
my thoughts:

dhikr n fikr n grateful to Allah swt , only please Allah swt , ponder upon the greatness of Allah swt Who created us
chat gpt: how to increase iman

Strengthening faith (iman) involves various personal and spiritual practices. Consider:

1. **Knowledge**: Learn more about your faith through reading religious texts and seeking guidance from knowledgeable sources.

2. **Prayer (Salah)**: Establish regular prayers to deepen your connection with the divine.

3. **Reflection (Tafakkur)**: Take time to contemplate and reflect on the teachings of your faith, applying them to your life.

4. **Good Deeds (Sadaqah)**: Engage in acts of kindness and charity to strengthen your sense of compassion and empathy.

5. **Community Involvement**: Participate in religious communities to share experiences and support one another in your spiritual journey.

6. **Avoid Negativity**: Surround yourself with positive influences and strive to avoid negativity that may weaken your faith.

7. **Dua (Supplication)**: Engage in heartfelt prayers, expressing your desires and seeking guidance.

8. **Patience and Gratitude**: Develop patience during challenges and gratitude during moments of ease, recognizing divine wisdom in both.

Remember, the path to increased faith is personal, and finding a balance that works for you is essential.