they have in the life of this world." (43:31) So I abandoned envy and I befriended people, knowing that one's portion comes from Allah. Therefore I no longer harbour enmity for people.
    "Sixthly, I saw men fighting each other and oppressing each other, so I turned to what Allah said, "Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take him for an enemy." (35:6) So I took shaytan alone to be my enemy and strove hard to be on my guard against him because Allah has testified that he is my enemy. Accordingly I ceased to hate anyone else.
    "The seventh thing was that I saw everyone running after their daily bread and debasing themselves and entering into all sorts of haram things to obtain it. Then I examined the words of Allah, " "There is no creature on the face of the earth but that its provision is Allah's responsibility." (11:8) I knew that I was one of those creatures whose provision is Allah's responsibility, so I occupied myself with what I owe Allah and left my property with Him.
    "The eighth thing was that I looked at people and saw that they all put their trust in something created - one in his estate, another in his wealth, another in his work and yet another in his physical health. They all put their trust in things which are created just as they are created. I referred back to Allah's words, ""Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will be enough for him." (65:3) So I placed my trust in Allah and He is enough for me."
    Shaqiq exclaimed, "Hatim, may Allah make you prosper! I have studied the sciences of the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, and the Immense Qur'an and I have found that every variety of good and religion revolves around these eight things. Whoever practises them practises all four books."
    Last edited by k.ibrahim; 08-02-2023 at 08:10 AM.
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